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Best Poems Written by Olivia M Jackson

Below are the all-time best Olivia M Jackson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Fleeting Sadness

My wounded heart o' lacketh glee
Laughter torments tortured me
Once promised future now dost flee
Oh love I yearn to dwell with thee
Seeking refuge eternally

© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson 

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Copyright © Olivia M Jackson | Year Posted 2010

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Cacophony #1

Streaming glitter
Suspended laughter
Delayed happiness
Evident abasement
Surmounting fears
Shadows dance in torment

Pleasant gestures
Pretence abundant
Deferred bliss
Creeping obscurity
Empathizing stares
Lured smiles led to drown

Malevolent touch
Masked intentions
Insubordinate emotions
Disappearing identity
Longing spirit
Laughter is beheaded

Joyful wickedness
Jeweled thorns
Loving stabs
Poisoned kisses
Unassuming mortal
Beauty lays dead

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Copyright © Olivia M Jackson | Year Posted 2010

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Light of Darkness

Darkness is my only vision
My inner sanctuary is full of mourning
Memories crying in the dark
Sobbing as they watch each other die
Widowed shadows of happiness fall to their knees 
Weeping over their beloved murdered future
Sadness is unleashed from her prison in the dungeon of misery
The sword of sorrow is in the hands of uncertainty
My heart sits in sack cloth and ashes 
Grieving the untimely death of love
Rigamortis sets in the bones of truth
Darkness is my only vision
My inner sanctuary is full of mourning
Memories crying in the dark

© 2010 Olivia M. Jackson 
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Copyright © Olivia M Jackson | Year Posted 2010

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The Bathroom

He sought to find me once 
He succeeded
Thirteen years had passed since the attack
Why is it that you seek me?
Reluctantly I asked
His answer
"Because people get older and wiser and whatever you believe may have happened in the 
past may not truly be what happened. Were grown now and we have no need to lie hun.... "
Conversation over.
Did I mistake the events that took place on that sun abandoned day?
Is he implying that I spoke words of deceit...lies?
Is it wise to call a woman you attempted to intimately violate "hun"?
But I was there
In the dark
Hands reaching for me as from the grave
From the murky depths of perversion
Touching and grabbing
Hands trying to fit down my pants
Fingers crawling inside my shirt
Unidentified lips on my body
Appendage hitting me across the face...intentionally
I fought with every breath in my body
Forty minutes of struggle with multiple assailants
The blinding darkness kept me from ever knowing how many there were
Could have been ten
Like wolves they were
Trying to ravish their prey
With him leading the pack
The one I trusted
I kept hearing his voice
They tried to take my shoes off
That was the hardest part of the fight
I knew I had to keep my shoes on
I was done if they came off
My jeans would go soon after
I had to keep my shoes on
I later realized it saved me
From being pillaged 
From being raped
Some days I wonder why this trouble found me
I was only fifteen
I was a child
So were they
We all lost ourselves that day
Somewhere in the darkness
I like to believe that God was floating above us
Whispering to me "Be still, I am here, there is a purpose for this"
I still await the day I realize the purpose
I stand confident that day will come
This is not a story
This is my life 
It really happened 
And it happened to me

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Copyright © Olivia M Jackson | Year Posted 2010

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In Your Arms

The only place I feel safe
When the world has become cold
When all else has failed me
You're the only one that still stands
When wondering this earth alone with not a place to call my own
Not a friend with a shoulder to cry
Not a place with a solace to seek
It is you that finds me
Embraces my soul within
Comforts the turmoil that encircles my existence
Providing your assurance
Your assurance to never deposit more on me than I can bear
Enveloping me as I realize I am naught but mortal man
Cradling me as my essence cries out in affliction
Your peace takes hold of me
Ushering me into your perfect will
Breathing strength into the chambers of my heart
Holding me, I am constricted in your sight
Shielding me in the shadows of your wings
I hear angelic whispers as I lay lethargic
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Angel wings gently brush against my face
I awake to find all that I am is in all that you are
All of my burdens are cast upon you
My sorrows you have taken
Your serenity you have given
Freely upon me your love eternal now resting

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Copyright © Olivia M Jackson | Year Posted 2010

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The Pain You Deliver Is Now My Strength

Fragmented parts of the person I once was return to me
The dark clouds that once followed me day and night depart from me
I am enchanted by the very thought of freedom
Liberty from the woes that once imprisoned me
Breaking free from the pain I allowed you to inflict
Yes, I allowed
Can man do to me that which I do not consent?
But ah, alas the strength of my mind
My will to attain happiness
To survive and look destruction in the eye and say not so
You shall not destroy me!
I have risen to fight
To take back what is my own
Empowerment besieges me
I will be victorious in all that is set before me
I was on a quest when you slithered in
It was not you that I meant to find
Though pained by our meeting
I still dare say
My journey was triumphant
I found what I did not know that I seek
Strength immeasurable
Infinite power from within
Bitterness I cannot harbor
Only love and peace in knowing you have found joy

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Copyright © Olivia M Jackson | Year Posted 2010

Book: Shattered Sighs