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Best Poems Written by Ali Ahmed

Below are the all-time best Ali Ahmed poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Lonely Eclipse

The smell of dirt and concrete
The sound of cars and crickets
As I glare into the night sky
Patiently, I await its appearance
Perhaps it is shy as it hides
But it shall reappear again
As my emotions begin to clear up
I can see the red emanating from it
But as soon as I can see it,
It soon runs away again
Hiding behind the grey darkness,
But it cannot dim its glow
"When will it show, oh, where will it go?" I wonder
"Oh, why is it afraid?" 
Is it fearful of the peering pupils?
As all colours look up to the sky except one,
As red is afraid to show its eyes
I begin to lay on my back, 
As I touch my heart and feel the beat throughout me
I continue to wait for the hidden to become the unhidden
I stare straight up, with patience
My hand begins to reach out towards the night which feels so close
I attempt to touch it as disappointment rushes over me,
As I realize my palm does not connect with the sky
Again, I look into the grey,
But still no sign of red or white,
As my heart begins to sway
Is it gone? Shall I depart? 
Or will it soon show its true form?
Doubt fills my heart as it begins to darken,
Both it and the night sky
Then, I suddenly feel a sense of anger and abandonment
Has it left me just like the glows of the night?
The liveliness and bright lights left suddenly,
As I begin to assume that it shall leave me too
My energy begins to dissipate as I yearn for comfort
Those awaiting it have now left it,
As now it has left them
Only I lie in the middle of the concrete,
Craving for something that may never show
I stand to yell at the dark night, asking
"Where do you hide and why do you lie?!"
My skin begins to itch as I peer into myself
Time passes and death awaits us all, 
I realize time is only temporary
I only saw glimpses of colour,
As I finally realize that the grey and black darkness may never clear away
Grey shall cover the black
Grey shall cover the red
Silence is all I hear now.

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

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My eyes hurt as I awake
When a lack of sleep attacks me
Another difficult time waking up
Although, less difficult than the last
I struggle to keep my cogs working,
As I leave the comfort behind
And start anew

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

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I sit here, waiting for a thought to help me
A blank mind, a blank sheet of paper
I firmly grip a long pencil, squeezing it tightly,
Silently hoping and praying that I make it out alive
Suddenly, I begin to remember the answer,
But as soon as I entertain the thought,
It slips away like a snake
Slithering out of my mind
Realizing that I am on my last minutes
I take in a deep breath and close my eyes
Then, I exhale
Finally hearing the ring of a bell
I arise and hand my sheet to a silhouette,
Walking past me like a ghost
My face left as pale as the white sheet I had,
Sweat beading my forehead while I exit the room,
Leaving behind my anxiety
I start to chuckle, as my head is filled with the answers I needed,
Too late did it come to me.

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ali Ahmed Poem


I lay underneath the night sky
Or at least, I am left believing it is night
My eyes are shut, with no strength left to open them
I hear a slight rustle in the bushes near me,
And then a few light footsteps towards me
Then… I hear a deafening and terrifying roar,
Unlike no sane animal on Earth
The creature slowly begins to walk forward
I try to scream but no sound comes out
I try to run but my legs have given out
Lastly, I try to open my eyes to see the cause of my death
Not even a twitch…
The animal digs its claws into my chest,
But it hurt less than the pain I’ve felt
While I lay in a red pool, 
I wonder…
How did I get here?
As the last sound I hear is a whimper from the animal,
While its paw lays on my leg.

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ali Ahmed Poem


I wonder what it feels like to pass away,
Will death hold me gently and lay me onto my grave,
Or will it grasp my shirt and pull me in with it?
I may be afraid, but if death does come…
I shall embrace it similar to the way my mother used to embrace me.

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ali Ahmed Poem


The hardness of my seat aches my back
My chest tightens and my heart beats louder and louder,
Can those around me hear it?
Fatigue and heaviness begin to take over
Now unmotivated and tired, I drift away
Letting myself fall into a shallow but inescapable comfort,
“I shall do it tomorrow…”

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ali Ahmed Poem


How far have I really gotten?
Am I overestimating the distance of my journey?
I’d like to think not
I hope I get to where I want to be,
Where I need to be

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ali Ahmed Poem


I don’t know how I got here
The first thing I notice is the smell of embers,
As my heavy eyes begin to let light into them
Darkness is all around me,
With fire being the only light source
Why fire?
Fear fills me to the brim,
And I realize I am trapped in orange,
Ash fills my lungs,
But why does it feel somewhat nostalgic?
Have I been here before?
I walk forward but the hard concrete pierces my sole,
The concept of being combusted pierces my soul,
I take another step,
But now a viscous liquid wets my foot,
And the inferno grows yet again,
My neck creaks while I inspect my surroundings,
Despair and hopelessness take over my feelings
Tears create lines down my cheeks as they descend,
And the funny feeling they make is familiar
I realize I shall meet the same fate as those before me,
Surrounded by fire and alone,
Surrounded by people but alone,
Loneliness is the last thing that comes back to me,
When I find there are no windows,
No door, 
No openings,
No help,
No escape.

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ali Ahmed Poem


I do not want to get up
The soft surface of my bed feels fantastic,
But the bellows of those around me wake me up,
To the sound of chirping and early morning
As I get pulled out of bed by some sort of responsibility,
Which is something I’ve never felt before.

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ali Ahmed Poem


I am reluctant to choose either option,
Although they are the only two
Those around me are also indecisive,
Leaving all of us with no decision
Deciding that I need to be the leader,
I choose the option that better suits me,
Less convenient for those around
However, as if to follow the herd,
They all begin to fall back behind me,
As I walk towards the decision that only I decided to make

Copyright © Ali Ahmed | Year Posted 2022


Book: Reflection on the Important Things