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Best Poems Written by Wendy Evans

Below are the all-time best Wendy Evans poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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St Valentine

I was inspired to write this poem because of the true nature of this brave Holy man, St Valentine. It tells the story of courage, compassion and resilience in the face of adversity but above all it is a love story. Love is eternal, it extends beyond this realm and in the end love was his salvation. 
St Valentine was executed in Rome on the 14th February in the third century AD.

Saint Valentine was a priest who lived in the third century AD. 
He was sentenced to death but no criminal was he. 
The emperor of Rome, Claudius was his name, forbid his soldiers to marry throughout his reign. He feared a wife would make his men weak, their prospects for victory on the battle field bleak. These were his predictions for a soldier who is wed, to be laying in the dirt wounded or dead. 

Saint Valentine was a man with a higher vocation to heal the souls of men, from every station. In secret the couples he did wed, allowing soldiers to take a wife to their bed. Claudius was angry and he took his revenge, Valentine was to be executed and his life was to end. 

Imprisoned Valentine love he did find, his jailers daughter was both beautiful and kind, and what should have been his darkest of days turned out to be his happiest in so many ways. History tells us that when the day came for his life to end, an urgent letter to his girl he did send. This letter of true love he then did sign. 
From your Valentine.

Copyright © Wendy Evans | Year Posted 2023

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The Girl Inside of Me

A reflection of a woman in the mirror I do see.
A face graced with wrinkles stares right back at me.

Her appearance looks tired and worn with time.
I survey her face as her eyes meet mine.

Her hair is white and her skin is saggy.
Her jawline and neck appear drooping and baggy.

Who is this this lady in the mirror that I see.
Is this old lady supposed to be me ?

I feel no connection to this person at all.
She seems so frail, she looks so small.

My body is able and my mind is clear.
I am learning new things and growing each year.

I can jog round the park, I can dance till I drop.
I can sprint up a hill till I reach the top.

I can go on a trip and spend all day walking.
I can stay up all night with my friends, just talking.

I can work a full shift then come home and clean my house.
Then I'll cook dinner for me and my spouse.

I take care of my family, they don't take care of me.
I am agile I am healthy, I am still young inside you see.

In my mind I imagine myself to be 20 or so.
The reflection in the mirror is a woman I don't know.

The image portrays an illusion, it does not depict me. 
Inside is a girl who is adventurous, full of life, vibrant and free

Copyright © Wendy Evans | Year Posted 2023

Details | Wendy Evans Poem

A Wonderful Yesterday

Mother Earth, she weeps, but her tears are all in vain.
Men who seek profit and power will never feel guilt or shame.

What is happening to our world? Wake up and see what we have done.
The pollution that fills our air is now blocking out the sun.

We carelessly chop down our trees at such an alarming rate.
Nothing left to purify our air; is our existence left to fate?

Who will pollinate our plants when we kill off all the bees?
What will be left of our oceans when we contaminate all our seas?

Majestic animals that share our world, men track them down to kill,
Not for any particular purpose, they hunt them for the thrill.

Beautiful beasts that once roamed our lands free,
Reduced to decomposing carcasses hunted for a fee.

Our marine life is being poisoned by all our toxic waste.
Plastics dumped in mass for all our fish to taste.

Mountains of our garbage, in our oceans we do store,
Then watch in silence as the blood-drenched waves break angrily on the shore,

And with it, all the decaying corpses from once an abundant sea of the living,
A sea that kept us fed, a sea that kept on giving.

Without all these things, we cannot survive.
Each link has a purpose in the circle of life, and they keep us alive.

Our planet is our mother; we live in her womb.
She provides for all life; let's not make her our tomb.

Copyright © Wendy Evans | Year Posted 2023

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The Prisoner

Here I reside inside my head where Devil and Demons fear to tread.

My imagination is my sanctuary from a world I do not wish to see.
Sheltered from a setting repugnant to me.

Outside I am invisible, but not here, not in this place.
Here I am relevant in my illusion, my sanctuary, my safe space.

Brick by brick this wall I have built up around me, inside lies my creation, a life as it should be. A beautiful place, people filled with dignity and pride, congregate to celebrate peace side by side.

Children of men are tolerant and giving, have a passion in their heart for a life that's worth living. People are not judged by the colour of their skin but by their morals and compassion of the soul within.

In my world people are free from the chains of oppression, they embrace indifference and never show aggression.

I don't want to see the flaws in humanity, their avarice and selfishness that test my sanity so here I take refuge inside my head, safe in my cell.
This is the place I have chosen to be. In my own prison, holding the key.

Copyright © Wendy Evans | Year Posted 2023

Details | Wendy Evans Poem

For Silviya

There you stand at the foot of my bed.
This vision of you so clear in my head.
Do you watch me whilst I am restless in sleep.
Are you bound to me by the memories you keep.
Is your love for me something that keeps you here.
Do you feel my pain, is that why your near.
Do you see the dark circles round my eyes.
Are you sad for all the tears I have cried.
Do you long to wipe those tears from my face.
Does your arms ache to hold me in their embrace.
Do you worry how I will go on without you.
Will I have a happy life, just like I used to.
I look in your eyes and see your hearts breaking.
I can’t stop the tears flow as I feel myself shaking.
You have been by my side since the day I was born.
And all of my life your love you have sworn.

I want this day to be our last good bye.
Rest now my sweet its your turn to fly, up through the clouds to the Castle in the sky

The connection we share will never fade, I will be OK mum so don’t be afraid.

Copyright © Wendy Evans | Year Posted 2023

Details | Wendy Evans Poem


All tucked up and snug in bed as Angels standing guard above your head.
Mummy will kiss away your fears, she'll stroke your hair and dry your tears.

She softly sings a lullaby about the stars up in the sky. Twinkle twinkle star so bright shining down on us tonight... Her breath is warm upon your face as you lie silent in her embrace. Your sleepy eyes transfix on mum as the moon comes up to replace the sun. 
She gently takes your hand in hers, your fingers wrap around her thumb. These are treasured moments as she waits for sleep to come. Mummy counts her blessings as she sings to her son knowing that he feels safe enveloped with in the arms of his mum.

Her voice is but a whisper now as she hums the last line, these precious moments she will treasure throughout all time. She tells you that she loves you, her words are honest and true, for there is no where in the whole world she would rather be, than lying here with you.

Copyright © Wendy Evans | Year Posted 2023

Details | Wendy Evans Poem

My Angel

There is this special place in Heaven that one day I will see.
It was built by an Angel and she made it just for me.

She filled this place with happy thoughts, chapters of a life that now has past.
Recording every joyful day, a keep safe created to last.

As an Angel she came back from Heaven, a divinity from above, she embrace me in her magnificent wings and restored me with her love.

God had granted her a wish because her heart was truly breaking. 
Her desire was to make me whole again, her own place in Heaven forsaking.

My Angel is always with me, the constant by my side.
A presence unseen by others, she is my conscience and my guide.

My Angel gives me courage and the strength to stand up tall.
She encourages me to have the resilience to rise above it all.

She carries me when I am weary, under her wings is where I will be.
We walk the path together, my Angel, my guardian and me.

My Angel has given me a new purpose, to help others I have vowed.  
I look towards my Angel and smile, because I know I make her proud.

My Angel is one of a kind, she is an Angel like no other. To me she shines above the rest because this Angel is my mother.

Copyright © Wendy Evans | Year Posted 2023

Book: Reflection on the Important Things