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Best Poems Written by Kayla Phillips

Below are the all-time best Kayla Phillips poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Seceret Side of Me

My heart is pure,

Copyright © Kayla Phillips | Year Posted 2010

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Worlds of Us

Worlds of Us

Worries surround our worlds.
And as we pass through each,
A new, seem to attach itself to all that already exist.

As the worries in life come,
The world, that we all swell to survive,
In ways, feel to be lost in the midst of difficulties.

Raging times come to each world.
With this; are times of forgotenence of joyousness,
Replaced are memories of worries, passing through our eyes into mind.

Worlds come always by our waking side,
To be of peace, then to change to worlds of the unknown,
Causing disbelief in the change brought through eyes to mind.

The worlds die by our falling into subconscious of the setting horizon,
But the difficulties of each new world bring back forth the worries.
Worries, from before the last fall, into our restful world; night’s peace.

But we continue falling; to gain relaxation from the previous worlds.
We try to swell to survive the worries of each world’s bringing.
And; not to leave into the forgotten, but remember the joys of the world.

For there are memories of joy brought by every world we go through.
Memories remembered by the calm; in between every brought worry.
And to think of each world’s joyous time; makes each coming world survivable.

Copyright © Kayla Phillips | Year Posted 2010

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As the clock ticks,
It brings my life to a new beginning.
As the time chimes a new hour,
I see my life change.

As the clock strikes noon,
I am hungry.
As the hour changes,
I continue through the day.

As the clock changes,
I realize the importance of time itself.
As the clock’s battery is changed,
Lives always push on.

When time happens,
New life experiences change us as we go on.
How time continues…
Because we keep living: for time’s continuance.

As time goes on,
We go on right by its side.
And as we go on,
Time shows us that we exist.

And as I ponder the meaning of life,
As many others have.
Time is the meaning of life.
Because without time; do we still live?

And as I move through my own life,
Experiences never cease.
Each; change a perspective.
And my time is not yet finished.

As my time continues,
There is still much to do.
As clocks tick their time,
I still continue because time continues.

And if time continues,
We all go on.
And time,
Is always by our side.

Copyright © Kayla Phillips | Year Posted 2010

Details | Kayla Phillips Poem


as I sit in a lonely redwood
upon a fallen  oak,
Death comes to me 
in the form of a bleeding heart.
cracks of pain are deep and Unforgiven.
i know every infliction
 as i see myself in each droplet’s reflection…
alone on the fallen tree steam
i lie down enveloped in my sorrow.
as each drop spills onto my Lying figure;
Crimson Tears fall down my cheeks…
as each tear falls ;
 on either side of  my head
a Love’s image grows.
as it may live or die;
only the Prince of darkness can tell that tale…

Copyright © Kayla Phillips | Year Posted 2010

Details | Kayla Phillips Poem



Across the pebbles

And glistening
In the
Cloudy afternoon.

Alone she lies
By the
In a lonely wood.

The tale of
Her love,
On paper.

Plays upon
Silent face.

The white gown
Is stained
With her
Grief and sorrow.

The quiet leaves
Blow around
Her as
She is gone.

Her love
Has been
Made down
In true form.

It rests
In a wooden boat,
Gently and lost
Down the stream.

Copyright © Kayla Phillips | Year Posted 2010

Details | Kayla Phillips Poem



Murmers of an interview,
Murmers of the front desk,
Murmers of childeren playing,
All fill my ears.

The static of a dead television,
The tapping of a waiting man's foot,
In my periferal vision,
 All I see.

The scent of new fallen rain,
As the door opens.
The woman's dollar store body spray,
All I smell.

Everyone here is reaching out,
For help.
The help that family will not provide,
And friendship alone cannot.

Each one here has a life to live.
All of them stuggling to survive.
As I look around this government office,
I feel all the hurt.

Copyright © Kayla Phillips | Year Posted 2010

Book: Reflection on the Important Things