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Best Poems Written by Kenya Mcghee

Below are the all-time best Kenya Mcghee poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Shedding of Our Skin

“The Shedding of our Skin” 
I am writing about the transition from lost now found, 
Darkness to light, one being into another, death to life, 
Old skin to new skin. 
Its like the rejuvenation of skin 
The restoring of flesh over flesh of an open wound 
And that does not happen all at once but over a duration of time. 
Little by little not specific, but unpredictable start to finish. 
My skin was tough, tough as leather 
It had to be broken in, sat and stomped on over time 
It was miss-used, abused 
Unappreciated, contaminated and unpurified with uncleanliness toxic substances, people, places and things. 
Miss-guided with ill desires and will 
But by grace my transformation had begun 
Before it was to late there was a death to life ending activated 
In my darkest space, In my mess 
The shedding of my skin had begun 
There was a shift in my ways my desires my walk and talk 
My mind and heart had started to align up with the whispers of Gods divine word. 
My old skin of the one-track roads, addictions, attitudes and desires. 
I no longer craved or desired 
My mouth was filled with affirming empowerment for myself and others. 
I was able to articulate the things I felt, thought, wanted, and needed, liked and disliked. 
Speaking fluent in the moments with no more hesitation or reluctancy holding my words or fear. 
I am shedding my broken past of my childhood strongholds and obstacles. 
Letting go of my resentments and anything that has kept me in chains. 
I’ve moved from complacency to contentment with a peace and understanding I cant explain. 
Compelled to be of service and good works with a drive of passion energy and love. 
No longer stagnant in my engrafted past 
Now free and flying through the fog, trauma and strongholds that once hindered me and my growth in so many ways. 
Today my mind is renewed with thoughts and visions of life and light. 
My new skin enables me to persevere on in faith and hope. 
Trusting and dreaming of an abundant life sober and free 
To properly handle and face life gratefully 
Overcoming any of its obstacles that may come up against me 
I am shedding with new profound revelations and abilities 
My shedding has provided me with a variety of new talents and gifts. 
Something that my old skin would have never allowed.... 
Continuing to shed “The Shedding of my Skin”

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

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Priceless Me

Satan, Im priceless you cant put that price on me
This beautiful structure GOD has created simply does not have a fee
So all that you proclaim to offer theres no need you see
I can send up all my requests and receive them by getting down on bended knees
As I reflect back on my past when everything about me was a fee
And my entire mentality was driven by nothing but currency
I rendered you my soul
And just then my whole life had took its toll
I started chasing and lusting wealth
Which had become so detrimental to my health
I lost all my sense of reasoning my direction, visions and goals I was no longer seeing
I was brought with a pricetag on my head
But realistically I was living as the dead
When my sole purpose was to benefit the family I once led
Eventually you would place a huge dent in me
Incarceration has found me and grief surrounds me
As your merchandise and due to your purchase I allowed you to depreciate my value
You were persistently attracting, while consistently attacking
But know I landed back in my original owners hands, who initially gave me life
With instructions for no strife
New birth, My worth
Recognizing all that he created me to be without a price or a fee
Your wicked ramifications that had once followed
Mournfully, tormented me my family and friends suffering is what we had swallowed
And as your merchandise
I still had to pay my own price
While your plans were to dismantle, distract and corrupt
Here I sit stuck in the prison system on my but
Satan, I have just a few more words “IM PRICELESS”
I cant be bought thats the lesson that I was taught
No longer am I living in hell because my soul is not for sell
No longer a commodity my merchant is now GOD
And he is who embodies me.
(Mark 8:36) And how does a man benefit if he gains the whole world and loses his soul in the process?

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

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The River That Runs

The River that runs”
The heavenly river that runs consistently with its pleasant tranquilizing flow.
Furnishing my soul with contentment.
Anointing my body from head to toe.
The splashing waves are the whispers of God’s infinite word.
That travels worldwide from era to era across every nation to be heard.
It’s sustaining nourishment for my life.
Guidance throughout my valley darkest nights.
Encouraging me to keep on abiding in his word.
And continue on to spread what’s been heard.
All of your promises has been fullfilling enough to lead this earthly herd.
Convincing me to fully commit and praise you for the rest of my days.
Surfing on the waves of your will depending on them to keep me afloat.
Similar to the protection you placed on Noah’s boat.
So let it rain propelling the waves to roar and soar.
Ascending the river banks to higher grounds rising us to greater levels.
While we overcome our hindering devils.
Those precious sounds.
That the thunder rings down.
Signaling for our attention.
Like the visibly unyielded red flags the blind eye could not recognize.
But you mercifully still cradle us in the palm of your hands.
Assisting us to avoid that obstructing enemy.
Contributing to our fortitude allowing us to stand.
And as the water streams persistently throughout this land.
We conquer enslaved oppression.
With frequent absorption it eliminates desperation.
Revealing within us fresh unfamiliar strengths, gifts and talents to explore.
Healing and restoring.
Sailing our stray boats back up to shore.
Walking us into new opportunities, opening doors.
Which will remarkably produce within us higher scores.
The never ending river that you can never ignore.
It abundantly runs and consuming it makes life worth its rapid run.

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenya Mcghee Poem

Heavily Distraction

Heavenly Distractions
Heavenly distractions Gods divine guidance that will set you in an idle space of quietness
Away from all the noxious noise
Where you are only able to hear his voice commands and promises
Instilling in us that indescribable peaceful poise
Heavenly distractions a time when your will is contending with Gods will
Your tongue thoughts and actions are being renewed by an alteration of changes on a consistent basis
Elevating our skills
Heavenly distractions feeling of conviction when our actions are not of him
Condemning our hearts towards his truth and glory
While shining his light to lead the way
Abling us to stand firm and upright in confidence
Boldly persevering on to spread his story
Heavenly distractions provides us elation and joy in our most disoriented discorded times
A comforter and friend through the most loneliest coldest dark nights
Appearing as an illuminating light that revises our sight
Heavenly distractions showers us with rain meeting our every need with floods of the greatest first love that fortifys and elevates us to new levels with supernatural powers
Revealing us with talents and gifts of our hidden unfamiliar abilities
Awakening us with a newly birthed life
Heavenly distractions intervenes in our life at our lowest pits of defeat
Compelling us to surrender and seek his counsel
Which ascends us to higher limits of hope
Strengthening us to annihilate and overcome any battle or failure
Heavenly distractions
The wisdom and assurance we receive that ignites the transformation of our old mindsets to teardown to reframe and rebuild on a more robust foundation
Heavenly distractions turns your sins into wins
Opening up new perspectives renewing our minds
Like the Shedding of our skin
Putting our old negative flesh and past to and end
Heavenly distractions is like Gods mother nature sending blowing winds and snow storms down on a busy families home
Interrupting their regular routine
Blocking them in so they can spend quality time with one another and no ones left alone
Heavenly distractions intervenes and uplift your predetermined plans
With different directions
Rerouted heavenly destinations
Designed for upper levels of increase
Surpassing you from where you previously had settled and made plans to be
Those Heavenly Distractions

P.S heavenly distraction is a time when GOD intervenes to capture your attention working a bad situation out for it’s good .

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenya Mcghee Poem

Scars and Wounds

Scars and wounds embedded externally and internally
Over my body and throughout my soul
Authenticating me into my natural being
Causing so much pain and pleasure
As I look into this reflection in the mirror
Its the transformation of this person I am visually seeing
Scars and wounds
Its the gain from the pain
Its the pleasure causing great deals of measure
I could be licking my wounds wearing them proudly as badges, my stripes of honor
To remind and motivate me on futher away from this life I left behind me
Or I can continue to bleed staying stagnant in my past
Which vainly amounts to nothing and I will never last
I’ll just be repeeling the scabs to relive and resurface the bloody trauma of the pain I once had
Continuously reflecting leaving me in my mess, feeling depressed
Or I can just move on ahead and considerate as one of life experienced tests
Nevertheless Im grateful to remain sane, living and blessed
Im leaving it all up to “GOD” to handle the rest

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenya Mcghee Poem

Its Given

“Its Given”
Its given living life intentional I awake daily in attunement living life on a purpose for a purpose
Germinating my flow
My ambition is struggle driven
My strengths derived from resiliency is flamboyantly noticeable its given
Im colorful so if you dont understand me its because we are all singly uniquely woven
Our reasoning may appear diverse its due to the separate lives were living but its given
That you are you and I am me
Comfortably positioned as what our creator and character has defined us to be With inevitable cultural engraving
Ancestral imprints of enslavement oppression pavements
Its given resiliency
You are you and I am me
Fearlessly and wonderfully made to stand as one in unity and love through these perilous times
So I shine my light and humanize life by vocalizing
My voice towards a more positive wholesome choice
Combating against the enemies hate and loud overwhelming noise
A beacon of light to penetrate, motivate and inspire those that can relate Breaking lost souls free from bondage
At one point I was captive hidden in silence
I subjugated the trauma and prioritized my hurt
Sifting through my dirt I dug up my worth
No more comparing today Im comfortable in my own skin No matter my failures or imperfections
The reflection in the mirror positively affirm that I can win
revelations to articulately convey the words to heal
What is given that you are you and I am me
Walking down the same road with dissimilar backgrounds

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenya Mcghee Poem

Lonely Child

Lonely child
Dwelling under this roof that use to be bullet proof
I sit out here lost home alone
With visions of you that I carry when you were still at home
I await daily to feel your love over the discourse we have on the phone
This house remains vacant
And the fresh smelled aroma from you washing our laundry still lingers throughout the vents
Coming up from the basement
And the walls still echoe your consoling voice
After the authorities came in and abducted you surviving standing alone has been my only choice
Im a lonely child
Your 1 out of 5 children with adopted emotions of an only child
And when they sentenced you to fifthteen years in prison my entire world turned wild

Dedicated to my 4th child my love
Im still your big bright eyed child only subtract the smile
Because when these floors get to creaking your footsteps it questions me was your crime really worth the while
I envision you in the kitchen, in my bedroom planting kisses in my sleep
Awakening me to late walmart runs
Say’n son come grab a videogame its gonna be fun
You ten years in now we walking down them miles
You stated Son hindsight is always better than foresight
And if I was thinking rational and sober it wouldnt had resulted to this and Ill redo that night
I should have been grateful and appreciated all that I had
And if I retained the knowledge I hold today
You wouldnt be displaying those perplexed frowns living sad
Maybe then Ill still have the presence humor of my dad
Lonely child, Its almost over now
I just pray the vacant structure is still standing
And the resentment of destruction hasnt torn it completely down
Have faith in God
He promised to restore back what we lost 10 fold
I understand your cold
And for me to keep telling you Im coming home each year is getting old
But trust God and find strength
Ill be back home and things will come back around
We will renovate that home
And it will be the best in town
You wont be left alone
And we will no longer have to express our love over this phone
The flood of your tears will reduce from being spilled
And all of your empty vacancies will then be filled
Then you wont be lonely
Sitting listening to the noises of the broken home
I left behind that crys and moans

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenya Mcghee Poem

New Life

“New Life”
according to the power that worketh within you
I was the streets bait
The hustles mate
And my addictions degrade
Now #89451 Im writing, reading and flipping through my own book of life pages
Although withholding my dreams and goals that had never left my side
This robust heart for my family was my concrete reason to provide
It was the instant thrill & pleasure from fast money and renowned hood fame
Everyone from Toledo to Houston had grown to know my name
Now its the prison systems checkmate
While I sit in a cell behind these steele gates
Praying for a redo, eagerly anticipating my date
Presently taking this time to evolve and resolve my past old perspectives
Today I have a renewed mindset and all my choices are now selective
Looking through clearer lenses with new visions at bay
With God all things are new and he provides the light that paves my way
And suddenly all my past character defects are fading away
Go on ahead and go astray
Allow me to continue to shed my skin and walk into this new being
Hello new day
Transformation is the only choice to win
And finally that is what I am now seeing
An unfamiliar refined identity I could have never foreseen
Out of the darkness and into the light
My worth could never again be demeaned
Hello New Life.....

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenya Mcghee Poem

Follow Me

Follow me into a place where we can be free
Where we can flow like the waves of the sea
Distant from anything else reaching limits of the unknown
Listening to the symphony of splashes thats reciting our favorite love song roaming wild passing deserted islands
Settling, Building, Nestling close together in our home
Follow me under the cascades of this secular strain Adhering to my soul
Withstanding the tormenting pain that these times unfold
Follow me when my self-worth and self-esteem is dampened Making me feel like the finest quality of gold
Even when I grow old
Follow me up this spiritual mountain Ascending us to greater heights Defying all the odds
Inciting righteous strikes
Follow me, Follow me, Follow me
Even when difficult situations occur
Let me lean on you as well as you on me
When were dropped in the pot of hot boiling water And confusion begins to stir
Follow me through my illness
My weakest moments
When Im feeling like I cant kill this Kiss me, Comfort me, Hold me
Tell me you can heal this
Support my immune system making me feel the thrillest
Galvanize my goals putting them in motion Accelerating all of my formulated notions Deposited talents into the chosen
That the resurrected gifts has arose in
Follow me

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenya Mcghee Poem

I Found Flowers Growing In My Ruins

“I found flowers growing in my ruins”

Once in a dark cave their lay aside devastated ruins 

The chains of weeds of my strongholds and failures that had over grown my deflated plans,goals and dreams 

Confusion appeared consuming the once so delightful flourishing scene 

Somber, lonely and reclusive 

The only voices to heard in the abandoned barren fields were the echoes from the whistling wind that the inciting unhealthy choice storm would spring 

With no idea of my identity I simmered in my thoughts & emotions in total despair 

I could easily have called it quits confined in the dead end pits 

Without any other souls around only god was there to assist me with the heavy bearing weight on my sanity from the noxious consequential detours I’ve chose 

Taking those left turns getting lost deep down in the depths of those additive magnetic wilderness roads 

But after time elapsed the seasons would change 

The ruins begins to reveal something mystical unfamiliar it seemed very strange 

I found flowers growing in my ruins prompting me to uproot the weeds and rearrange 

During cultivating season I noticed the bulbs in the use to be hardened soil 

Gods irrigation assistance was breeding and leading me into greater light that apparently began to illuminate and transform new life 

All of a sudden growing there were liberating sunflowers, roses, dandelions & tulips 

A refreshing ray of peace, hope & light

Providing provision & fortitude to persevere on to do what’s right and make the best out of the remnants of my destructive ruins, my life 

After eradicating the weeds I continuously found myself on my knee’s confessing victory 

Worshiping the one & only true friend indeed 

The one that has never left my side and has forevermore relentlessly dropped seeds in my soil as the deposit of the Holy Spirit continuously pry open my lost broken soul 

Unsealing identity, talents & gifts a renewed mindset with stable thoughts that no longer drift 

Triumphant, contentment & assurance are the praises sung from my heart 

Blessed and full of gratitude for this new creation start 

It’s all now settling a land of floral pastures with aromatic scents of purpose hovering inundating & lingering throughout the air 

The once destructive scene of ruins has evaporated as if it was only an illusion land that never had existed here 

I’ve discovered flowers growing in my ruins

Copyright © Kenya Mcghee | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things