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Best Poems Written by Nathan Hannen

Below are the all-time best Nathan Hannen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Isla Mae

Isla Mae

By Nathan Hannen

My dear, Little thing, Who is young and sweet
You blessed my life by chance, Your little pattering feet

You fill my life with joy and love, My sweet, Your my love
Precious baby, With skin so soft, You were given to me, By the Lord above

Your sweet little hands and your small face, Filled with beauty
The best thing I have, My little Tooty

One day you will be older, But I don't want that yet
You will always be my baby girl, Please don't forget that

I love you my darling and my eternal friend

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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By Nathan Hannen

When the shadows cast their dark shades on my heart
I think of you in my life, Holding my hand, Playing your part
Then your gone, Like a shadow that has dispersed

I walk in a dark lonely place, Treading on broken hearts, Their thoughts turn to 
powder under my feet, Blown on a heartache wind

Alone with no voices to call for me, Deep black abyss, The darkness there swallows 
the light
Then I see you standing there, Your face, Full and beautiful, No words are spoken, 
Just you in my mind

Your hair flowing like a stream, Your stare, So intense, It feels like a dream
The contours of your body distort the light, a sunny beam, The strength in your 
smile does'nt pass by me unforseen

Then darkness envelops me, No light strong enough to pierce my grief, Just my 
heart, Longing for you

I love you

The End

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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By Nathan Lee Hannen

I woke up on match day,The sun was gleaming bright
My kit was ready, My boots were perfect and the day felt right
I had always dreamt of playing in the top flight
My mind was focused, My foot hit with might

We were in position and ready to go, My heart pounded
I glanced around at my team-mates as the whistle sounded
The voices cheered as the keeper was rounded
There was a deadly silence as the ball rebounded
The whistle went and my heart still pounded, The feeling was sick

It did appear though, that the referee had given a free kick
I remembered at that moment the words of an old man with a dog and a stick

Control your shot and lash the ball right
The angles tight but the goals in sight
When you strike that ball you will see the light
I hit that ball with all my might

The trajectory was perfect, Three feet high
The ball moved in slow motion, The crowd emitted a sigh
Was it going in or was it too high
It was on its way into the sky

The keeper dived high and right, The ball was in his sight
I remember the old man and the angle being tight
The ball flew majestically in mid-air
As the crowd erupted, I knew it was there

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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Arcadia Zone

In a place, In another time was where it all initiated
A bombed out place with mixed climatic systems, Reinstated
But moving on in this place gave me a cerebral pulsation
For within and outside these boundaries, I knew no realization

Was it entirely fictional in all its worth, Or was there sense to my thoughts
I knew paradises face was not written in the smoke, With cascading numerics and 
endless noughts
My perceptions redeemed the credible flashes of reality, But I was in suspension
I agonized walking through splinters of fire and wrath in this cultured dimension

I caught a hollow lie in my head, Which was rhythmic until it spread
It was then that I realized this place was not real, Only a fantasy in my head
And then I became aware that this existence was never ending wonder
Looping and cascading, Everything with psychedelic elegance, A shattering electric 

Brilliance came forth in verse and actuality, Amongst my mind their thoughts 
A cataclysmic pulse scored my spine, As if I was charged, But deep within felt 

Anything in composite material form was reassuring, But the dreams struck like 
Nothing in this world titled Arcadia with flesh, Only skeletons with expired breath

Arcadia has claimed its child, Swallowing in gulps, And taken aback by the ferocity
I am the Tempest swirling in all dimensions, breathing in the atrocity

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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By Nathan Hannen

Hello, Hello, Are you there?, Said the animal to the human
Yes, Oh yes, Im here to kill you, Renounce your habitats
Ruiner of nature and all that's good, What do you think you are doing?
What I have been told, My lordship
But what is your vocation?, And what is your motivation to commit such cruelty?
Oh ease your bickering, My chimney's must smoke
I live in this world with you too, And I will choke my heart dead
T'is a shame, Oh little creation, Knowing you are lesser
My brethren will cull you, And extinct your kind with guns
Listen, Oh creature of damnation, The need for guns is void
Oh, Cunning minority with no strength, Why is this?
You will force upon us all, Black and disease, A vile putrid stench
You will be the smoke of your chimney, The poisoner of your offspring
Ah, So it seems you speak of caution and danger unto me
My earth poisoners will swipe their tongues, Acidic your homes
I scarcely believe your idiocy for there is no need for the end
My lord belongs to me, As does yours, Turn your bearings, Malice
I have no lord you creature of sin and spoil, He knows not me
Oh human, Oh human, He will come one day and pillage you
Foolish one with no normal heart and decrepit bones, Ebb away, Recede
My home, Oh my poor children, Playing in the chimney's, They choke
The animals are but dust, And the trees, Oh the trees, They are just rust
Human ruiner, You failed to take heed, Why so is this?
Oh lord, My vision in life, I have served in frivolity
No, This is what your service has amounted to, My lord what rubbish

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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By Nathan Hannen

Remember a forgotten thought, Or forget an inspirational idea, And yes, Such is life

Take more than could ever be produced in this greed ridden place, You have the 
equation of normality

People are tools to the workmanship of an appreciation of unrelenting self gain

An obesity of the values we have cannot hurt true, Only greed can repay what we 
have lost

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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By Nathan Hannen

With the fire wind came the death givers, Cracked and demented, Floating in rivers
These putrid bretheren remained as one, Tortured, Hung, On the run
They swirled and span with something akin to joy, Toothless and decaying, But not 
Back to avenge their own, There thoughts, Toxic and cunning, There blood running
They start to separate in this churning mess, Each wanting a hate filled direction, An 
eerie bugle call, All in favour of the rule
Broken into shards, Staggering through the end, From inception to finish they remain

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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Phase One

Phase One

By Nathan Hannen

Half of my soul arranged in psychedelic patterns
Remaining, I don't know what it is that will happen

Concrete expectancy rate, A silhouette of void shades
The green queen, Or the one legged ace of spades

The acorn leaf, Devoid of respiratory functions
Arriving at multi exitable crossroads, With eternal junctions

A preparation of rumbling acidic downpours in vain
Around the corner, Zig-zagged in purple flame

A road continues through a three dimensional lane
Amicably, Enemies melting to death in the toxic rain

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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By Nathan Hannen

In a place in time there were sporadic thoughts, An incorporation of psychedelic 
Deep within this majestically powerful place, A thought resided, Oblivion weathered 
its membrane
Looking into the magnificent core, It focused on me, Only mortal I caught its stare

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011

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By Nathan Hannen

I look at the moon, Unaffected by superiority of height
With another bang a mortar explodes nearby, Loss of sight
Now the rain begins drenching our fragile souls, Never right

The silence only separated by human cries and terrific pain
The machine guns volley their assaults, Again more slain
On this pointless stage of war enemies hit hard and we are insane

As this terrible era of death continues, Our souls flood
The soldiers faces look blank and scared, Covered in mud
The scars of war cut deep inside me, Another dud

The attacks continue in their unrelentlessness, Our bodies are scattered
With downward spiraling thoughts and morale, The collective heart is shattered
Rain and mud combine to seep our energy, Blown apart, Sinews splattered

I pray this oblivion will cease, My hand touches my heart
This single thought racing in my mind, Of green silent fields and a fresh start
Bodies flung to the side with nowhere to hide, I have played my part

Amid confusion and chaos the noise stops, An all too familiar sign
Onward the enemy thrusts, Forcing us, Cries of pain, Resign
Many thoughts extinguished and expired, Except mine

Bayonets of unsparing mercy pierce us, The men I knew, Cut in half
The mind witnessing the the body laying still, An escape path
Then up with true strength we rise, With built up anger and wrath

Soldiers forgotten like the falling rain, Their souls, A battle long gone
I march forward, One track mind, It won't be long

The End.

Copyright © Nathan Hannen | Year Posted 2011


Book: Shattered Sighs