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Best Poems Written by Gordon Stahlsmith

Below are the all-time best Gordon Stahlsmith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Thorn In My Soul

To anyone who has lost a loved one to drug addiction.

Have you ever experienced a lovers electric caress,
freely given from the heart, no semblance of duress.
Gaze briefly into the cracked mirrors, of my now tortured soul,
composition of memories, for whom the lonely church bells toll.

Gone so hopelessly slow, into renegade obsidian night,
even the herald angels weep, when pondering my plight.
Seemingly divinely arranged, blessed with innocent wonder,
ensuing hells jealous charade, unjustly tearing asunder.

Cry not for lost dreams, unrealized and vanished,
but hear silent screams, for the life forever banished.
Delivered by Hades hateful spawn, on cyclone winds of rage,
bear witness my destiny, composed on a torn tear soaked page.

Blistered melodies from my soul, I now selfishly croon,
my symphony of a love, that was adjudicated too soon.
For although once I felt enraptured and blissfully complete,
consistent foreboding feelings, threaten my worldly defeat.

And though destiny unjustly chose, to shatter and tear,
fractured memories of true love, I shall constantly bear.
Down lives twisted path, I am obliged to audaciously wander,
inspired by fleeting dreams, of encounters I'll continue to ponder.

And though early in life, intruded the hateful dark reaper,
comprehending her legacies' plea, my knowledge grows deeper.
For to fall short of the visions or conspired aspirations,
inadequately gives undue merit, to corrupt incarnations.

Facing upward towards the glimmering sun,
nonchalantly warm in the fact, the day will soon come.
Inevitably our journeys at long last shall meet,
And eventually in heaven, we'll be finally complete.

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

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Our souls first met when mother Gaia’s womb still felt hollow,
her indigo child laying in the mists of innocence and unblemished freedom.
A time when all was fresh and new, perfect harmony, perfect utopia.
We were unable to greet one another with anything more than a gesture,
a worried look, and a guttural grunt, you and I took the ultimate risk, 
and at that moment trust was born.

Through trial and many errors, we began to learn 
Facing all that was placed in our way,
we were required to trust one another.
.I offered you food, from beast, fowl, and the foliage around us,
knowing only that it would give you sustenance,
not a poisoned reprieve from your hunger.
You held me back, from that which would pain,
not with a word, just a hand on my shoulder.
Together we became conscious, and we lived our daily life,
in our experience, and of those near us. 

And trust begat many offspring, her morning star was to be love.
First and forever favored child, for we knew that together, 
forged in loves eternal furnace, we were much stronger as one.
As days passed to weeks, and weeks into months,
every moment a new awakening, and understanding.
And finally I spoke that first word, Love 
and as one we heard the birth of our twins....
Expression and History!

Though each were powerful individuals, 
as they grew, they realized they were
forever bound, one complimenting the other,
both needing the other to exist.
From their union, sprang forth many new voices.
Knowledge, Comprehension, Intelligence.
We were proud to witness our Legacy,
prosper and grow.
They too bore offspring, 
and the world welcomed
Fact and Fiction, 
whose children
Story, Poem, Song and Legend,
would eternally
hold the place of highest esteem,
for all the generations that follow.

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

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Consider a moment, 
Tentative steps.
Perhaps they seem new 
and an uncharted realm,
requiring a measure of time 
to truly remember how to walk 
a path that leads to happiness.

Glance at the citadels' walls
which you have built over time, 
to protect your hearts desires.
Do you really comprehended,
its image, stature and strength 
from the other side of perception?

Is wanting to know for certain,
you are not making another
emotionally bankrupting mistake,
an indication of fear or mistrust?

Or perhaps is it wisdom, 
garnered from a lifetime
of hard learned lessons, that
mandates patience to allow 
what ever may happen to occur,
in its own time and way 
in un conjured innocent freedom.

Do you trust nothing more than
you initial emotional reaction,
or the longing to derive some semblance
of unrealized happiness in place of
the void loneliness dictates?

Wanting nothing more than to ingrain,
the entire essence and being of the other,
so that a serene completeness can
turn waking dreams into reality's treasure.

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

Details | Gordon Stahlsmith Poem


Who could have conspired,
it would hit me that hard.
Words would inspire,
my femme fatale bard.

From across ocean deep,
we talked long in the night.
And now as you sleep,
I contemplate your sight.

Poignant your rhyme,
from fathoms within.
Stimulated my mind,
now time to begin.

Head spinning with wonder,
paradox perfectly clear.
Your stanzas I ponder,
heart permanently seared.

Is it time to surrender,
my citadel inside.
Your vision so tender,
my soul open wide.

Our odyssey does start,
culmination unknown.
Words whisper my heart,
mind already blown.

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

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Remember(An Acrostic Answer)

Did you think for a moment,
anxious prodigal would ever forget?
Do you regret, as I, hereditary stubbornness?

My favorite childhood memory

Starched, bleached, hourglasses internal playmate,
Two unsung heros, far from home, adventure underway.
Indigo Comanche, flecked in dawns final burning breath. 
Looking upon a pristine canvas, we’ll be the first to etch.
Listening to your legacy, innocent wonder reflects in my eyes.

Hanging enraptured, on your every word,like- 
Eternally desperate boot tips brushing a single blade of grass.
Running, fear forgotten, Styrofoam steed faithfully in tow.
Exhilarated anticipation, Apaches saline mourning.

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

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From trembling scorn stained lips,
ashen cheek tear-streaked from woe.
Jealousies' rancid inheritance, 
mournful Banshees’ eternal concerto

Feigned compassion mists a dead smile, 
Innuendos' bitterest honeyed embrace. 
Breath tinged with your poisoned reprieve 
Sirens symphony of shameful disgrace

Bronzed skin glistens tarnished,
Sun spun curls chlorine sheened.
Carnal fantasies careen off her flesh, 
on Harpies' wings, your spirit eternally gleaned.

Bosom panting gently, nightmare in disguise,
Pestilence whispered sweetly, caution finally thrown. 
Gazing into cyclone eyes you feel the sentiment grow,
Forever in her Medusan stare your soul now cast in stone.

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

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Am I a lesser man, if you see a tear
rolling down my age lined face?
You cant possible see the small,
hard, electric lump that threatens to choke
and crack my voice. 
The one that sends chills to
the very core of my soul,
rolling ever outward
in the span of a single heartbeat.

This signal, for the mans man 
to hide eternally in his
illusion of strength,
only to make him hold back
in hopes of another stereotypical image,
wearing the forlorn mask of hardness.
The one society deems as accepted.

But if the lesser man allows his
true emotions to bear evidence,
is he now, not the greater man?
For in him is the power to be able
to control both sides of the equation.
Isn’t the lesser man the one who
fails to understand that perhaps,
in a tear, you will see
the unblemished reflection
of that which would inspire.

Is a tear such a hard price to pay,
for the clarity and knowledge,
to strip the illusions of imperfections
forever limiting the other man?
Daily I live this paradox.
Damned if I do,
Damned if I don’t.

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

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Burnished bronze gateways,
to your innocent inner soul.
Flecked in sun spawned flakes, 
Heavens Devine living gold,

Wisdom’s lasting serenity, 
etched in patinas of dusty jade,
Softly pouted lips, finally smiling, 
without semblance of charade.

Obsidian locks cascading, 
like a spring fed mountain stream.
Alabaster skin was sculpted, 
from an angelic ethereal dream.

Nuances of mischief dancing,
tint cheeks, a pale rosed blush.
Melting a long ice wound heart,
in fantasies warming rush.

From behind the unasked question,
like twilights final reprieve.
Transcendental pleasures,
angelically conceived. 

Pondering chances of happiness,
a new life I shall finally realize.
Exorcising histories forlorn daemons,
that conspired my terran demise.

Perhaps side by side and together,
in the stillness of spirits gloaming.
Seeking that which can’t be measured,
A pair of hearts, no longer roaming..

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

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Another Sunrise

Brought into the chaos unblemished,
built solid on a foundation of stone.
Predestined to inevitably succumb,
to any number conspiratal unknowns.

Fresh in the world I stood arrogant,
believed nothing could compromise.
Now that I’m wrinkled and fading,
realizing my eventual demise.

Have gazed on serenity of beauty,
witnessed fury from the hinges of hell.
Unwilling to voice my weakness,
but never my soul I will sell.

Bright my message in the beginning,
fading as time moves onward around.
But pride keeps me here standing,
though dreams of my defeat abound.

Many have wandered past me,
with vision that bore no fright.
Never needing simple guidance,
till torrents threatened their plight.

Standing here in this maelstrom,
joints screaming worldly demise.
One question I continually ponder,
will I witness another sunrise?

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

Details | Gordon Stahlsmith Poem


Destiny manifests a daily path,
shattered dreams, ungodly wrath.
Facing forward, but looking back,
suspect happenings a given fact.
Achieving a semblance of personal pride,
don't measure the distance, measure the stride.
The mark of a man is a mysterious thing,
don't grasp at straws, reach for the ring.
Seek out your niche, and do it with grace,
it matters only how you ran the race.
Sacrifices made, decisions are done,
who can tell if truly you won.
With threads of time, a tapestry we weave,
anything you desire, it's yours to achieve!

Copyright © Gordon Stahlsmith | Year Posted 2005

Book: Reflection on the Important Things