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Best Poems Written by Natasha Gillen

Below are the all-time best Natasha Gillen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Your On My Mind

Your on My Mind

From the moment I wake your all I think about
From sun up to sun down
Your on my mind
I can’t concentrate for daydreaming about you
You have me feeling like a teen in love
Butterflies running free within me 
I am nervous like when we first met
When you flash that brilliant smile 
Baby, you make it all worth while
Those pretty brown eyes are dangerous
They immobilize me with just one glance
My heart feels as if it is under a trance
The love I feel for you is oh so real
I wish you knew how you make me feel
Like every good dream I have ever had is in fact real
It was you back in the beginning that helped my heart to heal
You are my guiding light
To tell the truth you are my everything 
I can’t stop thinking about you
You are all that fills my heart 
All that I speak of
What did I ever do without you
You were on my mind then 
And you are on my mind now
With a husband like you who would want to think of anything else

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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Through the Years

Through The Years

Trough the years my love for you has bloomed
Bursting with vibrancy, the petals of love reaching up toward the light
Like my loving arms longing to embrace you
Through the years our bond has become resilient
Like the roots of a Sequoya, rooted deep, unmovable
I fear I can’t love you enough for my satisfaction 
But day by day my love increases, feeding my wanting soul
Filling me with joy
Through the years we have struggled and strived
From thick to thin, through harsh and mild
Battling life’s adversaries side by side
Our version of Bonnie and Clyde
Through the years I have seen you grow and transform
Becoming the man I didn’t know you could be
So subtle and distinct like the musk of the Egyptians
Would I have know the man you have become 
Through the years my love has elevated to an exceptional level
It soars up high on the wings of an Eagle
Kissing and caressing the sky
Like the sweet kisses you lavish on my willing lips
Through the years our souls have become intertwined
Twisting and fortifying the strands of our hearts
Making what was once two become one
Changing our once eager love into our now total adoring devotion
Such a journey we have made is not for the faint of heart
This story we have written not intended for the novice 
A picturesque love we have nurtured and cherished
My love we have made it……..
Through the years

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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Now I stop dear Ummi to think
Of all the things you’ve done
Of all the tears you’ve dried for me
And all the battles won
Of all the times my head hung low 
Without a friend to care
Now looking back 
I clearly see
It was you dear Ummi
Who was always there!
You never let me do without
You had my back without a doubt!
Without your tender loving care
My whole world I could not bear!
I love you with my entire heart
I loved you from the start!
I pray you know how much I care
Disappointing you I could not bear!

I love you Ummi!

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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In all that my eyes behold, I see such splendor.
In the waxing of the moon and the rising of the sun I see the signs.
In the sparkle of a star and the opulence of the clouds I see.
When a child is born and a mother cries with joy I see.
When the ocean caresses the shore and seagulls call, I see.
With every sight I take in my eyes are overwhelmed.
How can there be such beauty?
How is I can see such grandeur and deny the truth?
In all that my body can sense, I feel such majesty.
In the feel of silk on the skin, I feel the signs.
When I feel the touch of my husbands embrace I feel.
When I feel the texture of sand, each microscopic grain I feel.
How can there be so many experiences of touch?
How can I feel such humbling feelings and deny the truth?
In all that my mouth can taste, I savor such greatness.
In the freshness of milk straight from bosom of the cow I taste the signs.
In the exquisiteness of ripe melon on a hot day, I taste the signs.
In the intense tenderness of my husbands kiss I taste the signs.
How can there be such amazing tastes and always more to come?
How can I taste the experiences of the world and never be bored?
How can I taste of this life and deny the truth? 
In the sound of thunder chasing the lighting, I hear the signs.
In the sound of water licking at stones in a brook, I hear the signs.
In the sound of the Adhan being called to the world, I hear the signs.
How can I hear such wonder and still not hear it all?
How can my ears experience the world yet there is never pure silence?
How can my ears hear all that is in this life and deny the truth?
In all that is to be sensed in this life, only Allah has created.
With every experience my body takes in my heart rejoices in reverence.
With every sign I encounter I know Islam is the truth.
I can not experience life and doubt you majesty and brilliance. 
I have never been surer of anything as I am of Islam.
For it is in the signs that all is confirmed in my mind.

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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The Fight Within

The Fight Within

Everyday is a struggle between good and evil
Right and wrong
Each moment to be a decision for yah or nay
In or out
With every breath I long to scream for respite
Never a break in the constant battering of negative thoughts
I need to be true but I want to be nevermore
My mind pulling in polar opposites
Ripping and tearing my poor soul to shreds
Replacing and repairing to make again a whole
Only peace and love will enable my soul to mend
Why do I have to brawl when all I want is serenity
To live a life of normalcy and bliss
Why can’t I control the outcome or the odds
When will the cards be at last stacked in my favor
I want back control and sway over my mind, body and soul
I can’t keep fighting this endless battle
I need a breather before I subside and perish in the inner darkness
If I do not gather my strength and muster my self-respect
The demons shall triumph over me and I will be no more
I must strike out against the pessimist I don’t want to be
I will gather all my energy from every fiber of my being
And I will fight 
And I will win
Win the fight that rages within

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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The Bond

The Bond

There is a bond.
A bond between two, a bond between many.
An invisible chain that links one another and makes them as one.
A bond that is strong like the day is long.
A bond that is forged in stone and tender as the heart.
This bond is between my sister and I.
It keeps us close and holds us tight.
It watches over us deep into the night.
This bond that we have is unbreakable and true.
Allah only knows what I would do without you.
You are my sister, my friend, my pillar of strength.
You keep me safe in your tender embrace.
Your sweet memory I could never erase.
We have lived as friends and sisters for spell.
But it is you my dear sister I must tell. 
You are a blessing to me and a rock to lean on.
I have high hope we shall go on and on. 
I want only the best for you.
Because I want for my sister what I want for myself. 
With the help of Allah be can share our bond in the Jannah.

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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Light In the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

Your heart is my beacon of hope
Shining Bright and true with fierce luminosity
The love you give is like a burst of afternoon sun
Your heart’s radiance guides me to you
Like a map of trailblazing brilliancy
With your love my soul is illuminated, intense and secure
The outside world is damp and dark
Full of treachery and deceit
Your love is the light in the darkness
The one thing I know to be true and real
As long as your mine my path is laid clear
Straight and unobstructed right to your very soul
When I feel the darkness sinking in there you are
To elucidate my inner demons and pull me back
You are my savior, my knight and my saving grace
Your heart’s love shines so bright I can see only pure solar luster
The darkness is always there creeping up from behind
And there you are with the light of love to guide me through
Through the Darkness
Straight to you

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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In My Dreams

In My Dreams

In my dreams our life plays out.
Exactly like a movie scene.
I see us together.
It’s always you and me, old and grey.
I see the life I want us to live.
I see the family I want us to build.
I feel the love between you and me.
I feel the connection that we have made.
A bond so strong that hold us up.
Allah knows I will never give you up.
The love we share is like the stars.
Never too far, but always just in reach.
So brilliant and beautiful.
Your loves light shines down on my heart.
It lights the path straight to your heart.
The love I feel for you is strong and deep.
You are the husband I want to keep.
Always and forever.
In this life and the next.
You and me, together in the Jannah.
When I dream, I dream of you.
When I hope I hope for you.
When I hurt I yearn for you.
When I dream I dream of We.
You are always In My Dreams.
Such sweet dreams.

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

Details | Natasha Gillen Poem

Love Or Something Like It

Love Or Something Like It

I have loved your for the moment I met you.
From first sight I knew I had to be in your world.
When you first spoke your words enveloped my heart.
I saw the light with in you shine with such radiance I felt I should shield my eyes.
You spoke of the world and what is should be.
You had no idea what effect you had on me.
Your world soon came to include me.
Allah only knows how I made it this far without you.
Now we live as we are one.
Allah knows you are my only one.
Life is so lovely and blessed, Allah the exalted is surly the Best.
What a beautiful life we now have.
You are the best I have ever had.
We have an eternity Inshallah, to bloom and grow.
If only I had words to show.
Show just how much you make your run wild.
Show just how much my soul is at ease.
Show just how grateful I am for you.
I live each day striving to be the best. 
The best Muslim wife, mother, lover and friend.
Allah knows I do not want this life of ours to end.
I spend every moment thanking Allah for the gift.
The gift of life, love and happiness.
You are my world, my heart and my soul.
With out you I am sure I would be no more.
With every breath that I take, I love you ever more.
You are my forever love.
My husband, my friend.
I will fight by your side to the very end. 
Everything good in this life is from Allah.
Every blessing I receive I thank Allah.

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011

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I have hope for us.
I hope we can stand the test of time.
I hope we can grow old together.
I hope that when your heart hurts you can come to me.
In the darkness of the night I hope you think of me.
In the brilliance of morning light I hope it is you I see when I wake.
When the storm bears down on us I hope it is I who you cling to.
While the world buzzes around us I hope I can hang on tight.
When the seas rage and the clouds dump their burden upon us I hope it is I that comes to mind.
While hate envelopes the world I hope it is my love you feel.
When there is nowhere for you to turn I hope you turn to me.
I hope you can feel my devotion in my actions.
I hope you can hear my words expressing my deepest emotions.
When the world feels as if is shall crumble at a moments notice, I hope you know you can
count on me.
At the end of the day when all is said and done I hoe you know just how much you mean to me.
I hope you know I love you.
I hope you know you are my forever love.
I also hope you feel the same way too….

Copyright © Natasha Gillen | Year Posted 2011


Book: Reflection on the Important Things