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Best Poems Written by Christopher Emerson

Below are the all-time best Christopher Emerson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Mothers Epitaph

A Mothers Epitaph

As I listen to the dirges
drifting by in gentle strains
I'm carried back to childhood
I am now a child again.

A hand is on my shoulder
I am by my mother's side
But I know it's only make-believe
for my mother cast us by.

now your day of judgement
has finally come.
I will never get to ask you,
just one question, Why.

You battered us you bruised us
every day you mentally abused us,
but even worse than that, you let 
our own father use us.

I wonder if you ever knew the word
Or counted the times
you knocked my head from side to side.

Now as I stand here one last time
by you side,
I shall shed no tears 
for the mother who never knew me,
like a pane of glass, you just
saw through me.

Copyright © Christopher Emerson | Year Posted 2016

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A Tower of Strength

To me you are a tower of strength
to whom I give my love
a goddess an angel
sent down from above
destined to be cherished
fated to be loved

Sometimes I sit so quietly
with hardly much to say
but always my thoughts of you
are never that far away.
Sometimes I look back 
to that first day
you breezed across my way
you looked so beautiful
my eyes could not look away.

You stopped my heart that day
at first I was excited
soon i became delighted
for all I ever wanted 
had just graced my way
so our hearts collided
then at once i decided
with you I'd like to stay

We have our ups
we have our downs
many good times filled with fun
always to me you are number one
our life together will be happy
our time has finally come.

We are building the foundations
that will be our loving home
no longer will we travel
no longer will we roam
for when our day of toil is over
home to us we come.

Our hopes our dreams are not,
so far away it seems,
although over the next few years
we both may shed some tears
as we build upon our future
for our family.

We can not reflect upon our future
for it's somewhere we have not been
so we must strive to keep our dreams
pushing us full steam.

Copyright © Christopher Emerson | Year Posted 2010

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Norme Jean

With beauty beyond compare
long golden locks of hair
a complexion that was perfection
slim and slender, lips so tender
her smile would melt a thousand
she had style, she had grace
more than just a pretty face.

From this girl so meek and humble
soon the world would feel the rumble.
filled with love and much desire
she would set our hearts afire.
she had hopes, she had dreams,
to be on the golden screen,
who could have foreseen 
she would be a movie queen.

From the tiny role as a gangsters moll
to the seven year itch
where the dumb blonde image 
began to stick.
many times she showed such pride
at being a glowing bride,
but the marriages began slide,
left her broken from inside,
left her scared,
her career jarred.

When in the midst of her famous affair
the people were running scared,
she kept a dairy so we hear
that put politicians deep in fear.
in the end, she was forsaken, and 
her life abruptly taken.
the world was left transfixed,
many people deeply shaken.

She left us with much memories
filled with love and much desire,
she still sets our hearts on fire.
how much different would her life
have been, if she had stayed, just
Norma Jean.

Copyright © Christopher Emerson | Year Posted 2010

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Friendship can be a funny thing
it can make you laugh, make you sing
it can lift you up and throw you down.

friendship as a word is seldom heard,
so seldom seen by those that are blinded
no friendship will they ever see.

then one day it passes their way
something is ignited, a spark to a flame,
that's the truth, that's how it came
the flame shed some light, that lasted the night.

two people colliding, going the same way
much do they share, their souls do they bare
of good times, of sad,of happy and bad,
a true friendship,that's what they had.
wining and dinning with their partners
the pair.

just when you think life is so fair,
a dark cloud looms, it laces the air
lightning uncouples, it strikes the pair,
down do they tumble, upon the ground
do they stumble,
over what, it transpires,
did they call each other names or
harbor a blame,
can they help pull each other deep
from the mire,
or will they be lighting a 
funeral fire.

who knows what's ahead, I feel to many tears
have already been shed,
but is that all that's to be said
that act, would leave a friendship broken and
ever so dead.

words should be spoken, this dual brought to an end,
for when its to late, when a friend has moved on,
the distance between, can be ever so long.
I feel a call should no longer prolong.

Copyright © Christopher Emerson | Year Posted 2010

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The Asylum

Your going out, but not the same way you came in,
your walk tall and proud your eyes will hide,
the tears you cried,
for within yourself
you have so much pride.

walk out of here without any fear.
embrace your family who have all along
been there for you,
now for them be strong.
moderate your faith, don't hide behind our lord
religion for some can be a double edged sword.
remember dear friend, when you took your marriage vows,
for you and your husband, they have never been
so important as now.

you have a loving partner, and a sweet little girl,
who needs a loving mother to show her the way,
to grow up with admiration and so much pride,
that she had loving parents there at her side.

so dig deep my dear friend
bring forth all the love you have hidden away
for them you must be their Joan of arc,
stand up and be counted, don't slip back to the dark.

I remember the first day you were pacing the hallway
there i stood blocking your way,
i said hello but your ears did not hear
your eyes did not see, 
so the ice queen walked passed me
never came in for tea.

now I've seen the change in you,
you are someone brand new, and I can be proud,
that your a loving person, that I got to know
I thank you especially for the kindness you've shown,
your compassion knows no bounds
you are a star shining brightly
that showered me in light.

you have so much love inside you
that you must set free
just make sure
its aimed at you family

so take care my dear friend
please do one thing for me
pray for your family
as I will for thee.

Copyright © Christopher Emerson | Year Posted 2010

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On the Brink

We are on the brink
of another world war
but this time
with a lot less gore

no need to go home and 
lock your door
you'll never know
what the hell we're 
fighting for.

take a look at the pale
blue sky,
for it will soon be glowing red
then comes the time, we most

most of the people are already
others just sit and wait
to learn of their oncoming

the president is in a state
he knew played the game.
he knew the stakes,
so say goodbye to the 
united states.

now the shelters are all
cramped and full,
lost souls waiting
for the next bomb
to fall.

will there ever be peace
at all 
god only knows the answer
to it all

Copyright © Christopher Emerson | Year Posted 2010

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My Space

I love my little hide a way, my own space to escape the troubles of the day.
yet an elbow and your arm can be out stretched.
four by six and built of bricks.
now patchwork wood lines the floor and adorns the walls.

The added insulation was not my intention at all, but a place 
to hang my tools.
home-made bench and vice all types of electrical devise.
The scent of sawdust laces the air, Beach Elm and new felled pine
makes ones senses feel lost in time, but not for today as I just sit here
trying to shake of the anxiety that for some reason unknown has been 
my shadow blighting me all day.

So just me hidden in my own little place, no frown or smile adorns my face
just me my absent thoughts and flask of tea gazing at not just the shelves and brackets, but the hundreds of items stacked high aloft.
each one has a story to tell, trinkets and treasures some family air-looms 
bits and pieces and bits are just junk, but you keep, for one day that junk
will transform a room or help fix a broom.

Yes I adore my little hide-a-way here I find my sanctuary.

Copyright © Christopher Emerson | Year Posted 2017

Book: Shattered Sighs