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Best Poems Written by Tansy Roekaerts

Below are the all-time best Tansy Roekaerts poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Secret Lover

Suffusion of sadness so tender,
What I yearn for lies inside.
In bed you await me,
Together we will hide

from those who think we have a choice 
Or that one day you'll be gone. 
Believe you to be transient
A bus I can hop off and on! 

I marvel at the swell of you
So familiar yet never the same
I know you'll never leave me
Nor your power ever wane. 

In bed I shiver with anticipation 
For you're my only truth 
All else is farce, and only in your arms 
Can I cry as I did in youth. 

Accepting life would mean losing you 
So that line will never be crossed. 
Pain, my faithful, constant lover, Pain:
 All that remains from what I've lost.

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2020

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All In a Day

Ceaseless demands
each one a folly
To which I respond
 my answers jolly
Lesson time
Minds are weary
Endless chopping
Meals so  healthy
Shopping ordered
Food a plenty
Excursion time
To burn the energy
Fall from tree
call emergency
Lost child
Panic temporary
Sibling bickering
I Chide impatiently
Bath time soon
Wet  and slippery
Brushing teeth
No help from me
Each to sleep,
Cuddling frenzy
Stealthily creep 
To bed with mummy
Waking together
Hour so early
Getting dressed
Uniform ready
Breakfast now
Clothes grubby
An hour to spare
Time to go crazy
I love to join in
Childish levity
Forget the time
Need to be hasty
Unbrushed hair
That’s got sticky
Scramble for bags
For each activity
Unkempt they go
To school so happy.

T`was all in a day, but a day long gone.
Though in that house
 Shadows of our former selves,
Forever shall live on.

William kekaula  all in a day 09/09/2020

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2020

Details | Tansy Roekaerts Poem


Tansy Roekaerts
	12:35 AM (12 hours ago)		 



With eyes as parched as the desert I travel,
I thirst for my loss, yet do not unravel.
The sun it scorches with merciless rays,
Though heart not skin it brutally flays.

My life before me: a vast expanse,
Empty and scorched infernal sands.
Traveller dropped in foreign terrain,
Totally wrecked, blindsided by pain.

‘Not all is lost’, swears false apostle,
So now I believe, for relief so colossal
Gleams right ahead in sparkling silver,
Joy so intense, my tears form a river:

Our faces awash, in joy so sublime,
I feel such hope, imagining what's mine
Returning to me. That long cool sip
Shimmers ahead, into relief I'll dip

A desire so great. I count the days,
Striving to reach that scintillating haze,
So full of promise, till deceived I fall -
Nature lies too. Still their names I call.

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2021

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Treading Water

My flesh is screaming,

if the cancer is me,

Then cut me out

and set me free.

No more to endure

The sight of the shore,

While drowning capsized out at sea.


If I let myself go,

limbs aching and slow,

So close to that shore,

Then no more I’ll know

Of those I have missed

Of faces unkissed

Of drowning in tears of sorrow


But to them I will pass,

a pain that will last

Forever they’ll sail,

B’neath skies overcast.

A hurt so deep

A pain they'll keep,

My drowning will anchor them fast.


So tethered am I

to what I'm denied,

A childless mother

I must abide

By rules so cruel

Yet love is the fuel

And from drowning I shall not have died.

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2020

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New Beginnings

Now once again this pain so raw,
End so abrupt, the parting so sore,
Wanting but failing to force open the door.

Breathing is laboured, gone is my healh
Each part of me stolen forever by stealth.
Grimacing with pleasure, that gargoyle face,
Inventing the need my past to disgrace,
Never revealing its purpose, nor why,
Naked the flame of hope left to die . 
It’s hard to believe that I still stand,
Not brave, not strong but surely damned.
Gave it my all, till it all fell apart
Still I survive, so again I shall start.


Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2021

Details | Tansy Roekaerts Poem


Superstitious tongues childhood blights
Exorcisms and voodoo fill his nights 
A cursed birth, a an evil within
Only he knows that the devil is him

How else can a child so bright 
Make sense of such a plight? 
No spell can cast his evil out
But leaves him scarred 
and in no doubt

That those who care are mistreating him:
Youthfulful belief had him filled with fear
Now he knows that those he held dear
Saw only the power his shadow could weild
Untramelled knew not his mind is a sheild

hes the founder of a design business lo and behold! 
Recessions see it fail, misery round the world
But each time  anew, his charismap so bold
 Saw business and enterprise for him  unfold

"Mind razor sharp 
Strategy got me through 
Both violence and crime
And a degree or was it two.

The devil within had a different plan
Twas but disease afflicting the man 
Who every adversity had over come
Stronger than me, not a single one 

" I fought for my place
 I fought to the top
Even when hopeless
I fought left to rot

They can take it all:
faith in my father
 hollow loyalty
Gone is my eye but
never clearer I see:

No place on earth now
Is safe for me, trusting and
Loving no more I allow
Family and friends I disavow

To live is to sufffer 
And pain has no end. 
Trials far tougher
Just round the bend

Now love turns to hate
As delusions grow
My hurt so great
Hurt I cause less so

Promise of tomorrow? 
,  that I have none
No feelings of sorrrow
Just safety of my gun

 Behold and shiver! 
My venimous rage
 a deadly viper
... I spring from cage

My tongue whip smart
Knows just what to do 
A future in which I'll play no part

Or so I thought but things do cbange
What I did is done, but life is strange 
And the carnage I caused can be erased.

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2020

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Memories Reworked

Earth’s smell fills my nose, worrying shortness of breath,
Cross the ground without mercy that laughs at my death,
Hurtling towards me, each piling on top,
Crush of love overwhelming that never would stop.

Such times felt intensely no longer exist
But what’s real is perceived, and what I perceive is this:
The tendrils of fear as we climbed, built and slid
A past true to my eye, the hedge where you hid.

It’s the present I can’t’ fathom, that senseless as dreams,
Forever on the verge, comes apart at the seams.
But my memories so strong shall yet win this war,
Forr they are my present, not this life I deplore...

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2021

Details | Tansy Roekaerts Poem

Once Reworked

Joyful, resentful, demanding and loud
 The past is a place, where I felt defined
 Pain I wear it an invisible shroud
I’ll   take to my grave, unless I can find
 That time that I colored to lend it weight,
Bright little boxes, for fear we be late.
Unthinkable that time could lose its hue
Fading with it all I held to be true
Time now weighs heavy, a mantle of lead.
Time then so light so quickly was it spent
Paying no heed to my disease so spread
Till I was left, or was it me that went?

Once was mother, but alas no more,
I have lost my voice, but inside I roar

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2020

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Dangerous, courageous,

My lovely little girl,


A tough one, a rough one,

Strength in every curl,


Never mad, never sad,

But plots a secret scheme,


Shy away, I tell you,

From those dark eyes’ laser beam.


Did you know she sees through us,

Who stumble, fail and fall?


She knows full well to get to me,

To her my heart’s in thrall.


A neat girl, a sweet girl

That she’ll never be.


Not for her obedience

Suppressing every need,


No more than twelve but prescient

She knows where that could lead.



Believing me fast sleeping,

Unseen in her good deed,


She tucks me in lest I catch cold,

Tending to my need.


The soft side, the sweet side

She keeps them both at bay.


It’s true, I know, that outwardly

it may not look that way

But for the fact I was awake

I'm thankful every day

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2020

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All At Sea

Oh how I wish I wasn’t me,
Buta glorious master of the sea,
Whose sails  have caught a steady wind
but I've dropped anchor
for I have sinned

Judgement now must soon be cast,
Much longer here I may not last,
As sky and sea start to encroach
Clouds build and gather
In dark reproach.

I turn my gaze at human kind
So much to love in them I find.
Deftly around the rocks they steer
Helping the ones that stray too near.

As do the souls that pass me by, 
they fear my death and so they try;
They do not know, they cannot see
The anchor’s lodged in the soul of me

Copyright © Tansy Roekaerts | Year Posted 2020


Book: Shattered Sighs