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Best Poems Written by Mercy K Endondo

Below are the all-time best Mercy K Endondo poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Sound Sleep

I pray that
I beg that
The next time I close my eyes to sleep
Let me sleep forever
The next time dreams hold me captive
Let them not be dreams of you
Let them bring me tranquility
Let them lock me tight in the cell of peace
Let them chain me up with affection
Let them sweep me off my feat to a land yonder
To a land of just me and me
Where I'll be far and away from these haunting thoughts
Am on bended knees,
That the next time my eyes shut
All that feels and sounds real
Will be nothing but mere imaginations

Copyright © Mercy K Endondo | Year Posted 2011

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In the Silence of the Night

I write to you my love to tell u that

In the silence of the night

As the mood was right n the stars shone bright

As we lay with no fright and our souls raised to great heights like kites n flights

As the moon gave the light and al was serene within our sight

As u held me tight n right with your right arm

In the silence of the night

I heard your heart-beat upon mine

So you don’t have to say anything

For I already knew how you felt

In the silence of the night.

Copyright © Mercy K Endondo | Year Posted 2011

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Ghetto Mentality

Within these walls
Deep down in the hearts of these slums
Underneath all the poverty
Beyond the misery and turbulence
Past all the the violence and insecurity
Deep deep down these slums lays a treasure
A treasure worth pursuing
A treasure finely wrapped in fine linen
One that can be the remedy to our misery
One that can terminate the poverty
But unfortunately
Only a few can realize it
The finest Artists and rappers
Talented footballers
Those skilled in graphics
Best known DJ's 
Excellent actors and actresses
And many more 
All these add up to its population
But it is sad how all these goes to waste
Poverty forcefully drugs us to look for easier ways to feed
Corruption is so selfish that it never allow us room to exploit our talents
Drugs champions all when it takes the best part of these gifted minds
And all that is left 
Are screwed up lives, disturbed minds and blurred futures
The treasure keeps being covered up at the expense of our incapability
And am left to wonder
For how much longer will these keep going on?
When will the chain ever break?
When will we ever find something to smile about?
When will the treasure ever be uncovered?
When will we rise beyond our mediocrity?
When will go to bed not worrying about what tomorrow will be like?
Until then, we do what we know how to do best
Love those dear to us warmly
Stick together in brotherly affection, embracing each others joys and sorrow
Share the bread with the lesser fortunate
Use laughter: the best medicine to cure our ailments
Crack jokes to give our empty bellies a cold shoulder
Although uncertain of whether our dreams will be realized,
We hold on to our candles 
Awaiting a brighter dawn.

Copyright © Mercy K Endondo | Year Posted 2011

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Lost Humanity

Dreams unrealized....
Visions blurred....
Hope forsaken....
The lighting candle blown off....
The light at the end of the tunnel is from an oncoming train....
Love lost...
Unity contaminated...
Storms blowing in and out...
The charm we wear is deceptive...
Frowns have replaced smiles...
The peace we had sabotaged with insecurity...
Tranquility has surrendered to unrest 
Sadness has been left for us to embrace...
Unity has given way to division..
Detest and malice has taken the beta part of us...
Brotherhood is no longer of essence...
Selfishness has slowly and smartly crept in...
Infidelity is our daily bread as one is just not enough
Love is no longer perceived as a virtue to be upheld but an act of naivety..
Daughters informing on mothers, sons colluding against fathers...
And am left to wonder
When did the page turn?
When did we lose grip?
When did animosity trade places with humanity 
And just when…. when....
Did we begin having this human nature?

Copyright © Mercy K Endondo | Year Posted 2011

Book: Shattered Sighs