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Best Poems Written by Amanda Kohl

Below are the all-time best Amanda Kohl poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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If I Had One Wish

If I had one wish
I'd wish for you,
To see yourself through my eyes
If just for a moment or two.
For if you could see yourself
The way that I do.
You'd never have any doubts
Of the things you're capable to pursue.
You would never again wonder
If your best was good enough,
Or worry about someone else approval,
Because really people just suck!
Your self confidence would soar
A smile never to leave your face.
Your aura impenetrable
With good energy never displaced.
You'd never question your self worth
Or if you belong,
You'd have no more insecurities
And know that you're incredibly strong.
This life would never intimidate you
Not in the least.
The world in the palm of your hands,
Limitless are the heights you could reach.
The people that surround you
You'd trust with all your heart.
Cause you wouldn't surround yourself with those
Whom secretly hope to watch you fall apart.
My loves, my life, my awesome kids
If only you could see,
This world is yours
With all its benefits to reep.
Love who you are!
With everything that you have!
You are such amazing young people,
Far more great than I ever could have asked.
When you look into the mirror
Try to see yourself through my eyes.
You are flawless and perfect
Your only limit is the sky.
Love yourself fiercely
Don't you ever entertain self doubt,
You take this life head on
Letting nothing and no one change what you're about.

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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My All

The apple of my eye
The sunshine in my sky.
The warmth upon my skin
The love I cherish within.
My umbrella in the rain
The faith that keeps me sane.
The innocence that they keep
The beauty that makes you weep.
The moon in my sky
The shooting stars that fly by.
The strength that I behold
The patience to bend not fold.
The blessings in my life
The motivation to do what's right.
The very reason for my exsistance 
The light that stays consistent.
The happiness within my heart
The bond that won't ever part.
The wisdom to understand
The effort to lend a hand.
The dedication to stay involved
The memories that are my all.
The very thing that keeps me going
The aura that has me glowing.
The one truth beyond a doubt 
The kids of mine I'd be nothing without.

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2021

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Take Me As I Am

Defining Self-Worth

Take me as I am,

Or please just leave me be.

I simply will not change

For anyone but me.

            This is a "Rithimus Divisa", taken from the poem, Take Me As I Am
Wrote October 18th 2020.

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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Baby Girl

When I gaze upon your face
I can't help but smile.
It takes me to another place
Where all the stress falls away for awhile.

You are so damn gorgeous!
On the outside as well as within.
If I had to list all your qualities
I wouldn't know where to begin.

A gem like you my love
Is but one in a million.
All of my strengths, none of my weaknesses
Focused and highly driven.

Makes me so very proud!
To be your mother.
I cherish the loving bond we share,
would do anything for you or your brother.

I can't help but to wonder,
How did I get so lucky?
Both you kids are absolutely amazing!!
And unconditionally love me.

I am so very proud of you!
All the time.
Having two brilliant children,
Surely gives me piece of mind.

You have so much potential!
Can grow to be anything you dream.
Thurs greatness in you baby
And you know exactly what I mean.

All these years of extra credit!
Me making homework for you.
Have truly paid off baby girl
Wouldn't you say that's true?

In just two short years
You'll be off to college.
My baby girl all grown up!
Ready to bless the world with her knowledge.

Hard to believe it really
How quickly time flies.
One day you're a baby
The next you're starting your own life!

Always know that I am here for you!
I got your back, right or wrong!
Nothing and no one will ever change that!
Because that's my job, I am your Mom!

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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Life is too damn hard! And it shouldn't have to be.
Ironically enough, we inflict more pain on ourselves than anybody.
You think that this life would give you a break!
Putting more on your shoulders than a person can take.
Yet we strive on! Praying for better days ahead.
Neck deep in the negative, focusing on the glimpse of positive instead.
You see, "Happiness" is a state of mind.
Knowing this fact, could put you a step ahead everytime.
The mind is powerful, the more you think about it  the more you'll see it's true.
The "Happiness" you desire, is a sacrifice you must make for you.
To be caught up in love is never as easy as it seems.
It takes two working through it, to find the happy medium in between.
Compromising , letting the little things go, may be easier said than done.
But without hard work and effort the battles scarcely won.
So be who you are! And say what you feel!
Life's too short! To be anything but real!
So regardless of what might have , or has been, or will eventually be said.
At the end of the day its you that goes home to lye in your bed .

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory of
Donovan Damon Best
How could one be so lucky?
To have been blessed with you!
Though it wasn't for long,
You meant more than u ever knew

Your loving nature
Was definitely one of a kind!
The devastation of your loss,
Is beyond words I can define.

What a handsome little man,
With a smile that would light up the room !
I cant help but wonder
Why the lord took u back so soon.

You were so full of life!!
Your heart filled with love.
Theirs no doubt about it!
U were an angel sent from above.

You were one amazing kid :)!!
This fact no one could deny.
Every time I think of you,
Tears flow from my eyes.

You had a special gift ,
Of touching a person's heart.
The tragedy of your death,
Has everyone torn apart. :(

You were Carina's favorite cousin,
And Mateo's very best friend.
It'll take some time,
For all our hearts to mend.

How beautiful your spirit!
How infinate your worth .
You took your place in heaven,
Far beyond the boundaries of earth.

How grateful we all are.
To have God share a soul so true.
You will greatly be missed
And all our love is pouring out to you.

U were a young boy of innocence
So tragically taken away.
For the rest of my life,
I will never forget that day.

What has been done
We can never change.
Let this be a lessened learned,
Let us not point the blame.

This life is so precious.
Yet too late do we realize.
To count our many blessings
And make more time for our families lives.

Donovan Best you were the perfect boy,
My heart aches with pain.
The very accident that took ur life
Has no name!

An Angel you have become ,
To watch over us everyday.
Until we're together again,
All their is ; is time to wait.

Lord please comfort those in pain
Continue to listen to the prayers that we say.
Please guide us with your love;
In God's name I pray.

ALWAYS in our hearts,
R.I.P. Donovan Damon Best

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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Their comes a time
In a person's life,
When you're at a crossroad
Do I go left or right?
Contemplating restlessly
On each path,
Confused and scared
In fear of the aftermath.
Often our decisions
Can be so difficult,
For every step we take
Our life reflects, as result.
No matter the circumstances
Nor the person,
Everyday choices are made
Our lives they better or worsen.
With the options at hand,
We can seem so care free.
Until we're standing there in shock!!
How could this happen to me??
Bad things happen to good people,
All too often it seems.
When life becomes a nightmare
From out of our worst dreams.
It's not something we prepare for
Or would even expect.
It's not something we can change
From here, we must accept.
Count our many blessings
That we are so grateful for,
The little moments in life
May we no longer ignore.
Learn from our mistakes
Yet, may we always recall,
Those so very dear to us,
Whom we were lucky to have at all.

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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That Boy Is You

If their ever was a boy,
With eyes so blue.
The kind that sparkle
And light up the room.

With hair do blonde
And skin so fair,
Without a doubt! These types
Are exceptionally rare.

If their ever was a boy
With a smile so bright,
It's most captivating
When in your sight.

With the cutest laugh
You've ever heard,
And when he speaks
You melt with every word.

If their ever was a boy
Who's name was so loud.
That everyone already knew it
Without having to speak it out.

With a blood line
That's powerful and yet so pure,
That only a selected few
Are worthy enough to endure.

If their ever was a boy
Who's personality gleamed,
Blinding you with his aura
Like nothing you've ever seen.

A boy who's perfection
Can hardly be described.
So heavenly handsome
Is this lucky little guy.

If their ever was a boy
That boy is you!!!
Kohl is your name
My little nephew.

With a mother so dedicated
As not just one parent, but two.
You're surrounded by all our love
And having your mom, so very lucky are you!!

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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Tough Love

I want so much to cry ,
But my feelings I must conceal.
Hold back the tears from my eyes
And also this pain that I feel.
It's already been over a year now,
Why must I still dwell?
Why can't I just let it go?
And forget about how far I fell.
Why can't I just get out there
Then see what life brings up?
Why must I always feel like
Life for me is so rough?
How come I'm not more like my dad?
Able to shrug things off.
I wonder if he truly does?
Or if he acts hard trying to cover it up.
Who could be with someone 10 years,
Then have them ripped away?
So unexpectedly and abruptly at that!
Then just get over it in a day.
I don't know anybody who could,
And I would never wish that upon a soul.
For without you here in my arms
My world is dark and ever so cold
Be stronger my father tells me!
Now's not the time to cry!
It's probably better off, he'd say
Not having said goodbye.
Do something with your life!my dad yells
He may never come back anyway.
Acting as though it was a relationship
I'd had for only two days.
Chin up soldier! You've had enough time!
Get your act together already!
If I were in your position rite now
I wouldnt be walloping in my own self pity!
You're probably better off anyhow, dad said.
And everything happens for a reason.
Now you can move forward from today
And change men like the seasons
But I don't want to move on without him!
How could one be so cruel?
I tell my dad, I'll wait for my man,
He replies, you're the suffering fool!

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

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Thurs this place
That I like to go!
I'm there more often
Than some really know.

It's not a place on a map
Or a friends up the road.
I don't have to leave anywhere
And it's not on my phone.

I can visit there
As often as I please.
The more I go,
The more I'm at ease.

It's a place of solitude,
Where I can regroup and relax.
I can just be
No other human contact.

It's just me!!
And the many faces there-in.
The couple narrators involved
To this book of life we living in.

It's a place all my own,
If you know what I mean.
This place could be none other
Than the escape of my daydream.

Copyright © Amanda Kohl | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs