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Best Poems Written by Jane Humphries

Below are the all-time best Jane Humphries poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Double Edged Knife

There’s two sides to every story 
A little bit of pain and a little bit of glory
Love and hate become so often entwined
Wrapping so tightly the heart that they bind

There’s two parts in every duet
A chorus of hope and a verse of regret
Sometimes you’re the singer sometimes the song
Getting the tune right but the rhythm all wrong

There are two directions that this path has
Left to finish first the right to finish last
One way is a smooth course the other is rough
Your journey brief or arduously tough

There’s humility in winning honour in defeat
There is always two versions of everyone we meet
Justice is served with discrimination on the side
Dished up immediately or after a goodbye

I sit in the middle of the scales of life
Contemplating ,empathising,on the tip of a knife
At times I’m understood and at others I am not
I am part of the universe, an insignificant dot

Copyright © Jane Humphries | Year Posted 2020

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I find myself forgotten 
Rotting and rejected
Buried underneath a pile of disregard 
In a place that is neglected 

You dropped me unknowingly 
With careless, casual action
To you I am so meaninglessness 
A discarded former attraction 

Keenly I am so aware
My absence from your concern
Forsaken in my lonely grave
For your attention I yearn

I am now just meaningless 
Filled only with absence of hope
A broken shell of what once was
A worthless senseless joke

But still I’m always waiting
In my land of slow decay
Longing for just one more touch
Before I’m dust to be blown away

Copyright © Jane Humphries | Year Posted 2020

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The Wasteful Gardener

I watched as the bee glided in and out of tiny buds collecting their treasure. I stood back in contemplation should I remove this tall proud plant that I considered a weed to be extracted. 

Garden growing free
Appreciation of life
Honey for my soul

Copyright © Jane Humphries | Year Posted 2020

Details | Jane Humphries Poem

The War Within

I’ll turn you inside out and upside down
Twist your insides around and around
I whisper quietly with shouts and screams
Always nestled down deep invading your dreams
I play many games, hide and seek, truth or dare
But be on your guard as I never play fair 
I’m a secret assassin ready to kill your good vibe 
I will torture your thoughts, cause problems with your tribe
I wage war on you daily invading from inside
But no one can see this battle you hide

Copyright © Jane Humphries | Year Posted 2020

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Anxiety Is

My insides on my outside
My outsides on my in 
I’m all exposed and vulnerable 
I’m delicate with thin skin

A slight breeze would knock me over
A light touch would make me bleed
A whisper now would deafen me
A tiptoe cause a stampede 

I’d drown in one small drop of water
Be blinded by the tiniest spark
Set off balance with a grain of sand
The faintest shadow make my world dark

A sliver of ice would give me frostbite
An ember of coal set me alight
I could be crushed by a falling feather
I’d turn midday into midnight

I could be poisoned by a sip of tea
Get lost in my own home
Create an explosion out of dust
Within the biggest crowd I’m alone

I’m inside looking outside 
I’m on the outside looking in
I never can quite get there 
I never quite fit in

Copyright © Jane Humphries | Year Posted 2020

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My mind is playing reruns of every stupid thing I’ve said and done
It’s all in h d with surround sound for an audience of one
It’s on repeat all day long and sometimes through the night 
Just so that I don’t forget those times when I didn’t get it right
That time I got your name wrong or fell flat upon my face
That I talk to little or too much,always using the wrong pace
It’s a close up on my embarrassment, spot light on my imperfections 
Slow mo through my worst mistakes, never meeting your expectations 
My disaster movie is now showing in the cinema in my head
It won’t ever win an Oscar more like a balloon made out of lead

Copyright © Jane Humphries | Year Posted 2020

Details | Jane Humphries Poem

Friends Forever

Jolly, Alice, the mouse and me
Wherever I go there is the other three 
They are my cuddle when I’m sad, a magic kiss for my cut knee
Always ready for an adventure joyous and carefree 
Playing in our den under the willow tree
That’s my most favourite place I ever will be
And as sleep claims my eyes I know my dreams will be Jolly, Alice the mouse and me

Copyright © Jane Humphries | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs