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Best Poems Written by Francine Dunes

Below are the all-time best Francine Dunes poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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So sick of all the lies
All the need
All the hiding

All the hate
The harsh realities
The want

Sick of everything that’s shown
And not
Of all that we could be
And are’t

Sick of nothing that has anything to do with you
And everything to do with me

Sick of the reality
Sick of the hiding from it
And of being in it

So damned sick of all the ways I see the world
When none of them bring me solace
When none of my worlds--
My dreams
My hopes--
Bring me peace
In how I choose to live

How I have structured my life
Makes me sick
How I have chosen to hide
Makes me sick

How I, and everyone around me
Has chosen a mask
And hidden
Behind the way we WANT to be seen
The way we feel we NEED to be seen

Sick of the hunger
The bloodlust
The desire
To kill, or be killed

Sick of the notion
That no matter where we are
It’s dog eat dog
Social Darwinism

Sick of the tension
Between every human
Every man
Every woman
Every child
Every stranger

No one trusting anyone else
Everything and everyone fighting
To be on top

Sick of the mentioning
Of "I’m the best, and you’re just a means to an end"
Or if it isn’t said
It’s implied

Sick of the glares
And the scowls
At anyone who is remotely different

The stares, and the hatred
Toward anyone who conforms to something other than
Society’s "perfect image"

Sick of the cavetching
The whining
That "I’m not good enough"
"No one respects me"
"No one cares"

Sick of the responses
"It’ll all work out"
"Let nature run its course"
"Their is no arguing with the Fates"

Live your own damned life
Don’t listen to the voices
Of hate and despair
Who hate you
For being you
And different

Because I’m
Sick of everyone and everything
That conforms to society
Merely because "there’s no other way"

Stand out
Be bold
Make a scene
Be noticed!

It IS okay to be different
It IS okay to speak out
And act out
And be YOU

God knows, I’m still fighting
To get out of the shell I’ve been encased in

Trying to break free
And be the person I know I can be

Because I’m
Sick of conforming
To other people’s wishes

Copyright © Francine Dunes | Year Posted 2008

Details | Francine Dunes Poem

What I Have To Say

I cry my tears
But they are mistaken

For rain

I write my words
But they are mistaken

For outlets

They may be outlets
But you are mistaken

Here's why:

I do not write
To vent to space

The emptiness of the world
As I hear nothing but air

I cry to be heard
Though no one will listen

I give a shoulder
When someone tells me their story

But no one asks for mine

I am shrugged off after I have listened

But what about you?
When have you listened?

Given me advice I have never gotten before?
When have I received even a hint

Of thanks?

What am I, but the words I type on a keyboard
To be read by the public, but never really understood

Who am I, but a person behind
Yet another username

Am I to be cast out of mind
As easily as a Saturday morning cartoon?

Will no one listen
When I have problems of my own?

I will never tire of helping those I care about
Through their pains, and helping them succeed

But I would also like
To be heard in return

To be helped as I have helped

To be understood as I have understood

To be more than a shoulder to rest on
When my Earthly cares weigh down on me

I want to be more
Than a figure in the crowd

More than a writer
With no one to read my words

I want to be noticed
Heard for what I have to say

Copyright © Francine Dunes | Year Posted 2008

Book: Shattered Sighs