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Best Poems Written by Lisa Hobbs

Below are the all-time best Lisa Hobbs poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Silent Predator

Cancer, why do you come ?  You creep in slowly so no one knows your're here.A silent predator , you wait to act causing carnage and misery as you launch your attack, never caring if people survive, they desperatley want to stay try and give us no hope . When all we want is to stay afloat.But you do get defeated that much is true. There is a good survival rate and fight you the surgeons do !

We all know someone who's been struck with this disease , families and friends the list never ends , it comes along at randam , and strikes out of the blue , you never know if it's your turn ,does the finger of fate point at you ! 
Stay positive and strong and imagine when it's gone , for one way or another it's time to move along .

Copyright © Lisa Hobbs | Year Posted 2020

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When you're tucked up in bed on a cold winters night just think of the homeless and their terrible plight.
They're not all on drugs or drink as some think. Just afraid and alone with no one to phone, no one they can call to take them home.

They wern't always like this you know,having to beg on the streets they feel there's no hope .With lifes daily challenges how do they ever cope.

They were babies once then children to, they grew up with hopes and dreams just like you do.What happened to them ? To make them this way, for life is just pointless and filled with dismay.

People walk by in their own wrapped up world their heads down or looking the other way ,invisible to them the homeless are ,and we all have our struggles and crosses to bear and life goes on the same everywhere.

Copyright © Lisa Hobbs | Year Posted 2020

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The windrush scandal has me incensensed, the way they treat people because of their skin they wanted  to deport them and take them away  To countries they could well have never even been.

Britain  had urged them and cried out for help then shuned and treated  them like scum. They must have wondered why they had bothered to come . 

As time went by their children grew older and had children to . Who got on with their lives just like brits do .Until the day when A letter came their way. Telling them they didn't belong and that they couldn't stay.

Then the police came along and took them all away to  be locked up when  they did no wrong and told their families to move along !

Some of them got put onto planes and flown to a land far away. They had nowhere to go and no home of their own.All they had were their possessions and a cheap mobile phone ! 
One wife decided enough was enough , she wouldnt loose her husband and fought  against the law. The government decided that the evidence was poor and decided they could stay.The rules were changed and they were free again to live another day.

Copyright © Lisa Hobbs | Year Posted 2020

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Is It a Dream

Is it a dream that i live by the sea in a beautiful little cottage with roses round the door.I can look out of the window and watch the sea as it glistens and crashes onto the shore.

When i was a girl i belived in fairy tales, i thought they were oh,  so true and i dreamnt  that one day a prince would come and whisk me away to his castle made of dreams, but reality  soon kicked in and made my head spin , it was  time to put the dolls away  and just get on with my day.

At school i was a dreamer , my head firmly in the clouds, i was bored out of my mind and that truth i didnt hide, i just thought why try ?
I just want to get on with my life.

What would i be a dancer in a show? A pop star ? An ice skater? I really dont know ! 
You can hold onto your dreams and try with all your might, but they'll come a day  when life gets in the way  Be sensible and practical, "get a job " is what they say and so i put my dreams away.

But back they came and i wonder why . But in my heart i know. Life is too short to let it pass you by so never do give up the fight.Some dreams can come true if you really want them to. Belive in yourself and you will find  that spark of inspiration thats hidden deep inside.

Copyright © Lisa Hobbs | Year Posted 2020

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Nurses dont talk dont tell the truth.Do not reveal how lack of ppe really makes you feel. You feel bullied and oppressed ,you only want to do your best ,but you're warned not to speak and not to tell the truth for if you do it maybe the end of your career for you. The government speaks and says all will be well but you and your colleagues are going through hell! You signed up to care and help all those in need and the government says "our hearts really bleed". You risk your lives every single day, the end of this nighmare seems so far away. You have to see people die their lives so cruelly taken away !  And you wish you could all just walk away..But you wont you're comitted and in the end you"ll know that you did it.You stayed and fought this virus away and you'll be telling your  grandchildren this one sunny day.

Copyright © Lisa Hobbs | Year Posted 2020

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I can hear the clock ticking, the hours and minutes slip by.
I listen to the sound as darkness co mes around and coats the dark blue empty sky.

What is time ? What does it mean ? 
Something you can see just ticking away unto the great unseen.
 What is time ? What is the future?
And what does all of this mean ?

Do we know what's at the end of the rainbow?
 Whats on the tip of the moon ?
They're may come a time that you find out why and life is all gone too soon.

Copyright © Lisa Hobbs | Year Posted 2020

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Today i feel low, i dont know why.
Today i feel low, could hang my head and cry.
Today i am feeling like there is no hope.
Today i am finding  that it's hard to cope.

I looked for you upon my dreams, my eyes so blurred i couldn't see.
I felt the pain that passes by , my thoughts  so deep i wonder why.

Today i'm lost and all alone.
Today i can't even pick up the phone.what is this life ? What does it mean ? Time slips away with us inbetween.

Copyright © Lisa Hobbs | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs