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Best Poems Written by Princess Susi Etelagi

Below are the all-time best Princess Susi Etelagi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Proud To Be Samoan

Proud to be Samoan
Living the Fa'a Samoa
The unique culture

The unique culture
Expressed in dance and music
Siva and fa'ataupati

Siva and fa'ataupati
Graceful and energetic
Telling ancient stories

Telling ancient stories
With art, craft and tattoos
Symbols of identity

Symbols of identity
Rooted in family and faith
Proud to be Samoan

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2023

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Echoes of Ancestry

We live in a world
Where everything is fast and new
We chase the latest trends
And discard the old as obsolete

We don't have time
To listen to the stories of our elders
To learn from their wisdom
And appreciate their heritage

We think we know better
Than those who came before us
We ignore their values
And disrespect their traditions

We are losing our roots
Our connection to our past
We are forgetting who we are
And where we came from

We need to slow down
And pay attention to the old generations culture
They have so much to teach us
And enrich our lives

We need to honor them
And celebrate their legacy.
They are part of us.
And we are part of them.

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2023

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Lesson For the Liitle Boy Tui

Tui was a little boy, 
With a heart full of joy. 
He loved to play and explore, 
And learn about the world more.

One day, his parents said, 
“It’s time to learn,” and sent him ahead. 
To a wise old man in the forest, 
Who taught him lessons that were the best.
He learned how to read and write, 
And how to count and do math right. 
He learned how to be kind and fair, 
And how to show others that he cared.

But the most important lesson he learned, 
Was about life and how it turned. 
The old man showed him a flower so rare, 
That bloomed once a year with beauty so fair.
“This flower is like life,” said the old man. 
“It’s precious and beautiful, but it has a plan. 
It blooms for only a short while, 
So enjoy every moment with a smile.”

Tui listened carefully to the old man’s words, 
And knew that they were wise like birds. 
He went back every year to see the flower bloom, 
And remembered the lesson that filled his room.
From that day on, Tui lived his life with joy, 
And shared his lessons with every girl and boy.
He knew that life was precious and rare, 
And he enjoyed every moment with care

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2023

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The Two Lovers In Maddness Inlove

There were two lovers who lived apart,
But they were always close in heart.
They could never touch or hold hands,
But they knew that love had no demands.

The boy lived in the east,
And the girl lived in the west.
They wrote letters every day,
And dreamed of being together someday.

The boy would write about the sun,
And how it shone on everyone.
The girl would write about the moon,
And how it lit up the night like a tune.

They knew that they could never be,
Together like a bird and a tree.
But they loved each other all the same,
And knowing that love had no shame.

One day, the boy wrote a letter so true,
And said that he would come to see her soon.
The girl was overjoyed and filled with glee,
And knowing that their love was meant to be.

The boy traveled far and wide,
And finally reached the girl’s side.
They hugged and kissed and held each other tight,
And knew that their love was right.

From that day on, they were never apart,
And they held each other close in heart.
They knew that love was all they needed,
And their love story was completed.

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2023

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Reflections on the Important Things

1. Dew-kissed petals bloom, 
   Whispers of eternity,  
   Silent truths unfold.

2. Rippling pond mirrors,  
   Ancient oaks and fleeting dreams,  
   Life's essence dances.

3. In the fragile glass, 
   Echoes of love and laughter,  
   Moments crystallize.

4. Mountains hold their breath, 
   Cradling secrets of the sky,  
   Weightless wisdom sings.

5. Heartbeats sync with tides, 
   Stars weave constellations bright, 
   Life's tapestry spun.

6.In quiet moonlight, 
   We find solace, purpose, grace,  
   Reflections guide us.

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2024

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Night fisherman and the tides whisper secrets

In the quiet embrace of twilight.... 

the night fisherman stands at the edge of eternity. 

His silhouette, etched against the horizon, merges with the fading hues of day. 

The sea, a vast canvas of indigo and obsidian, cradles his hopes and memories.

His fishing rod, an ancient wand, dances with purpose.

Each cast is a prayer to the moon, a plea for bounty from the depths. 

The waves, like whispered confidantes, lap at his ankles, 

sharing tales of lost ships, forgotten lovers, and the mysteries hidden beneath the surface.

The stars, celestial lanterns, guide his hands. 

He tugs gently, coaxing secrets from the abyss. 

Silver-scaled creatures emerge—a delicate ballet of survival and surrender. 

Their eyes, like polished stones, reflect the constellations above.

And there, in that liminal space between day and night, 

the night fisherman becomes a bridge. 

His heart, a compass, points toward the infinite. 

He gathers stardust in his palms, 

weaving it into stories for the moon to hear.

As the last ember of sunset fades, he casts again, 

releasing his dreams into the salt-kissed air. 

The sea inhales, exhales—a cosmic sigh. 

And the night fisherman, a solitary poet, 

continues his silent communion with the universe.

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2024

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Whispers of the Earth

As the sun rises over the hills at a peaceful dawn, the secrets of nature begin to reveal themselves.
She spins tales dappled with dew on silken threads. 

A life-symphony in which each leaf is a note. 
## *The Green Cover* 
**Verdant foliage** quivers like hymns, 
Ancient wisdom inscribed in their veins. 
Every branch is a prayer that reaches upward. 
A monument to tenacity and perseverance over the years. 
## *The Lament of the River* 
**Rivers** meander, sculpting valleys through rough stone with silver-voiced minstrels. 
They carry the elixir of life to parched lips while singing about the passing of time and sorrows carried. 
## *The Petal Dance* 
**Flowers**, angelic dancers in dresses glistened with sunlight, spin and sway with captivating pirouettes. 
Their hues—ruby, sapphire, and gold—paint the atmosphere, 
A palette bestowed by the hand of the Master Artist. 
## *The Birds' Symphony* 
**Choristers with feathers**,
seated atop branches,
Write songs that reverberate through canopy.
Their tunes—joyful, melancholic, triumphant—celebrate life, blending in perfect harmony with the breeze.

## *The Mountains' Breath*

The old sentinels **Peaks** reach the heavens.
Their heads decked with snow bowed in respect.
They are keepers of mysteries engraved in stone, cradling secrets whispered by the universe.

## *Praise to the Rain*

**Pebbles**, silver blessings, a kiss to the parched land, quenching thirst, bringing dormant seeds back to life.
They descend gracefully, adorning the altar of life.
a rite of rebirth and second opportunities.

## *Blessed by the Sun*

And when the world awakens—a resurrection of hues—the sun, **golden priest**, bestows his blessing.
As we observe this holy ritual as simple travelers, we are thankful for every breath and heartbeat.

Thus, let us walk carefully, for our souls are cradled in this earthly cathedral, this refuge of roots and wings.
cradles our spirit. 
May we listen to its songs, respect its frail grandeur, and find comfort in the earth's murmurs. 
*— A wonder-seeking pilgrim*

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2024

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Ink of the Islands

In the heart of the Pacific, where waves cradle secrets,
**Tatau** emerges—a sacred script etched upon skin,
A symphony of charcoal rivers, whispered stories,
**Samoan souls bloom**.

**Pe'a**, the male canvas, bears courage's weight,
Thighs adorned with ancestral tales—
A map of strength, resilience, and honor.
Charcoal ink flows, tracing lineage,
Each stroke a testament to warriors past,
Their spirits dancing in the breeze.

And there, beneath the tropical sun,
**Malu** unfolds—a sacred shield for women,
Knees to thighs, sheltering grace.
In its intricate patterns, life's storms find refuge,
As if the very fabric of the universe weaves protection.
**Ready for life's tempests**, they stand,
Rooted in tradition, adorned with purpose.

**Ink and pain**, woven into existence,
Elders nod approval, their eyes reflecting wisdom.
The sting of the needle, a rite of passage,
A metamorphosis from youth to maturity.
These inked skins tell tales of resilience,
Of navigating tides and finding constellations,
Of embracing both shadow and light.

And when the village gathers, women dance—
Their legs adorned, a living canvas,
Patterns intertwining like laughter and song.
**Beauty etched in skin**, a celebration of identity,
A dance of belonging, of shared memories,
Of ancestors whispering through the ink.

**Ancient art**, spanning three millennia,
**Marked bodies**, honor's canvas,
Culture's heartbeat inked into existence.
In the land of waves, where coconut palms sway,
Tatau and Malu intertwine,
Their stories etched upon the flesh,
A living testament to resilience and pride.

So let the trade winds carry these words:
**Samoan tattoos**, more than mere ink,
They are the heartbeat of a people,
A legacy woven into the very fabric of time.

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Princess Susi Etelagi Poem

Threads of Twilight

The twilight, like a gentle lover, wraps the world in a soft embrace.
Its colors blend and bleed, creating a canvas painted with hues of dreams and memories. 
Each stroke of dusk is a whispered promise, a secret shared between the fading day and the emerging night.

The moon, that celestial wanderer, 
tosses its silver coin across the vast expanse of sky. 
It dances with the stars, those ancient companions who listen intently to its murmured confessions. 
They exchange cryptic messages, like cosmic postcards, bridging the gap between infinity and our mortal existence.

The ocean, forever restless, is a lover who kisses the shore with salty lips. 
Each wave carries a love letter, etching its frothy ink upon the sands.
Seagulls, those winged poets, pirouette on the edge of existence. 
Their delicate feathers brush against eternity, leaving traces of flight in the wind.

Mountains stand as stoic guardians, their rugged faces etched by the hands of time. 
They hold forgotten tales and whispered legends within their stony hearts. Their peaks reach for the heavens, daring the gods to descend and join their ancient dance. 
Earth and sky entwine, and we watch, mere mortals, from below.

And we, like threads in a cosmic loom, weave our fragile stories. 
Laughter, tears, and longing blend together, creating verses in the symphony of existence. 
Our notes resonate across the expanse, fleeting moments of grace that linger in the memory of the universe.

In this grand tapestry of life, we are both artists and observers, 
adding our brushstrokes to the canvas of time.

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Princess Susi Etelagi Poem

The Echo of Granite Peaks

Amidst the craggy heights, where granite kisses sky, There dwells a voice, a tempest’s cry, A soul aflame, a melody unbound, Glenn Hughes, the Voice of Rock, profound.

From Trapeze’s wings, he soared aloft, A troubadour of rhythm, a velvet voice so soft, In Deep Purple’s embrace, he wove a cosmic tale, His bass notes echoing through time’s gossamer veil.

Black Country Communion, a symphony of fire, Their fifth album forged in passion’s forge, desire, Strings plucked like heartstrings, lyrics etched in gold, Glenn’s voice, a beacon, a tale of legends told.

And oh, the Dead Daisies bloomed with fervent might, Their petals kissed by sun and moon’s soft light, He sang of resurrection, of rock’s eternal flame, A phoenix rising, defying fate’s cruel game.

California Breed, a fusion of sun and sea, Their chords like ocean waves, wild and free, Glenn’s voice, a compass, guiding lost souls home, Across the vast expanse, where dreams and tides roam.

Deep Purple, oh, the purple haze of yore, A canvas painted with stardust, forevermore, His voice, a comet streaking through cosmic night, Igniting constellations, birthing new light.

So here, dear readers, listen close and hear, The echo of granite peaks, the songs that steer, Glenn Hughes, the maestro, his legacy unfurls, Metaphors carved in stone, resonating world

Copyright © Princess Susi Etelagi | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things