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Best Poems Written by Allison Call

Below are the all-time best Allison Call poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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When I Look In the Mirror

When I look in the mirror a hurt girl is what I see
A past of addiction, pain and trauma staring back at me
A victim!? No! That I will never be..
But a survivor is what I try to tell the girl staring back at me. 

When I look in the mirror the words I’ve been told is what I see
Crazy,  and psycho are just a few they’ve said to me
A victim!? No! That I am definitely not
But a survivor, I tell myself to give it another shot

When I look in the mirror beautiful is not what I see
All the other women he likes are staring back at me
A victim!? Hell no! That I will never be
But I am a survivor- and I’m worthy- but beautiful he will never see

When I look in the mirror why the hell do I care what they think of me!? 
I am beautiful, loving, and caring who care that they don’t see! 
Becauae when I look into the mirror , I AM ME! 
and this is who I will always be!

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2019

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I Want To Be More

You know I wouldn’t fight
If you would just hold me in your arms tonight
And tell me you are here for me
We would be perfect, I can guarentee

But when you pay me no mind 
And treat me unkind
It is kind of  hard not to 
Why can’t this relationship enrich?
I’m the only one putting effort into this
I can’t even get a kiss.
It is pretty sad when you know I love you
Yet you rather spend time “live” with facebook crew. 

Then I get upset that you don’t want to spend time
Well I’m not going to be your girl part-time
I’m an all or nothing type if woman, okay?
So decide if it’s me you want or walk away.

Yeah I want attention, call me needy
But when you are my man I have the right to be greedy
Couples spend qualty time together, that is what I want
Stop acting like I’m just nonchalant. 

Because I’m pretty special and you know it’s true
Just don’t think you believe that I will really leave you
I don’t want to but I will if it don’t change quick
Because I want to be more than just your nighttime chick!

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2019

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She Is My World

How can a parent do this to their kid?
It hurts bad, but you wouldn’t know what it did.
Careless, nonexistent, and selfish is what you are
Right down the street yet it is like you’re so far.

She is just a baby still but knows so much 
Will grow up never remembering her father’s touch
Because all other things are more important to you
You will never watch her grow, you just don’t have a clue!

Maybe you grew up with a non-existent Dad
But not breaking that cycle is pretty sad. 
You are missing out on one special girl
It’s YOUR loss because she is MY world!

You may have been around when she was a baby
But let me tell you about your daughter lately,
Things you will never know and never got to have,
The past few years I have the pleasure of being both Mom and Dad.

I'll start with how beautiful she has become
You've missed so much, how can you be so dumb?
Not just on the outside but full of internal beauty too
So talented, smart and silly. I am so proud, what about you?

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2018

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There Are No Words

Wish I had the words
To tell you
What you mean to me

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2019

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Say what you want in defense, but this is how I feel
You invalidate my feelings to the point that its unreal...
Ive been in bad relationships before too..
But honestly no one is as standoff-ish as you. 
Everyday that goes by I feel less and less
Walking on eggshells constantly I just have to guess
Guess what mood you will be in today
Or will you be unhappy over this or that..I just cant say..
You never smile or laugh around me
You know how degrated i feel? Yet you will never see

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2019

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Shes the Black Sheep

She is the black sheep of her family
Walking alone in the night
She hurts inside from all this pain
But always tells herself she is alright.

Was never good enough for Mom or Dad
Sis always came first
She understands now, but for some time
Would pray for God to break the curse. 

She is an alcoholic, 
and was never good enough
Would never make them proud
While on her cigarette she would puff.

She rebeled away, what was the point
The never understood At all
So into her bed at night
Crying, she would crawl. 

Feeling alone a alot
And always feeling left out
She was and still is the black sheep
Of her family there is no doubt

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2019

Details | Allison Call Poem


As She sits there alone, crying in pain
She knows you won’t come even when If she calls your name.

She is bleeding so bad She just wants it to end
She promises she will never call you ever again,
All you do is condecend,
you are so ignorant you will never comprehend.

How can another human be so cruel?
You get a high from hurting her,
You use it like fuel.

Manipulating and blaming her until she snaps
Then she’s the bad guy, just like that!
When she wasn’t even in the wrong, yet you use it to entrap,
It is her fault for letting you continue to treat her like crap!

You entrap her into this web of believing what you say is true
She’s learned now ITS NOT HER, Thats what narcissists do!

Allison Call

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2019

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Near Or Far

My angel, my life, my world, my star
My everything you will be, whether near or far.

When you came into this world I learned true love
I looked to the heavens and thanked the Lord above.

Without you I'm empty, sad and alone
Whether near or far you will always have home. 

A day without you seems so long
Right by my side is where you belong.

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2018

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She Is My World-Part 2

Not with your kid, the one who SHOULD mean the most.
Makes me so sick, your lifestyle is so gross.
A narcissist at that, you will never admit
When you get called out you have a little kid fit

Turning the situation around on the other person instead
You want to know what nonexistent feels like, then to me you are dead! 
You can’t force one you love, not even their own kid 
I don’t want to hear excuses I don’t care what you did.

I am here day and night like a parent should be
And will always love my daughter and always have, you see.
Don’t make excuses for why you can’t call
It takes two seconds to pick up the phone, that’s all!

I’m done forcing you to see her, and give her your “Love.”
It’s only me caring. You more like I have to push and shove. 
She gets plenty of Love from me and my Fam. 
They call her, they see her they actually give a damn!

Thank God she does have all of us
Because she stopped asking for you, not even a fuss
Blame NO ONE but YOURSELF for this
Cause if you do, your proving me right, your just a narcissist. 

The manipulation, the lies I dealt with for too long
I now have to protect my daughter and teach her to be strong.
She still loves you, and for that I am glad
But one day it will be too late and she will not miss her Dad.

My parents are like her other half caring like a co-parent should do
But you can’t co- parent, it’s all about you
Your life, feelings and love all go to yourself
Someday it will be too late, you really need help.

But like I said, I want no contact with you Kris
It has gone on too long, why can’t you see any of this!?
Your perfect, always right, and you never do wrong
I can’t make you be a Dad you have been nonexistent too long.

Popping in every two weeks is not being a Dad
When you grow up I hope you feel just as sad! 
Because you have caused hurt to everyone in your life
I hope it hurts you bad, like a stab with a knife!

She is growing up so fast at the blink of an eye 
Wake the  up, be a father, or just say Goodbye
All she has known is you in and out
That’s fine! Peace! If that’s what your all about.

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2018

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Live By Innocent Words

Innocent when born
Growing up
It’s a scary world

Copyright © Allison Call | Year Posted 2019


Book: Reflection on the Important Things