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Best Poems Written by Jessy Sue

Below are the all-time best Jessy Sue poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Thoughts of You

We've been doing this thing "this thing" since June and I try not to think about you or "it" too much but truth is I do cause now your a part of me and my memories and I always come back around to thinking about how much I love how u smell behind your ears when your horny, and the grunts u make I can feel vibrate in me, I think of how much u look like that comedian from the show I like that u still haven't watched with me when u smirk a certain way, and when I feel like I'm annoying you while your ignoring me I envision how ur eyebrows look so much darker and sharper when your annoyed with me, when I send you a funny text I picture your exaggerated motions and can almost hear your cute little sarcastic throat laugh,I hate that I love watching you sleep after you pass out on my love seat cause my food put you to sleep,I like that you are humored when I send u funny memes I make with your pictures ,my little narritives show u that I get you, I still laugh every time I see a cucumber or pickle  because of the time u asked me where I buy the pickles to make the pickles, but the reason that these things are so hauntingly bittersweet is cause u don't feel the same for me, you don't crave to be next to me, you hardly even care about having sex with me, can hardly be bothered to send a text to me know unless of course your bored and restless than I must run to you to wash away any chance of you feeling reckless, always stepping in and out of the door way ,a sway a dance with you, for you, but your not holding my hips and embracing me ,you are just pulling strings that my infatuation and your lies imbedded in me, your names is threaded in me, on my heart in my mind you reside, would be nice to go back to June and never answer your message on that dating app without ever responding, sweet irony u saught me out only to ignore me ,how "cute" of you to be so ugly to me, one day I'll truly quit you, and you'll miss your experience of me,and then maybe when the thoughts of you fade  from my mind, only then will I live in yours,and you'll think back on that loving giving girl you overlooked and took for granted and think I wish I could go back to when I still had a chance with her ,I've been so blind ,I couldn't see all the ways she was there for me, how I was always on her mind ,how I wasted her time, how she could of been mine but all I ever did was hurt her and lie, she noticed things in me that others were too distracted with self to see, she saw through me and my dark like no other had before but she didn't judge me for it, she just danced with my demons for awhile so they would take a break from me, she always suffered so I could feel free,and maybe he'll think I'm stuck in thoughts of you when I finally am nowhere to be seen

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2019

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The Bad Days

The bad days feel like Clouds over a picnic , fog in the crowd, the spinning ground, people pass like vertical white lines of speeding light, this is vertigo, this is the I can't handle riding that bus today or going to that play ,being afraid to say hey, these are the nights I lay awake and debate on cancelling plans, these are the days when I'm lethargic, the days that feel more like daze, the disappointed friends, the minutes with no ends, thoughts racing, pacing, mental loop, in space I'm gazing, too Bright , too loud , turn of the lights, sit with no sound, the times when voices sound like the cartoon sound effect of womp womp womp, the times if you touch me I'll scream and jump, the sweaty poms, the shaking knees, feelings of dis ease , feel like running out of my skin, nerves awakened , pins and needles, like there's a me in side of me and and shes jumping, she leaves me exhausted and smelling of sweat, the should or shouldn't of regret, this nagging , the forearm itch that is accompanying uncomfortable conversations, the thought war it took to say no, the battle it took to keep a yes as a yes, the grunts in the mornings when I didn't get enough rest, the pressure behind my eyes, the speed felt while waiting in a line, the feeling of impatient eyes on my back while I put my change away at a store, the days of feeling like a Bouie watching people swim when I really want to walk on shore, fluttering in my chest when I am unsure, standing in the door way with a half open door, days when the thoughts are to loud to ignore and I get lost in the haze of it , this is what it's like on the bad days

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2019

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Their Perfect Duality

he looked at her with star-touched eyes she looked back at him he is her sunrise, there love is held in the sunset over the sea where they both live equally in unison, his dark and her light, her dark and his light ,in there divine dimness they dance together to the song of the ocean ,together they are so brilliant, he's the blue to her pink in the sunset sky , there love is envied for it's perfection, the lighthouse beholds the splendor of these evening lovers being intertwined ,the seagulls ache of the sight of there bliss,in the moonlight they share a kiss ,take in each others air and mesh together above the tide they collide, it is at this time that there dualitys coincide, there love mystical ,I do not believe it will ever subside, as long as there is day and there's in night he will wait to greet her and hold her again under the lunar light

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2018

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Today is a good day. I am happy.  I am worthy of love. I am at peace. I am loved.  I am open vulnerable and unafraid. I am beautiful. I am resilient.  I am smart.  I am capable. I am limitless. I am priceless. I have purpose. I am creative ,innovative and talented.  I am perfectly myself.  I am kind.  I am caring. I am loving.  I am empathetic and compassionate.  I am motivated. I am loving. I don't procrastinate. I am wise. I make good decisions. I take care of my health. I am energetic. I like to exercise. I have great friends. I Am loved.

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2018

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Feel Like Me

Often unseen and overlooked but I see me, even though I'm rejected I know I'm majestic, I love myself so my heart is protected, I won't wallow or become dejected, I remain erected, my knees aren't shaking,can't break my stance,won't see me fall, I see me in my all, I embrace me ,I savor the taste of me, how foolish of another to find waste of me, to wander away so hastily, to view a disgrace of me, to chastise and hate on me, what a laugh ,such a gas ,think you can hurt me by casting me out , pushing me aside,in my own self vision I reside in a place of self recognition , don't care about your opinion, wasn't born to be your minion, in my heart your distaste leaves no incision, no marks, I love the skin in which I live, while you crawl in yours I dance in mine ,a feeling devine, what's a marvelous thing to be so wonderfully me, yes that feeling is free, I'm grounded in my roots,I stand strong like a tree, wouldn't you like to feel like me

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2019

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My Fingers

My fingers wanna be weak ,they wanna speak to you, they persist but I resist ,I think of you every time I see a Camry ,eat a Kit Kat or drink iced coffee, SpongeBob makes me think of you ,I'm terrified of running into you, I fear my weakness, for you have always brought out my meekness, I know I must stay strong, that the situation was all wrong, but that does that stop all the feelings I feel, while I'm healing ,doesn't stop you from dwelling in my thoughts, ice on my heart to ease the swelling, still on the upside no tears in my eyes have been welling

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2018

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Your Jester Darling

Jokes on me, guess you're the roaster and i'm to chicken to say goodbye cause I waste my time wishing you would hold me closer ,the shows been over but im still seated, my vision blurred , Is the curtain really closed? ,In the mist I search through my mind to try to find the truths separated from the lie,what's real and whats hidden, intermixed and woven, a stir of confusion, a mind warped ,a puppet to the puppeteer her brains been stirred, she cant see clear,a place in his heart? please! there's no room for you there, little crumbs get dropped and I follow the trail going through the maze getting dizzy in the haze hoping to reach the big cheese,what am I trying to achieve?The unattainable heart, the broken Soul,a sick need like desire why is it he that fuels my fire when it is also he who leave my heart and soul, empty ,yearning and tired,the lust ,his touch ,his smell, his presence in your mind he always dwells, he disregards you and still you feel like hes your armor?!? it's debatable that hes not quite malicious but yet he still harms you,disarmed you are against his charms,his smile ,his voice defeats you every time,in your mind a shadow of him cackles you are mine,a prisoner to passion all while forgetting this kinda pain is not in fashion ,a glutton for punishment I ingest all the excrement, a slave to the pain don't even try to break out of my chains,sounding erratic the feeling is tragic ,his flesh pressed against mine ,the skin craving sin, ringmaster of this disaster he controls the elements like a wizard, under his spell heaven an hell ,if u looked in my eyes could you tell? I'm under your spell can you not tell, I wish I was held in your mind like you are in mine ,I wish in your heart I had a place to reside, but I'm just a jester going on a ride ,riding my unicycle around in a circle ,a sideshow for you ,the one u lie with but will never hold dear, like a master I'm your cat ,you wave the feather taunting me but I can never grasp it ,like a baby bird inside of the shell there's a slight crack but I cant break free, born deformed unable to fly,you caught me a few times as I started to cry, shrieking inside my mind the words blast between my skull and vibrate my brain as my blood vessels pulsate in a excruciating manner , my mind screams he'll never be mine!

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2018

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Moon Glow

You treated me like a loan weed but baby I'm a garden in myself, I bloom in the moonlight darling ,don't you know this, you'll never get to get another wiff of my aroma darling, I'm saving it for an invested gardener who wants to help me grow, darling you were just blocking the moon glow

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2018

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My Love You Are Like

My love you are like the moon and I am like the trees , you illuminate me in the darkness and reveal my true colors, you are like the breeze for how you move through me, you are like my leaves for you dance with me so elegantly, never have I felt so liberated and free while being so connected, intertwined divinely, soft movements and embracing kindly, your kiss, such bliss ,like a wish come true, birthday candle, shooting star ,no matter the manifestation of the dream my soul knows and loves who you are,no matter how far you are always near, no matter where you are you are always here in my heart it's been this way from the start, I wish upon a star that we never part,that our bond never be broken,you are a prize not a token ,you are priceless,a lifeless life it would be without you, but please know my love that I never doubt you,my Faith's in you and I believe in us, this isn't lust this is wonderous trust,your my truth ,in your arms I lie ,what a place to be ,what a natural high,what a healthy Joy when I'm with you boy,with your heart and mind I'll never toy, always honest never play coy

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2019

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Yeah i'm graphic, they call me novel , deep waters run still but they don't wanna read my pages, a book judged by its cover,looking at me like i'm the joker, yea sometimes I get dark but let me illuminate you , why not sit down with your cup of tea and open up the pages of me, read a chapter of two written with a pulse and truth, a heart that pumps blood like the others realize that i have flesh that tears like yours and i have a mind, and ears that can hear comments, remember that like you I too have feelings, so often so quick to judge and tear a person down not caring that they are human, so many deep down fear connection so ever looking for reasons to run they seek to know your flaws and not your beauty cause if they come to love you they have to worry about feeling the sting of losing you on terms not their own, it's easier to shut humanity out with the mindset that is stripped from the perception of reality of what is, humanity a race of humans that are imperfect but none the less beautiful and lovable, there are so many layers to a person and some of them are very dark but some others can brighten up a neighbors darkest day

Copyright © Jessy Sue | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things