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Best Poems Written by Abha Pandey

Below are the all-time best Abha Pandey poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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How To Heal

When you want to heal yourself 
You see all the way around 
Seeing the people with more pain 
And worries of  the life 
Then how could you be the part of their worries 
When you want to heal them more than yourself 
How could you heal yourself 
You know some part of tour heart 
Want to express itself 
But how could you do that 
When you want to hear others 
More than saying something of your heart 
How could you heal yourself

Copyright © Abha Pandey | Year Posted 2023

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Bird In Cage

Trying to hide myself 
In a cage likes a  bird 
Having all the beautiful things 
With no risks and worries 
At the cost of my happyness
And for the happiness of my loved ones 
Like the bird 
Which want to fly in the sky 
But don't want to leave loved ones behind 
Who is unable to choose between them 
Seeing the sky with big smile 
With spark of dreams in  eyes .

Copyright © Abha Pandey | Year Posted 2023

Details | Abha Pandey Poem


When life feels so hard that 
We want to take a breath 
When sleep feels like escape 
And we are the verge of giving up 
Love for others , love of them make us go longer  
We again push yourself 
We told ourself  to walk a little longer 
When life feels so rude and rash 
Some soft words of love make us go harder 
And fight for us .
Sometimes when we come to the point 
Questioning what is wrong or right  
Or why you are keep going like this 
When we have to do some tasks 
No matter how tired you are 
And the heart feels like ice and the body as stone 
Where we don' t feel a thing 
Neither  the pain of cuts , nor the broken heart 
And the question of what the purpose of living comes in mind comes 
When others are taking about how to enjoy the life ,
And deciding of their life 
And we are here on that one way road 
It sometimes feels so unfair 
But then yours words comes to my mind that 
Every life is unique in their own way 
We have some things that  others don't have 
And we don't have  some thing that they have 
We can't the lives of two person 
Can't compare the hardships of us to others 
We can't see their hardships just like you thought 
They can't see yours .
So I gather myself once again 
Doing what I need to do 
Doing without thinking about these foolish things .

Copyright © Abha Pandey | Year Posted 2023

Details | Abha Pandey Poem


Sometimes we try very hard 
To erase our past and 
Even our past self from that past 
But no matter what we do 
It always leave the marks behind 
No matter what thought 
And emotions I use as an eraser 
But i am trying now to look forward   
Beyond that page of my life 
Now i feel like rhe life is like notebook 
Not the page what I use to  think about 
Even though we can't erase the marks 
We can look forward to new pages 
That is blank and waiting for the story 
That we write into it .

Copyright © Abha Pandey | Year Posted 2023

Details | Abha Pandey Poem

Who You Are

Who you are ?
Are you the name ?
Are you the fame ?
Are you the degrees that you gain ?
Who you are ?
Are you , your true nature ?
You are your  behaviour 
You are your habits 
You are the precious one 
You are yourself , not the other one 
You are single piece of treasure of yourself 
So don't waste the treasure 
By comparing it with others 
They are they 
You are you 
So , be true 
And be yourself

Copyright © Abha Pandey | Year Posted 2023

Book: Reflection on the Important Things