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Best Poems Written by Prasanna Koppar

Below are the all-time best Prasanna Koppar poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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How I Wish

How I wish I was a flute
Keep Spreading new notes in the air
Pleasing people with their sweet sounds
Making them happy and out of despair

With my sound I would heal the wounds
Soothe the heart, soothe the ears
Cure not only externally, but also internally
Bring them out of sadness and wipe their tears

Also, help people communicate to their dears
Be a mode of communication
Language of love would flow out of me
Helping people to come out of hibernation

When I am old I would become one with nature
Recycle back and become a flute again
What is life if I am not useful to someone
I would like to be a flute again and again

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020

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The Unsaid

Lots of love around
There's no shortage of affection and care
It seems like a dream
Happiness and smiles around me everywhere

Loaded with ornaments,
I feel like a princess
Shining gold and twinkling diamonds
I am studded with world's most precious pieces

Receiving complements from loads of friends
All wishing me for a happy married life
All call it as a day they would have wished for
I seem surely the luckiest wife

It's more than what a girl can wish
The In-laws as caring as my own mother
A gem of a person is my lovely husband
My parents really need not ever bother

I am entering a family of riches
A family of smiles, a family of pride
This new home is really a dreamland
I bet this can't ever be really denied

As I lift my eyes and look at my husband
I see his smile and love loaded eyes 
I return a smile and make him happy
To make me smile, he continuously tries

I hear people say-The girl's fortunate
I hear people say-my parents must be proud
My parents are happy to see me in this place
People say-They have got a daughter who is a pearl in the crowd

As my husband moves to talk to his friends
I take out my purse to adjust my face
I look in the mirror to adjust the ornaments
I look in the mirror to bring a smile on my face

With a kerchief, I just wipe a tear that rolled off
I try to wipe off the extra makeup efforts
As another tear rolls down
I tell observers that the nose ornament hurts

I search for beauty creams in the small purse
Then again, I adjust my hair
I look at the small image that seems to be hidden in it
I try to close the purse, but my eyes still stare

As my husband nears,
I manage a smile, and close the purse

Before closing the purse, I adjust my face
And see to it that the third tear dries
Happy that no one looked at my makeup purse
The mirror I look in, are my real love's eyes.

-- As read by in a girl’s eyes

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2023

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Who has ever understood a woman?
Neither her creator nor her admirer
She is a mystery herself
Sometimes as wife, sometimes mother

On her shoulders,
She carries her family's burden
With lots of courage and confidence,
She can turn any place into a garden

Mother, wife, sister or daughter
Her every role adds color to our lives
Be it Home, Business, sports or entertainment
She is successful wherever she thrives

Amelia Earhart , Mother Teresa, Sunita Williams and Cleopatra
Are just some examples of what women can achieve
Every woman is special in someway or the other
They really define the way to live

No praises can ever
Complete the definition of a woman
She cannot be described in words
She is a really special human

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2023

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The Mystery

As my heart groaned
In real deep pain
The blood oozed out
And my cry was in vain

No one near
To care for me
As I looked around
And searched for peace

All alone I wandered
Hoping to come across an oasis
But I saw no water
Just heard the wind's hiss

As I walked with my burdened legs
I found it hard to walk in the desert
I was in the middle of a huge dry land
I couldnt even think to revert

The Sun was bright and shining golden yellow
Making me feel hotter than it really is
As sweat poured down my tired eye brows
I prayed to sky for a cool blowing breeze

Far away, about miles distant
I saw something calling, shining and bright
My eyes felt much better
And the load of my heart suddenly felt light 

As I lifted my legs faster
And made an attempt to reach the treasure
The wind hugged me in its huge arms
And I felt a divine pleasure

I hurried myself to unveil the mystery
I was so eager and so much anxious
I was unaware of my own condition
Unaware of my own conscious

I took up the discovery in my hands
Blew the dust away and removed the sands

It was in fact, a twig with three golden leaves
I tried to observe them and found great relief
One was Confidence, One named Hope
And the third one was my Hearts Belief

I looked up and asked my god
Do you have any explanation for this?
To which He just smiled back 
And gave me His loving caressing kiss

Now I know what he means
He has given me the best he can
As I turn around and take a look
I am in an oasis and the happiest man!

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020

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The Lost Nature

As god looked down to earth to observe
He was surprised and quite disappointed
In a low voice,He asked to himself
"Is this what I dreamed of?Is this what I wanted?"

The humans are not humans any more
Gadgets fast replacing their hearts
They move in a device that they have invented
It disturbs the beautiful nature as soon as it starts

Where are those green trees?
Where are those birds?
Where are those nice humans that I had created?
These are not the ones.These are just nerds.

They stay in buildings,they are stuck to machines
They drink false milk and feed the same to cats
They watch an idiot box and call it as 'fun'
Then to lose their fats,they walk on running mats!

Unnatural is their beauty
It's a result of operations and a variety of creams
I don't see my creations any more
I guess I will find them only in my dreams

No signs of love,No signs of humanity
They have forgotten themselves in the race of money
When will they realize the meaning of life?
When will they taste the sweetness of natural honey?

Gone are the times of music and paintings
The humans are not social anymore
They have killed my most beautiful creations
And still those idiots are hungry for more

Then to amend his own creations
He sprinkled the magical powder or love
He sent some pigeons to strengthen the effect
And poured divine water on greed's stove

Now it's upto us humans
Whether to be humans or be replaced by gadgets
It's time we wake up.It's time we realize.
It's time to spread love and save ourselves from inhuman targets!

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020

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Heart Lived

As I walked in the rains
I saw people with umbrellas and raincoats
People trying to be protected from rains
While the innocent kids enjoyed paper boats

As I saw the kids smiling at their drowning boats
For a moment, I felt like joining the kids
But I could see people disapproving the kids' acts
I wished for freedom; felt removing my brains' lids

My heart said to me in a complaining gait
People have forgotten the meaning of life
Why are you tied up in unwanted bonds?
Don't care for the stupid proud people's strife

A drop of water fell on my cheeks
I gazed upto the sky to see the clouds
The sky was welcoming me with open arms
I started singing, ignoring the hating of lifeless prouds

My heart opened up and started breathing fresh
I jumped into a puddle and enjoyed water splashing 
I danced like an insane and felt more joy
I threw away the umbrella and enjoyed the rain's lashing

With my arms wide open
I tried to hug the cool blowing breeze
To which the nature responded smilingly
I laughed at the clouds as I felt their tease

With arms still open and joy in my face
I started singing the songs of rain
The songs of my heart, the songs of love
With lightening and thunder, I felt the rhythm gain

A drop of rain fell straight on my chest
I felt it moving through to my heart
As my heart felt its pure chill
The sanctity spread to my body's every part

Like a paint brush dip in a glass of water
Just as the way the colour spreads in it
The rain drop spread new blood in my heart
I could feel the new life in my every bit

The new life filled me with energy
I felt my heart pump with happiness
I asked my heart how it felt the feeling
To which it responded full of caress
"I lived..I lived.."

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020

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Really not sure what has happened to the world
Something very strange has happened to the world
Suddenly, the people with whom we used to fight daily; feel dear
The home for which we used to run daily, in same homes we are shedding a tear

Distances apart, we think of each other
Miss each other and wish to get each other's sight
Looking at the moon we console ourselves
That The ones who are far are safe in moon's moonlight

Day will come
Sun will arise
When we will break our shackles
And run like free birds here and there

The moment we meet we each other
Will be a moment of lifetime

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020

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One Day

In the sky with twinkling stars
My heart always finds you
When the night passes away
It finds you in the morning dew

It finds you in its every thought
It finds you in the sweets I eat
It finds you in the books I read
You are present in my every heartbeat

I see you in those moving clouds
I see you in those red roses
I see you smiling at me everywhere
I see you giving me different poses

In noises and silence
I hear your voice
I give options to my heart
But it refuses to change its choice

I don't know where you are
I don't know what you are doing
But in my heart always
Your sweet thoughts are brewing

One day, we will walk together
One day, the distances will be none
One day, we will hold our hands
One day, we will be one
One day . . .
One day . . .

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020

Details | Prasanna Koppar Poem

Once Again

Once again
Once again I passed by the gate
I passed by the Gate of your college
My legs were fast till I reached it
But as soon as they reached their desired destination
They denied moving an inch further

As I stood by the gate and peeped inside
My eyes searched for the lovely face
The face which brings alive my dead heart
The face which brings alive my stupid art

Onlookers looked at me surprisingly
I definitely seemed a fool over there
I could hear them cracking jokes at me
Whatever, my heart just din't care

My legs felt burdened
Not budging to move
I knew I had to go ahead
I had to accept whatever is true

My heart still hoping for atleast a glance
Calling your name, It waited for hours
As the tears rolled down inside my face
I begged to God to see your face

As I still stood stranded
The memories came like a storm in my eyes
The first time I saw you
The first time our eyes met
The first time we talked
These memories always make my eyes wet

The first time I called you
The response that you gave me
Those chats in the canteen
Those chats in the library

The stupid acts I did to attract your attention
Coming to library for no reason
Coming before time to vouch for you
Bunking Important lectures to spend time with you

The smile that you gave
The laugh you had on my stupid jokes
Brought smile on my face
Though I was stranded for time unmeasured

After a long wait,
I consoled my heart
Literally pushing my legs to move ahead
I tried thinking of somebody else
Coz I needed to move
I needed to move on
But I still have a hope
One day, you will come back
One day, you will be mine
Once again we will spend time together
Once again I will see your smile
Once again my heart will come alive
Once again................

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020

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Whenever you feel
There's nothing in your hands
Just gaze up to the sky
And ask the stars to play their magic wands

You never knew in your life
That you would be at this node one day
You never knew your future
You never knew what would be coming your way

You din't know whom you would come across
You din't know you would be sitting here one day
You din't know you would be reading this
It's life which has taken you on this way

You have swimmed through the ups and downs
You have seen the happiness and grief
It has strengthened your heart a lot
It has strengthened all your beliefs

We just need to keep on mining
We don't know if we will strike the gold
We just need to concentrate on present
And not think about the future or old

Just have faith and believe in yourself
You will win life's every race
Life will guide you as it has always
You will surely reach your desired place

Copyright © Prasanna Koppar | Year Posted 2020


Book: Shattered Sighs