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Best Poems Written by Tammy Williams

Below are the all-time best Tammy Williams poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Temptation of U

" No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is 
faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. -i Corinth .10:13

I have a question:
What if you do not want that temptation to go away?
What if that temptation is you?
When I see you,
I am tempted to let my hurt feelings from the past go.
When I speak to you,
I am tempted to laugh and express my intimate thoughts to you.
When I think of you,
I am tempted to bask in the sweet memories 
that we have spent together.
When I hear your name,
I am tempted to smile and tingle all over.
When I see the light of God that radiates from you,
I am tempted to let my light also shine.
Sometimes when I lay in bed at night,
I am tempted to pray to God and ask him to protect and bless you.
When I think about how you treat me,
I am tempted to bless someone else
I guess what I am trying to say is that,
You make me tempted to love...

Copyright © Tammy Williams | Year Posted 2008

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Reality Check

Yesterday, you said that you loved me,
You said all the right things that made me happy
Yesterday, I dreamed of days filled with picnics and long walks,
Days of passionate kisses and long, interesting talks
Yesterday, you promised that you would always be here,
You said that together we could conquer all of my fears
Then, Reality Hit Me and I Was Forced to Face Today
Today, I feel lonely and confused,
My heart, body, and mind, have all been used
Today, my eyes are open wide,
They see the person that you tried so hard to hide
You hid behind those bright smiles and those sexy eyes
Who knew that promises of love and devotion were only well thought out lies
Today, I wish that yesterday was merely a dream
If only my pride, my secrets, my innocence could somehow be redeemed
Today, I have a choice to make
Hold on to hurt feelings as my heart continues to break
Dust myself off, move on, and learn from my mistake
Now that I think about it,
The decision was quite easy to make
I almost forgot…
There’s always tomorrow

Copyright © Tammy Williams | Year Posted 2008

Book: Shattered Sighs