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Best Poems Written by Justin Gboe

Below are the all-time best Justin Gboe poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Growing Up

Growing up is life experience
The crawling child is it example
The understanding voices at meeting are its mature acts
It is the changing from stage to stage
It is the understanding of complexity 
It is the development of skills
It is the acceptance of changes
It is the overcoming of challenges
Growing up is human chance of success
Growing up lies in willingness
Growing up the abstinence from discrimination
It is the acceptance of oneself and other
Growing up is the avoidance of sentimental ideas
Growing up is the success of life and it fulfillment

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2019

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I Know How It Feels Like

I know how it feels like when there isn’t anybody around to counsel you in your distress.
I know how it feels like when confidentiality has been bridge.
I know how it feels like when the world turns gloomy and miserable because of the outcome of your behaviors.
I know how it feels like when your thoughts runs wild remembering every single move you made in the past.
I know how it feels like when a slight mistake at your work place tends to ruin your life forever and you start to regret why you even made it there.
I know how it feels like when you can’t turn back the time because it long gone.
I know how it feels like when suicidal thoughts runs through your mind and you can’t even hold your breath.
I know how it feels like when you regretted engaging in those arts that yield such outcomes.

I know how it feels like when yarning for sleep but none came by.
I know how it feels like when depression eats you up and you can’t even complete your daily chores.
I know how it feels like when the beauty of life passes by like flashback.
I know how it feels like when disappointment manipulates the striving path of success.

Most exceptionally I know how it feels like when life gives you a million reasons to smile again and a chance to better plan to positively change the future simple because you have the privilege to breathe the priceless air that none have control over

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2020

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The Passing Minutes

The second’s hands reach twelve
Other minutes gone
Life is still the same with a change like the occurring of an eclipse 
Passing minutes are never seen 
Memories will live on But the minutes is our hope of success
The earth is dynamic with minutes 
Life is lost and gain with different personalities
People plans evil and work out miracles 
But the minutes is passing with no hope of waiting
Loves are express and histories are made but the minute doesn’t care
People are humiliated 
Children strived for survival and mothers pray for a better world 
People complains of the unfairness of life: minutes doesn’t love
Millions are made in it but it is not happy because she is not remembered
Heroes are born but she doesn’t care 
She is involve in everything but her duty is to pass
Plans are made to meet her but she doesn’t care about hospitality
She is at the grave and the wedding
She is ahead of your heartbeat and the regulation of the heart is to meet her
The passing minutes is diligence providing equal chance?
With the struggle she is ahead speeding in motion
The passing minutes is grave caught up with her or stay at the back that is life.

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2019

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The Attainment of Pleasure

Attainment of pleasure lies in life
Pleasure is attained in the willing hearts
Weddings and festivals are its examples
The pleasing eyes are its rewards
Men struggle to achieve it once ,twice or trice in a lifetime
Villagers dances to the traditional songs to attained it
Guns sounds are heard during burials to fulfill its history
Wines are drank on king’s table to celebrate it achievements
Speeches are made to inspire and provide pleasure for the speaker
The day’s activities pave a way to her embracement
She is in the hearts of those that love and deserve her
Life is the surest destiny of her gains
Make dreams a reality and attained her to the fullest.

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2019

Details | Justin Gboe Poem

Growing Up

Growing up is life experience
The crawling child is it example
The understanding voices at meeting are its mature acts
It is the changing from stage to stage
It is the understanding of complexity 
It is the development of skills
It is the acceptance of changes
It is the overcoming of challenges
Growing up is human chance of success
Growing up lies in willingness
Growing up the abstinence from discrimination
It is the acceptance of oneself and other
Growing up is the avoidance of sentimental ideas
Growing up is the success of life and it fulfillment

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2020

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Changes happened 
The world moves on
The formation of human in-uterus is its reality 
Growing up signifies it existence 
Five years ago is not twenty years to come
The improvement in humans development and ideas are it testimonies 
Nothing is new but nothing is ever the same 
The passing years never remembered it origin
Changes are ageless 
She was present in the formation of man 
Changes are older than histories but yet far younger than  results
Things will never be the same 
Whether she craws the difference she show makes impacts 
Every day brings a new change but life continues 
The worse the changes the harder and faster adjustments must be made to suit it existence
The world is a change let's live it.

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2020

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Covid-19 What Have You Got

Your fame spread like wide fire.
Your incidence like lights and your impacts like men thoughts.
What have you got ? COVID-19 
Will you win? 
You spell fear in our minds and tears in our eyes but what have you got?
We are witnesses to your visit but denies you of accommodation.

What have you got?
We are dying but that isn’t your achievement.
Our economies are static, our activities seize, but what have you got COVID-19.

Thousand are dying and your news panic us.
Without limit of climate zones you bulldozes every borders and you and attack us.
COVID-19 is that what you have gotten?

You causes curfew and limits our movements.
You pains our  hearts, causing us  to uttered xenophobic remarks that is capable of causing retaliation. 
Is that what you want?
What have you got COVID-19?

Your cancels our business trips and reduces our trade expansion.
You closes our schools and worship places and borders , you reduces our social interaction and provides indefinite dates for them. 
Have you won?
No. COVID-19 you haven’t!!
We are together as a global village despite your widespread we are glue to winning strategies.
We will wash our hands.
We will avoid crowded places.
We will  denied ourselves of unessential social interaction.
We will gather the best worries made heroes and herons  in diverse field and,.. and ..
We will fight you to your death and we will become winners.

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2020

Details | Justin Gboe Poem


Reassure yourself of overcoming 
Expect that it is obvious  
Stand at the winning side and make the move
Prepared yourself of it arrival
Optimal performance works 
Note challenges and work on them 
Serve in the interest of participating members
Intelligence paves its way 
Be positive when taking the lead to achieve
Immaturity doesn’t kill its dreams and destiny 
Life is it reality and relies solely on it to make dreams come true
In-capabilities deny the fulfillment of meeting her.
Time works with her
You are the medium through which she is born

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2020

Details | Justin Gboe Poem

The Mind

The mind is like a shell
It seed is beneath thick walls
It beauty is unknown
Its thoughts are known only by the ones under her spells
Speeches and handiwork are it examples
It makes millions suggestions but only few inspires
Smiles are her decisive messengers
Laughter is her colleagues 
She is the secrets part of man
With diverse minds things works 
Positive is her purest part
With millions of minds the world is round
She is the midstream of the diversity of life
Oh Mind: if thou were one how could our world look like?
Thou planes are in different direction 
Thou agreement shows peace, war and beauty
Thou are the success and destroyer of life
You are your creator example, without understanding.

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2020

Details | Justin Gboe Poem


Everything is a result
Nothing happen without a triggered 
Whether the result is positive or negative it is in the planes of something.
The voluntary movements of a part of the body are results 
Natural occurrences are results 
The tallest building and the best technologies are results
The smiling faces and moaning minds are results 
The loneliness of days and the cheerfulness of minds are results
The so called mistakes are results 
The flying planes and biggest crew ships are results
The sphere shape of the earth is a result
The biggest and smallest galaxies are results 
Achievements in life are results 
Decisions that lead to development and wars are results
Everything has a cause whether physical, supernatural or natural
Results may be accidental or sudden it is still the outcome of a cause.
The universe is a place where results ruin.
Be calm, live and learn because results rules

Copyright © Justin Gboe | Year Posted 2020


Book: Reflection on the Important Things