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Best Poems Written by Don Hamaliuk

Below are the all-time best Don Hamaliuk poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Delicious Emotional Stew

I genuinely like myself for most of the things I do
And it brings me joyous pleasure when it pleases you
When we do things for each other it seems to work just fine
And trouble will come calling when I think too much is mine

We’re in this life for sharing, to that there is no doubt
Wisdom, inspiration, humour, all have their unique clout
But being home and lonely has a vocabulary of its own
Lonesome thoughts hauntingly dictate such a different tone

Sadness, depression, and grief, such strong exhaustive notions
Stopping me in my tracks, conjuring such negative emotions
Attacking my sensitive ego and deflating my self esteem
And feeling sorry for myself, what does that even mean

The words that I am thinking and playing in my mind
Should be of greater wisdom, inspiring and more kind
Making me feel better and making you feel better too 
Holding us together like a delicious emotional stew

Copyright © Don Hamaliuk | Year Posted 2023

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Christmas In the Desert


The north is frozen over; it’s far too cold for me
The sun is hibernating and it’s much too dark to see
I’m glad I am at Orangewood; such a warm and festive mood
Stretching out our stories and enjoying Christmas food

We’re waiting out the winter, playing games and having fun
Slopping on the suntan oil, in the valley of the sun
The magic of the season, buried deep within our soul
Working on our attitude, to avoid that lump of coal

Its Christmas in the desert, my favorite time of year
Outdoors at our happy hour, enjoying a cup of cheer
We celebrate the season, with lights on every street
Up and down the laneways; a nightly walking treat

There’s a cactus with some lights, a Christmas one I guess
Careful you don’t get too close, you could end up in a mess
Flowers in hanging baskets, fruit on most every tree
Christmas in the desert, is such a pretty sight to see

We’ll gather at the main hall, right on Christmas day
So many grey haired seniors, all-trying to have their say
Who will talk the loudest, who can even hear
We’re celebrating Christmas, my favorite time of year

Copyright © Don Hamaliuk | Year Posted 2022

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The Sound of Peace and Quiet


 Tis the get together season, company parties and alcohol
We need to be with people or we’ll go into withdrawal
You tell me to come on over with your desperate voice
But the threat of being infected is nothing to rejoice

This virus is mean and nasty; there’s little place to hide
We’re shutting down our social life with gatherings denied
If we refuse to wear a mask it could get us all arrested
And if we are coughing moistly, we need to go get tested

This Christmas season will be much different from the rest
Devoid of human contact will put our patience to the test
But keep an open mind, a new tradition may be forming
Like the sound of peace and quiet on your Christmas morning

No rushing out to visit and no cooking food all day
No attention to Aunt Margaret with way too much to say
I think I’ll turn some music on just to sooth my soul
Look forward to a silent night and a quiet Christmas stroll

Copyright © Don Hamaliuk | Year Posted 2022

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Christmas Time Is Different


Christmas time is different, it now comes twice a year
More time for celebration, with family that is near
We’ve created another life style, in our golden years
Fitting in some southern seniors, as we’re shifting gears

We’ll gather in October, with our loved ones in the north
Then avoid the hustle and bustle, of travel back and forth
So we’ll be in Arizona, when Santa comes to call
Basking in the sunshine and dancing in the hall

We’ll be thinking of our family, freezing in the snow
Slippin’ and a slidin’, everywhere they go
We’ll check them out on facetime, to make sure nothing’s wrong
And join them in a chorus, of their favorite Christmas song

Tell us that you’ll miss us, but that won’t make us stay
We’ll see you in the springtime, not that far away
Or come to Arizona and we’ll show you why we’re here
You can join us in our happy hour and share our Christmas cheer

Copyright © Don Hamaliuk | Year Posted 2022

Details | Don Hamaliuk Poem

Cooking Up Our History


It’s surprising how food can change your whole life
Bringing people together like you and your wife
In your family gatherings there is food galore
You eat a whole plateful then go back for more

There’s all the ethnic food, that Mom would make
A delicious secret recipe for that poppy seed cake
The restaurants attract us with their specialty food
We go out for indulgence just to lift up our mood

We celebrate our birthday with all the sweet stuff
Our bellies are bulging, and we still can’t get enough
A three-course meal and then the desert
Where’s my antacid, I really need it to work

But it’s not only food that will create so much pleasure
It’s the company we keep and the stories we treasure
Tell me again about your whole family history
Where you grew up and your ancestor’s mystery

The stories can last well into the night
The details with passion till we hear it just right
The food and the stories will continue on forever
Cooking up our history is every family’s treasure

Copyright © Don Hamaliuk | Year Posted 2023

Details | Don Hamaliuk Poem

Healthy Senior


My mother used to feed me to grow up big and strong
Cauliflower and broccoli, some foods that taste so wrong
How could anyone believe that vegetables could be so good
Especially when there was sugar in all my favorite food

Should have listened to my mother, the words keep haunting me
One look in the mirror and it’s scary what I see
So I’m eating all my veggies and foods that are whole
My portions are no bigger than can fit into a bowl

I bought some shoes for walking and do it every day
And joined a club for fitness when cold weather comes our way
If I continue on this journey it should come as no surprise
That by the time I am a hundred, I’ll be my perfect size 

Copyright © Don Hamaliuk | Year Posted 2023

Book: Shattered Sighs