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Best Poems Written by Nicole Uwah

Below are the all-time best Nicole Uwah poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Gentle Love.

If ever love was so abundant
The flow of affections and many wants.
The source of joy shared by two people,
Has now become an intrinsical bond.

I prize your love given so ever delicately
That life will definitely be lived happily,
To the fullest of two so in love.
And be blinded by this shiny glimpse,

Your love has unfolded as years went by,
That is now returned fully from me.
That the dream that we may one day,
Wake up and grow old on our porch together,
May truly now become a reality for us.

Copyright © Nicole Uwah | Year Posted 2009

Details | Nicole Uwah Poem

Pains of Love.

I gave you my heart and you threw it out in the rain.
I gave you my love and you stomped on it.
I gave you my soul and you sold it to the devil.
I gave you my all and you made a big fool of me.
I gave you my everything and this is how you repay me.
How could you forget the promises and love we made.
How could you forget the times we shared so fast.
How could you diminish the flames we had burning brightly.
How could you put asunder, that which God put together.
How could you smile in my face and leave so many stab wounds in my heart.
How could you be so callous and hurt me the way you did.
I’ve become so numb from all the pain you caused me.
I carried your cross with you and you betrayed my trust.
O the pains and stings of blind love;
It burns and stings me till I want to breakdown and cry.
All I ever wanted to do was be your Mrs and love you forever
But I guess I’ll have to get over that and move on with life.
I won’t shed another tear or put my life on pause anymore.
I’ll be fine, I’ll move on and I’ll smile at the memories we had and the love we once shared.
I will get better in time and I realize now that my love was unreciprocated. 
Wow. Love truly is blind, blind to all the warnings and signs of danger and foolish love lurking 

Copyright © Nicole Uwah | Year Posted 2009

Book: Shattered Sighs