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Best Poems Written by Michael Barber

Below are the all-time best Michael Barber poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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When the Trumpet Sounds

Where will you be when the trumpet sounds

When the call comes with an 
amazing surprise
A shout is heard by all who leave 
these grounds
And all the dead and alive in Christ 
shall arise
How will you explain; none of the missing is found

While Satan bombards the media with
 his lies
Millions disappear as an army calls up 
the hounds
Gone with no trace of any, as hearts in agony cries
Graves are open, cribs are empty, the trumpet sounds

Delusions, signs, and wonders as the evil one abides
Deception is real in all as this 
darkness abounds
While behind the scenes, This world in 
sin resides
What will you be doing when the 
trumpet sounds

One of two in the fields is taken up beyond the skies
The other is left behind, in fear an empty heart pounds
To meet the Lord in the air as the Bible
 so describes
All believers united with praise as
 heaven resounds
The judgment of God on this earth will truly abide

In tribulation to all clothed with the unbeliever's gown
Their destination set: in their sins they 
chose to hide
To this end, eternal  fire in hell to be 
cast down
When the trumpet sounds, all in Christ 
will arise

To meet the Lord in the air, Wearing redemptions gown
For faith in Christ is gifted with the everlasting prize
Eternal life: in heaven we shall forever
 be found
When the trumpet sounds?

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

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This Magic In the Sky

As the dusk of darkness settles in the 
sky above
The setting of the sun masters 
colors we all love
Stars begin to twinkle, covering the 
heavens at night
As the moon appears in its beautiful 
array so bright

Magically in different forms until it 
comes to be full
The starry dippers chasing one another 
as in a duel
Disappearing as the clouds come into 
sight with haste
The rain falls supplying the earth with a thirst full taste

As the dawning aligns itself with the rising of the sun
Creation blossoms as a result of what the 
rain has done
Blue skies allowing its rays to bear its warmth upon us
White clouds puff across the sky, as large 
as an Octopus

Figures are created with each cloud 
whether big or small
The wind moves the tops of trees, 
whether short or tall
Watching the sun half circle, shading each part of our land
Birds singing in harmony like heaven’s marching band

The magic of beauty  is seen in the 
heavens day and night
Planes flying from east to west until 
they are out of sight
Hot air balloons of all colors rise above 
following the cloud
People watching noisily with clapping hands so loud

Paratroopers falling from heaven framed 
in pictured glory
Flowing with  grace as this majestic
 view tells their story
Children releasing balloons while watching their flight above
Their face reminds us why this magic
 in the sky is so loved

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

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Is There No Shame

Is There No Shame?

Watching as people go by is a joy I find
People, so many, of such different kind
Yet, over the years as time has past
Shame dissolves as morals die fast

Seduction has become a present fad
Casting away limits that we once had
Children dressed for lust as parents smile
While perverts in lust seek to molest a child

Butt cheeks hanging out for all to see
Advertising as to say, “ come take me”
Bellies and breasts revealed to behold
No regret as their whorish ways unfold

A young man’s hormones blazing in bliss
With opportunity arising to want of this
Unwanted pregnancies all over this world
While unloved babies into the trash 
are hurled
Sex is glorified while marriage is not sacred
And those who abstain are mocked in hatred 
Nakedness is uncovered to less than one’s underwear
If you dress different, you’re considered 
a square

Right and wrong has not ever changed
Values  are precious and not so strange
Morals are taught to keep us safe
Integrity is a result of everyday faith

A Lady in this world is hard to find
Who in our life time doth truly shine
Refusing to partake in this sinful shame
Protecting the reputation of her pure name

Gentlemen likewise have become very few
Watching their tongue and the things 
they do
Honoring the women as such 
precious jewels
Not being vulgar and stubborn like mules

Shameless are those with no self respect
Shameful when true modesty they reject
Shamefacedness is a trait of one’s virtue
Blushing redness reveals this trait so true

Give us those who will respect themselves
Not following the fad of everyone else
Who will break this mold of undue shame
Honoring the reputation of a good name

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

Details | Michael Barber Poem

Reason of Praise

My heart races, being compelled to praise 
Worshiping in His presence, my hands
 to raise
Admiring my Lord with a shout in my soul
Thanking God for being made whole

Singing with the choir as our voices 
become one
Exalting our Saviour: God's only
 begotten Son
Opening our hearts to let God have control
While songs of praise doth continually flow

Preaching the gospel of the Lord, our source
As God's word brings the sinner to remorse
Praying on the altar and in the pews
For all to hear the wonderful news

Salvation is free to all who come
Call upon the Lord and all is done
The rejoicing in heaven is like ringing
 a bell
Cause one more soul has been saved 
from hell

Worthy is our God who has paid the price
Only faith in the Lord Jesus will suffice
The prayers and praise and singing of song
Is because he is our God to whom we belong

The worship of the Father is heartfelt 
and pure
When one is saved and they know it for sure

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

Details | Michael Barber Poem

The Gospel

The Gospel

So many feel the gospel turns them away
I hope you truly don't feel this way
The opposite is true and that's a fact
The gospel is here to bring us back

Instead of feeling condemnation's sin
Look at the love that abides within
All have sinned even the very best
There is none better than all the rest

None of us has to die in sin's decay
For God himself has revealed the way
Our salvation is not based on what man
 can acquire
The gospel, for  who obey, is God's redeeming power

It is God, His Son, and his great love for us
Who only, in his grace, can make us just
The sacrifice, death, burial, and resurrection true
Has provided salvation for all, including me and you

God gave his heart, His only begotten Son
The Son gave his life, for it all to be done
The Spirit calls our hearts to his 
saving grace
So you and I can abide in that
 heavenly place

Forgiveness is purchased by the shedding 
of blood
Being only merited by God's great love
What must I do to be saved was asked 
that day
As the Philippian jailor fell on his knees 
to pray

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ came the answer sure
Such wonderful words were heard for our sins the cure
Turning to God from our sins: from pride to humility
With faith in Jesus Christ who will save for all eternity

So open that heart and ask him to save and to forgive
And feel the burden lifted as His life in you is lived
No one is excluded from God's mercy as others may say
All who will be saved is included when one bows to pray

To obey the gospel is to hear God's true and powerful voice
Whether or not you listen and heed is your power of choice
So, if you refuse God's love and his saving grace
You've excluded yourself to enter hell's horrible place

He suffered, he died, and he arose again to save our soul
If we would repent and believe and let him make us whole
He shed his blood, he paid the price - why would you condemn
For if we reject his love and his way - how can we accuse him?

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

Details | Michael Barber Poem

The Black Man

The Black Man

Hello to the world of the black man
Holding his roots to a foreign land
Raising issues that are hard to face
Knowing  evils of hatred in every place

Being bound by the powers of the past
Struggling to hold on to what he hast
Race seems to be the answer for one 
to blame
And the evil white man should abide 
in shame

For the African chief has betrayed his own
By selling his people as he set his throne
A tragic truth that drives a stake in his heart
While the plantation owners take their part

Fighting to achieve and make himself a home
Embracing his family with worshipful song
Furthering his desire with equal rights won
Excited about what now can be done

Making proud without any excuse
In spite of all others who blame abuse
He will rise for all the world to see
That he would be all he could be

Study will be hard in this white man’s world
While of his own, temptations are hurled
Working hard, learning, growing in strength
Giving of himself to go the length

Picking up his mother’s Bible to 
hold its truth
Embracing these words from sister Ruth
Thy God shall be my God she said
Then she journeyed where her faith led

That which makes a man so strong
Is following our God who sit’s the throne
Every great man this world comes to know
When in time of need, he knows where to go

The spiritual songs of the black man is honored
In sufferings victory , making others to ponder
But marching forward with head held high
Refusing to quit until he die

Uniting to defeat this racial divide
Not allowing the past a place to hide
So forward with access to achieve his part
Giving his all, not wavering his heart

With success in men like Martin Luther King
Making a difference with peace as his ring
Champion players have gone on before
To show our children an open door

Politicians of power taking their place
Military giants abiding with grace
Colon Powell, Dr. Carson to name a few
And the next president could be you!

I admire a man who will take his stand
With loving heart will take my hand
Forgetting the past and pressing ahead
To make a better place to lay our head

So stand tall, for God will see us through
And while standing tall, we’ll stand true
I admire the man who yields to give God, 
all he can
Making others so filled in pride to be
a black man

Leading our children in the way of the Lord
Destroys the divisions we cannot afford
Bringing the unity that we all will to inspire
That the black man, the white man
 both desire!

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

Details | Michael Barber Poem

The Ballad of Bradford's Pride

Down in old El Casa Rio was a sheriff feared by all. 
People swore an oath that he was seven feet tall.
One morning in the heat of 1863 on an August day, 
rode three bad men, who didn’t come to stay.

With money in their eyes and a bank across the street, 
these men came with only one thing to seek
About ten o’clock after the payroll come by; shots were fired as the banker fell on his face to die

Women screamed with horror as the guns blasted.
Two more died in the moments it lasted.
The bank is being robbed; the bank is being robbed; 
while two wives fell on their knees and sobbed.
Sherriff Bo Bradford grabbed his guns; deputy by his side. 
He watched the robbers taking their ride.

“Their getting away,” someone was heard to say. 
But Sherriff Bo Bradford said, “No my friend, not today.”
So many bad men he had chased down before. 
What was it for him to chase down just three more?

He saddled his ride and rode as fast as he could, 
yelling to the deputy, “ Get a posse if he would.”
The deputy cried for men to saddle up and let’s go. 
But, the Sherriff went on ahead this time we know.

These three bad men knew of the Sherriff and his pride. 
So, they set a trap, in the rocks they would hide.
The sun blistering down on the desert floor.
The light was so bright, The Sherriff could hardly see anymore

As he wipes the sweat from his face,
guns were fired as Sherriff Bo fell to the ground in this place.
Rocky Pass was the name where Sherriff Bo Bradford fell,
where the sun was so hot: A living hell

The Brothers gang laughed as they tore his badge from his chest,
proclaiming ,“ Ole Bo was one of the best.”
They rode for hours with the posse never seen, 
settling to count all the money that they gleaned.

Yet, back at Rocky Pass, the deputy’s posse arrived
and found Sherriff Bo in the place where he died.
By his body, a glittering was seen on the desert floor. 
It was the sheriff’s badge he would wear no more.

If only he had waited and on his posse he could depend.
He may have caught those three bad men.
Pride got the best of Sherriff Bo Bradford that day, 
and the Brothers gang went ahead on their way

He alone took to task to catch the brothers in head held pride; 
without any help, on that day, dead he lied.
The old saying still blazes the trail where Sherriff Bo died.
 Known to all as The Ballad of  Bradford’s Pride

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

Details | Michael Barber Poem

If God Isn'T

If there is no God and he is not existent
How does creation remain so consistent
The Sun rising in the east and setting in the west
As the rotation of the earth is sure in its quest

If God isn’t true and if he isn’t real
Then the afterlife has no appealing thrill
The intellectual tells the believer to be shamed
Yet only Adam could call all creatures by name

If God isn’t alive and the definer of love
Then in vain do we bow as we look above
Now true love dies and all is bound in hate
And all the lies will take us to our fate

If God isn’t life, where did man get his breath
And how could it be that Christ overcome death
Why the witness of God saving a man’s soul
Testifying to the fact, that this God one can know

If God isn’t Almighty as declared before our eyes
As we see his glory, the planets and stars in the skies
When we deny the facts that good and evil doth tell
We simply are blinded, in fact, to a heaven and a hell

If God isn’t  salvation, of which his word does say
Then all men are hopeless; there is no other way
But God is real to us in the person of his Son
When we trust and believe, our new life  has begun

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

Details | Michael Barber Poem

There Is Peace In the Storm

The fear grasp our hearts as we set in the hallway until the storm passed by. Mom was always afraid and made us kids run to the center of the home to hide from the thunder and lightning. We, that is , us boys, thought Mom was nuts; yet, we listened and did what she told us to. It was a lot easier to obey than to reap the consequences of disobedience. It would seem that us boys would grow up in fear of the storms. But; there was no fear in our hearts. We learned to respect the storms and not to do something foolish when the thunder roared and the lightning flashed across the sky. Mom is not afraid so much as she use to be and now just waits it out wherever she may be. I henceforth take joy in hearing the thunder and watching the heavens light up. It is as if I hear the thundering voice of God and see the glorious might of his power as the flashes pass from one end of the heavens unto the other, as far as I can see. I personally stand amazed and find comfort in the midst of the storm. I know, to some, that would sound silly. I sure wouldn’t want to see any destruction or harm come from the storms to anyone. Yet; the might of his power and roar of his thunder reminds me of his cry to a world to come to him for salvation and assurance of heaven, while at the same time, showing forth the power of his judgment. The Bible does say that the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament his handiwork. I guess the joy I find in the storm is a result of the fact that I gave my life to Christ many years ago and my eternity is sure. My hope would be that others would know this same peace. It reminds me of a story I heard years ago. There was this Mom who picked her young daughter up at school everyday. This day was different because she was running late and a storm was coming. It began to rain and the lightning was flashing. She hurried the best she could and found her daughter walking home on the edge of the road. Comforted that her little girl was alright, other than a little wet, she pulled up beside her. She noticed every time a flash of lightning would flash across the sky; her little girl would stop, look up, and smile. When her daughter finally opened the door and set in the car, she asked, “ Why were you looking up and smiling when the lightning flashed in this storm?” Her little girl with a wide smile upon her face and a gleam in her eyes, responded “ Cause Jesus was taking my picture.” There is peace in the storm. I guess it’s just how you look at it!

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018

Details | Michael Barber Poem

Turn That Frown Upside Down

Laughing with giggles, while their belly jiggles
For I am but a clown
I'll make me jiggles and cause those giggles
For I am but a clown

I ride me little car and become the star
Cause I am but a clown
You sit the bleachers and laugh at me features
Cause I am but a clown

When I fall down with on my face a frown
Your little frown is turned upside down

Cause I am a great big clown
So turn your frown upside down
By going to the circus in town
To see that big funny clown!

Copyright © Michael Barber | Year Posted 2018


Book: Shattered Sighs