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Best Poems Written by David Kendrick

Below are the all-time best David Kendrick poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ode To a Cotton Swab

I stuck a Q-tip up my nose 
to see what I would find
Mother wasn't at home just then
you know shes a bit of the meddling kind
I couldn't do what I really like
(mom said she read somewhere that it will make me go blind)
Any way, I poked around and I probed around
and spun it around a bit
Then with a mighty push
I shoved it in just to see how far up it would fit
All of a sudden My life flashed, my brain screamed
and blood flowed out of my nose like cheap draft beer
the pain was so great my "jewels" shriveled
and I shrieked like a little queer
Just before going to meet grandma
mothers voice is all I could hear
"how many times have I told you you twit. "
"you blow your nose, Q-tips are made for your ear."

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2007

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merry freakin' Christmas and jingle all the way
I'm really hating this time of year, what more is there to say
except I'd like to sleep past new year, tucked away inside my bed
if it wasn't for all these damned sugar plums that keep dancing in my head
as far as I'm concerned saint nick can stay at his beloved north pole
each time he passes by my house he always pockets my lump of Christmas coal
but if Santa decides to come right down Santa Claus lane
he better look both ways as it will be me laying in wait driving that run away, yule tide freight 
but you should be good, you know for goodness sake
well if I had Donner or Blitzen in my sights tonight I'd be eating a fat, juicy reindeer steak
so as you throw away the used wrapping paper, searching for that gift you may have 
don't bother wishing me a happy holiday
this year my Christmas goose is cooked

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2009

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Going Down

I am a homeless man
its sad but its true
to think back to not all that long ago
I never would have knew
I've screwed up everything I've done
nothing goes per plan
now I'm nothing, a nobody
it seems my colors have all ran
My son has lost respect for me
says he's ashamed that I'm his father
my daughter hardly speaks to me
I'm just not worth the bother
lost everything that is important to me
my family, home, bikes and my truck
its funny how fast you lose your friends when your a man down on his luck
I wish I had done things differently
they say hind-sight is twenty-twenty
now I'm out, living on my own 
instead of with my honey
I pen these words, not for pity
rather in writing I defer some of the pain
besides its just a way to pass some time
as I slowly go down the drain

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2005

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I find myself at the bottom of a cold and lonely hole
the darkness that surrounds reaches through me to the very center of my soul
unable to pull out, to climb up from this life shattering abyss
for its your spirit, your beauty, your very essence that i miss
there are at times a passer by
but none want to peer down into the gloom
as i waste away in this black place
this unforgiving self made tomb
but i was thinking, with a certain degree of sanity
if i had dug this dad gum hole, i could dig others
please excuse my use of profanity
i could dig to define how much i miss having you around
you would always be reminded
 as i'd have holes dug all over town
holes for regrets, there would be so damned many
of this kind of hole, i wonder
have you been digging any
i may have to dig shallow for all the things that have gone wrong
it would go on for miles i'm afraid
lord knows it would be that long
to show how much you really mean to me 
one hole just wouldnt do
i'd dig night and day
until i had dug at least a thousand or two
to express the depth of love that is true
if given the chance i will forever be digging
for the rest of my life
i will be your digging fool
but right now i am trapped down in here
left alone with hopes i will simply fade away
but i need you, i need you to need me too 
its in your heart i need to stay
you know, there is one hole i would gladly dig and not feel the least bit blue
that hole could begin right here 
and lead me to be always beside you

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2010

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To Sleep

I just want to sleep
the pain of losing her has crept into the dark corners of my mind
the ache in my heart is constant, relentless and so very well defined
just to sleep
escape into its darkness, hide behind its cloak and veil
where nothing at all can penetrate and to her I can no longer fail
to sleep
sleep without dreaming so sorrow and torment can no longer stir
an end to the painful wakeful hours spent with so much missing of her
I want to sleep forever
I just want to sleep

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2009

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Fade Away

The sun has set
never to rise again
never will I see the light
that was my beautiful and trusted friend
Hope once rose with each new day
now only darkness surrounds
as I was made to fade away

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2010

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Holding On

I want to be there to hold her
as she sleeps peacefully next to me
I'll whisper in her ear very softly
that there is nowhere I would rather be

I want to be there to hold her
if she has a bad dream some night
To comfort and to soothe her so she knows 
that everything is going to be all right

I want to be there to hold her
just to hold her as close as she can be
that's when  the world simply fades away
I wonder if she knows that the holding of her 
is just as much for me

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2011

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Colored Blue

Blue dawn persists well past days light
the colors of my life have all ran to blue again tonight
Evening spent not knowing just what to do
still unable to see around, over or through
the considerable size of this color blue
with only one constant on which to depend
lonely days stretch end to end
 In sullen darkness moments cherished, thoughts of love once true
tumble over painfully, memories shaded blue
Alone comes morning
sunrise takes on a familiar indigo hue
so begins another day
it's dawn colored blue

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2006

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Another gray morning
drag myself up out of bed
like so often it seems
dark clouds gather overhead
as moments cherished puddle in my mind
thoughts of lost love surface
memories can be so unkind
Feelings turn bitter cold that once kept me warm
I now shudder with the sorrow under this on-going storm
Hushed sounds of solitude thunder in my ears
as the rain keeps on falling as if ten thousand tears
No forecast of fair, only these same black skies in sight
 loves wounds again bleeds well into the night
Drag myself back to that empty, vacant bed
regret plans not done and things, the little things left unsaid
The numbness of sleep I hope to find
escape painful memories
drain these puddles from my mind

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2006

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We've shared laughter
together we have cried
I want to be with you forever
you turned and waved goodbye
I will always love you
only in my dreams do you love me too
Now I must live the rest of my life
with the pain of always missing you

Copyright © David Kendrick | Year Posted 2010


Book: Shattered Sighs