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Best Poems Written by Jesse King

Below are the all-time best Jesse King poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Who Are the Animals?

Turn on the TV, Its death and pain, All this negativity bombarding my brain, tring to kill my 
humanity... Seeing mankind living in vain...

 A man sells WARS
 A man sell GUNS

 A man with no soul
 A man having fun

To propagate hate or sell a "Cause."
Bombs drop on moms holding children
The world turns on the TV... and might pause?

600,000,000 GUN'S!!!
Nuclear subs
Kids with guns dying of AIDS!
Governments washed by BANKS, still getting paid.

The line is blured between authority and thug.
Racial profiling By a government that slings drugs.

In this persuit of "Justice" our LIBERTIES are RAPED.
Who are the animals?
Us... Or the Ape's

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

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7th Rule

Seven religions Rule the world...
Praying since a little boy or girl 
Praying up to 5 times a day,
 to keep science's away.
All ask for the same prizes. 
Be like us don't be yourself. 
Ten percent of your wealth.
Repent for your health your,
 Churchmen are your brothers.
Warship this god, no other.
 If you pay your tithing you will live well.
All other belief's will go to hell
, they are beneath you, infidels.
If you die for our cause you'll sit beside Christ's 
go to Valhalla's or sit beside Allah's.
A man judges others of what is right or wrong.
 Then this same person will kill for a god.
Wrathful gods and Ownership, salesmen devils...
Priests and preachers touching Boys behind the cello's
Angels,demons, heaven's and Hell's.
 When will we  wake from theses spells,
When will we see the gods in each other? 
Only then we will truly know our brother...
Will the human race unite?
Or , endless servitude and fight?
out of the darkness is light...
the vision is becoming more clear...
Its up to us to decide.
Do we want the Sunshine or eternal Night??

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

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That Is All I Truly Know...

If you work hard you get used.
few rich ever paid dues
Knowledge is power
The manipulation of information is the world wide denomination
the difference between week and domination
and the down fail of us all 
You need strong mental perception
to peruse these truths
this faith of man
from man... This self importance enriched with mans self worth to kill all he sees to conquer 
all of his brothers...
The Truth
The "Truth." Is the view point of the pure.
"No Man pure have I yet met!"

Life is the perception of power
The manipulation of information to create the sour
to create the victim and the villain 
the good and the bad 
and all the make believe we tell children
in the end Big fish eat little fish
that is all i truly know...
Have you seen the size of my fangs?

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

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September 11th 2010: U.S. Invades Iran

September 11th 2010 US invades IRAN...
DOES IT SOUND CRAZY? Are government is roge, Are you insane?
 A run-away Train! with no where to go.
The fear mongers are spining america twords armageden.
Obama, the bastard SON of Bush prepairs the wagon.
"We know whats best"
"There inriching Uranium"
"they will BOMB the U.S."
"the axis of evil" they scream.
This evangelical dream
can this be are they so dumb
"if we kill all the Muslims Jesus will come"
Where ever he is, Jesus is crying
He looks down to see the son of man dieing.

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

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Bombs and Babies

See little children dreaming in there beds as the U.S. Bombs drop on there heads, six 
hundred fifty five thousand in 7 years dead.
Oh unmanned Stealth flying the Sky
Machines dont care who die
This WAR MACHINE feeds on human fear
The same president for seventy three years
With one task for all time
Same corporation different masks same crime
What a heavy toll our children will pay
and now they say the Nazi's founded the CIA

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jesse King Poem

Check With the Dead

I thought i was KILLING FOR JESUS and other lies... Baptised in blood, Baptised in oceans of 
sweat in my bed...Even while wake the nightmares real in my head, I dance with my victims 
I dance with the dead.  Angels falling from grace, covered crimson red. Look, look! How  far 
i fell... I have killed for oil and will burn in hell.
I can see the grenades flash, taste there tears, smell the incinerated flesh. these memories i 
cannot keep. I have FED these demon's sex and violence, prison, smoke,prostitutes and 
pills, LSD and cocaine... needles full of precious dope to kill my mind numb the soul to kill 
the pain... Some Nights i cannot sleep for i know what must be done un-popular un-Fun. How 
can i live? Live with all of this pain?  I fake a smile with hells fury burning on my brain. Now i 
see the oceans dieing and the animals hate us. our mother hates us.  The gov points fingers 
the oil company made us. Must i die a Martyr or live for a cause?

This is the question i ponder swimming in my bed, let me check with the dead.

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jesse King Poem

...Used To Be.

Lost for so long
Finding clues of myself at last
A trace of my past,
Who i used to be...
Bumping into me i can now see 
I have been lost for so long.
Blame game, drugs and coke.
Living at work trying to cope,
Living lie's Becoming what i dispised.
Seeing what i was, starting to die.
And then today...
What a friendly face to see,
So long since ive seen me.

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

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This is war, these are my enemy's.
Standing at attention astride my destiny i look over mine enemy on both fronts. The different 
colors representing pride, adrenaline pulsing threw my eyes, scrupling the battle field of this 
war yet to come.  Beasts of fire and steal exploding upon the earth as the signal man calls 
us to arms and the sweet cackling sound goes into frenzied crescendo. My rib cage now 
being beaten and battered by my heart, overloaded with bloo,d fear and adrenaline on the 
verge of explosion. As life explodes inside my ocean the narcotic produced inside me creates 
a euphoric calm as it all slows down. Time itself bends to my will and stalls in my space living 
a lifetime inside a second. my senses rush, hearing each individual heart beat echo of the 
walls of eternity. Now vision sharpens, eyes dissecting the awaiting challenges like a scalpel 
threw warm flesh. As i feel i am at my breaking point as a human being and cannot survive 
let alone rise any further, i do and the battle begins. The only thing dwarfing the mammoth 
sound is the blistering speed...
Claws tear at the soilI beneath me, slinging me forward flying on a cushion of earth.  
Looking back into the pack of ravenous beasts clawing at each other just to get up to me.
  I jettison into the heavens i fear the sun has turned against me too. the sweat the pounding 
the abuse this searing heat bellowing upon the earth choking the very winds. In this river  of 
sweat blood and tears i feel my soul purified.  Back on this field of glory i can see victory 
bathed in a checkered robe within my grasp.  As i stand in the circle victorious  the sacrifices 
are vindicated. I now greet my fellow warriors for we have sweat and bled together.
 These bonds run deeper than the trough of friendship can bare.
This is motocross, these are my brother's.

Copyright © Jesse King | Year Posted 2010

Book: Shattered Sighs