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Best Poems Written by Alla Antsis

Below are the all-time best Alla Antsis poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Why Did I Die

In war, there is no noble death, 
Just pain and sorrow with each breath.
I perished in a tragic way, 
No bravery or courage on display.

My body, once whole, now torn apart, 
A lifeless piece of burned-up art. 
I cry and scream, but no one hears, 
No one to soothe my dying fears.

My dreams and hopes now left behind,
To sacrifice for stupid pride
No chance to live to dream or love
No chance to say a last goodbye 

What was the purpose of this fight, 
That robbed me of my chance at life?
Why did I have to pay the price, 
And be statistic in their dice?

My death was senseless, cruel and grim
My mind now lost, my light grows dim
My heart now aches with this regret, 
As I leave this world with much unsaid

I now died….

Alla Antsis
February 24, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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Stop the War

Amidst peace's promises, war's horrors remain, 
Spring brings new life, but love feels in vain. 
Lost souls wander, searching for hope, 
Pain and heartache, a never-ending slope.

When does it end, this cycle of strife? 
When will we lay down our weapons and knives? 
Can love conquer all, and heal our wounds? 
Or will we be doomed to eternal ruins?

The answer lies not in the hands of fate,
 But in the choices we make, before it's too late. 
Let peace and love guide our hearts and minds, 
And leave war and pain, far behind.

By Alla Antsis
March 18, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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To my dear friend Peter

You left too soon, a life cut short,
Leaving me to navigate a new sort, 
In my heart, you'll always remain, 
A cherished memory that will sustain

You were time capsules of our past,
Inviting forgotten selves to last, 
In your company, we found our histories,
Bringing joy, safety, and shared mysteries.

I'll miss our coffee dates, our chats on the phone, 
The way you listened when I felt alone, 
You saw me in a way no one else did, 
Understood my fears, dreams, and wit
Losing you means losing a unique perspective, 
On my life, my purpose, and my directive.
It may take time to heal and move on, 
But I'll find my place, where I belong

Farewell dear friend, protect me from above, 
Wrap me in your wings, with unconditional love, 
And though I’ll miss you every passing day, 
I know you're with me, in every single way.

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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Watching From Above

Watching from above, the world looks small 
But the pain and the suffering, can be felt by all 
In Ukraine and beyond, wars rage on 
And innocent lives are forever gone

Stop the senseless violence and bloodshed 
This war has left too many dead 
The cost of war, we cannot measure 
A world in chaos, that we cannot treasure

This war's reach has gone too far 
Beyond two nations, a global scar 
All nations must make a choice 
To listen to reason or drown in noise

Watching from above, I see a better tomorrow
If we hold on to hope, and banish all sorrow.
We need visionaries, not just leaders 
Who can stop this war, be peace-seekers

Alla Antsis
March 20, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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The Crucified Risen

Christians once sacrificed their own, 
To the God of Love, like pagans known, 
Burning heretics, they claimed divine, 
Killing their own in a holy shrine.

Those who fought for freedom's call, 
Claiming Christian values above all, 
Killed their own in cold bloodshed, 
Replacing faith with "nation" instead.

Those who send us to war, with hate and fear, 
Are not Christian, nor human, but profiteers, 
Forcing the poor to meet their end, 
Calling it justice, a moral trend.

And oftentimes, the word "justice" they use, 
Substituting love, for violence they choose, 
Replacing truth with words that sound, 
A heartless scheme, worth millions of pounds.

The Crucified Risen, came to say, 
There's only love, in a world astray, 
Only love can conquer violence and strife, 
Bringing peace and hope, to all of life.

Alla Antsis
April 7, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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Sensuality is in the movements, the glances shared,
In the timbre of the voice, a magic that's rare, 
It's in the wrinkles, and scars, with pride, 
Worn with a special chic, a confident stride.

For sexuality is a force, a magnetic pull, 
A captivating energy that makes hearts full, 
It's a spark that ignites, a fire that burns, 
A sensuous rhythm, a dance that yearns.

It's a lifestyle, a way of living with zest,
A celebration of desires, fully expressed,
It's owning your body, your mind, and your heart, 
Embracing your sensuality, a work of art.

Let’s embrace sexuality, without hesitation, 
For it's a natural part of human creation, 
A gift to be cherished, a power within, 
A symphony of joys that's yours to begin.

Alla Antsis
April 23, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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Be Reborn

Today the bomb went off in the city, 
Shattering my peace and bringing pity, 
The neighboring building, now a ruin, 
Burning possessions, a heartbreaking tune.

Roofs crashed down, walls destroyed, 
Innocent lives caught in the void, 
Screams for help, hands in the air, 
A tragedy that's too much to bear.

The birds still sing, the cats still purr, 
The flowers bloom, with a gentle stir, 
And in these simple joys we find, 
A solace, in our troubled minds.

Hope and dreams are still alive, 
Despite the war, we still survive, 
The scars of war, etched deep and wide, 
Will heal in time, with love and pride

Writers and artists, still create, 
To show the world, there's more than hate.
For though the world may seem so torn, 
We'll keep on living, and be reborn.

Alla Antsis
March 29, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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Manipulation of the Mind

Time has split in two, a chasm so wide, 
Connecting what once was, no longer applied. 
What once was close, now seems so far, 
The war has left us with permanent scars.

The scale of man's relationship with the world, 
Has shifted, as new realities unfurled. 
What once consumed us whole, now seems remote, 
Politics and history now govern our vote.

We must view reality from a distance, 
Not caught up in events, but with resistance. 
To see with clarity and sober thought, 
In the thick of the flow, the truth is sought.

For time may split, and worlds may change, 
But our perception can still be arranged. 
To understand what was and what will be, 
Critical distance is the key.

March 21, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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Let Us Stand Up

An outright defeat in Ukraine
May spell doom for Russian reign
It means more than political gain
We refuse to let hatred sustain

Fear the indifferent, for they allow
The worst atrocities to happen right now
We cannot turn a blind eye
To the suffering of those who cry

Let us stand up for what we believe
And do our part to ensure that we achieve
A world where justice and peace prevail
And where every human life can truly avail.

Alla Antsis
March 21, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023

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Lying face down, in snow and mud, 
A tragic tale, soaked with blood. 
The cost of war, a heavy toll, 
Leaving hearts burdened, with sorrow's role.

A thief of hopes, elusive and sly, 
Dashing dreams, leaving hearts to sigh. 
Promises broken, futures dashed, 
War's bitter aftermath, deeply thrashed.

An ashtray of illusions, deceptive and frail, 
Chasing false perceptions, a tempting tale. 
A toll too heavy, a price too high,
For humanity's sake, let's question why.

Alla Antsis 
April 24, 2023

Copyright © Alla Antsis | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things