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Best Poems Written by Maria Feliciano

Below are the all-time best Maria Feliciano poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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One Night, One Love

As I await, for my Lover to come to me. Visions of his kiss, feels me with ecstasy. Our love will explode, volcanically. Every touch he bestows upon me, affects me. Sweet sensations, seduces me. My heart beats, rapidly. As darkness begins to settle in, the stars are brightly shining. Hurry my lover come home to me, I willingly, wait patiently. At last, My lover is here next to me. As he caresses my entire body. His passionate kiss, captures my soul, I can not resist. Bound by his love, I give into, my lust, as we begin to make love, One Night, One Love. an etenal bliss, full of love, bestows heaven upon us. Our love deepens. We have no regrets, Together at last, forever we will be. A lovers bound,united us. Together and forever our love will grow stronger,never holding back. Our passion explodes deeper, conquering us. A web we have both spun, capturing our love. Now daylight has begun, The sun is brightly shining. I wake up in my lovers arms. A new memory has just begun. A memory, that bounded us. At last our love has bloomed magically. We will forever be one. Loving each other,eternally. From One Night, One Love, that has freed our emotions, our lust and captured our hearts.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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More About Me

I love to cook, I love to sing, heck I even love, dancing. I start my morning, With a good cup of coffee, in my hand, Maxwell house is what I'm drinking, in case anyone was wondering. Two sugars and cream, is how i like my cup of joe. Steaming hot and ready to go. I say my prayers, and thank the good lord, for another day of living. A mother of two, who are my pride and joy, each an every day. One in High School, the other starting middle school. Happily married, in love with my man, that makes me feel, young again. Then off I go, on my daily routine, enjoying life and running earrands. going to work and living my dream. At night when my day is complete. I pick up my journal, pen in my hand. I start to write, how my day ends. More about me, part two of my introduction. Meeting new friends, a glory to life.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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What Christmas Means To Me

When I was a child, I use to believe, When Santa came to visit me, As he placed the preasants under the Christmas Tree. To my dismay, he never disappointed me. Santa always surprised me. The pretty packages, wrapped all sweet, with the colors' of bright reds and greens,or Silver and pink. The smell of the cookies that mama made, still lingered in the air, Now lay on a dish, for Saint  Nicholas to appear. Chestnuts that roasted in the oven, with the fire aglow. Always seem to keep me on my toes. The stockings hung over the mounted mantle, over the fire place, that waited patiently, to be filled with toys and candy. Mama singing Christmas Carols, always put me in the mood. These are the memories, I keep in my heart so dearly, Is the meaning of what Christmas means to me.

Daddy in the kitchen, cooking gracefully, While mama and my brother made ornaments to be hung on our tree. I myself stringing popcorn on a thread to make the garland. Mistletoe hung over the door, to complete the scenary,that awaits for momma and daddy to uphold the promise of kissing each other so they willl never be apart or alone, Forever in love. A giant wreath, hung on our front door, elegantly. Welcoming our friends and family. This is what Christmas, means to me. Many years has passed but I will never forget, All the wonderful memories, my mother has taught me. Will continue on in my family. This is what Christmas, means to me.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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Angel, Divine

I hear your voice calling out to me. a voice so sweet,
it guides me. To a light that shines, brightly.
An in that light, I can see A familiar face, that
appears in front of me, that same face I remember,
who use to hold me, when I was a baby.
My grandmother, who loved me. She past away
so long ago, but she never left me. Angel Divine

With a heart of gold, an angelic soul, who was always kind.
Now I have my angel, who helps me, she will always look
after me. No matter what obstacle, get's in my way.
She will be there, to help me on my way. Each day
that passes, I feel her close to me, My grandmother
who never forgot me, her love is everlasting.

My angel, who is divine shines her light on me. I am
not afraid, I do not weep. I will keep her memories,
close to me. My grandmother, never left me. Angel
divine, who sits at gods side, watches over me.
As I feel her close to me. She fills my heart up
with peace and tranquility.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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All About Me

Let me tell you a story, about me. Let me introduce myself. I have been, writing poetry since I was twelve years old. My greatest gift, that my mother gave to me, was a journal not a diary. An in this journal, I use to write about love, life and whatever I believed. God has blessed me, with this gift of writing. I have written many poems, I have won many contest, for literacy. Some of my work, was published in Anthologies. In high school, my favorite class was, creative writing. The teacher, I had, complimented me. He told me I had a gift, that all should see. Therefore, has influrence me, to write for humanity. I love to write, it inspires me, so here I am, give me a journal and a good pen in hand. As I share my creativity. For all to see, to journey in this great society, to write Lyrics, Free Verse and narrativity. All about me.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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In the Twilight

In the Twilight, when the star's shine to the depths of the night, I hear you calling me. The voice calmly guides me to your divine sight. My life that is troubled,by the demons that try to take over my subconscious mind. In the Twilight I can see more clearly, I am not afraid of what lies ahead or beneath me tonight. Obstacles that seem to get in every way,where I try to find happiness,I do not delay. A sound of perfection in your undertone, is a chance for me to surrender to the outcome, of the Twilight. I see the beauty of gods creations, in the night sky. A gentle breeze, that touches my skin, on a warm night, relaxes me and prepares me for the fight. A fight that is yet to come, a fight of heroism to overcome the deadly battle of good versus evil. A chance to join the angels and conquer what needs to be done. In the Twilight,is where I belong. I will take on the demons that belittle me. I must get the upper hand, I will challenge all the demons,that surround me. I will conquer all that is needed to be. For in life,we only have one life to live. The life we choose is our way of understanding, We will protect the helpless our children should have a chance of not worrying what lies ahead. We are here to break the obstacles that are in the way. In the Twilight is where I choose to stay,until the time comes, when I am needed. To defend all the innoccence,from the evil that tries to get in the way, that voice that calls out to me will be my greatest achievment, to defend all that lies ahead of me. In this world where the true beauty begins, In the Twilight is where it will end.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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Under the Willow Tree

Under the willow tree, my lover found me, in the meadow. No one is around, it is just me and him. As the clouds begin to roll in, you can see them over the horizon. A gentle breeze, tickles our skin. The branches on the willow tree, sway to the sound of our heart beat. Our own private oasis, while the branches hung down. Under the Willow tree, is where he first kissed me. My first kiss he bestowed upon my lips. I can taste, the sweet innocence of his lips, as he kisses me, tenderly. Under the willow tree.

A kiss, that left me breathless. How I yearned, to be touch by him. Our kiss deepens, leaving us burning within.  He pulls me close, to him. The smell of his skin, enlightens me, as my heart burst, erupting rapidly.  He whispered sweet words, in my ear. The right words I wanted to hear. I knew right there, he was the one for me. I laid my head, upon his chest, I could hear his heart beat, a sound played perfectly, a beautiful melody, made just for me. Under the willow 

My sweet lover,who came to me, While I waited patiently. Is now loving me. Our passion, burst into ecstasy. Every kiss he places on me, leaves me craving for more. I surrender to, his sweet love. Under the willow tree, where my lover found me, in the meadow. Where our love roamed free.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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The Sparrow, Within Me

Who am I,Who do I want to be. My mind wonders freely. There was a time in my life where I use to wonder and be free. Free from life and difficulties. A chance that I once had to begin freshly. I sometimes wonder, did I have a life before, could I awaken what I once was, To feel the air on my face as I flew high above the ground an into the clouds above. A little sparrow escaping love. Could it possibly be, that the one tiny sparrow in me, could have so much freedom and still have a chance to be the best I could be. The Sparrow within,me. A little sparrow that would never sleep, I would fly as far as I could go,never looking back escaping life's reality an everything that kept me captured. A life of never being free,this is not the life for me. I want to explore and take in everything. I want to see the beautiful blue skies,I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my wings. Enjoying this world that is pure beauty. Blue waters and the crisp blue sea. I would never have to worry about all the troubles at home that stresses me. The Sparrow within,me. Now it is time to face the facts,the little sparrow that is in me,will never be free again,As I come back and face reality my journey has ended quickly. I have a home, and responsibilities. to take care of my own and watch them grow and be free. A choice that I have made in another world that I have committed to, to raise and take care of my family. To watch my little sparrows grow and understand their life and responsibilities, to help them over come any obsticals that will get in their way. As I watch them grow and spread thier wings to full lenghth,but if I could have that chance again to be that Sparrow within,me I would not hesitate to take flight and soar high in the beautiful blue sky that I once had. As I wonder and fly free in a world that is just made for me.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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Bound By Love

Bound by Love, is what they agreed. Two lovers, that love each other, sacredly. A promise he made, not so long ago, to the girl of his dreams. A girl he fell in love with. A girl he had to say goodbye too, so his journey could begin. A journey that separated them. He will remember her blue eyes, of innocence. The cornsilk color of her hair, the softness of her skin. The sweet taste of her lips, when he kisses them. Now the sound of the boat horn, lingers in the air. The sound where he must bid adeu to the love of his life, so his journey can begin. A journey, that will take him away, to defend his country, once again, but before he leaves,he steals one last kiss, then whispers in her ear " wait for me my love, I will return, to thee, until then, dream of me". She nods her head, as he wipes away the tear that runs down her cheek. She kisses him once again, as they say goodbye. In her heart,she knows very well,that he is her soulmate. Bound by Love. Several days have past,her heart lingers to be reunited with her love. Now the day has finally come. Together once again,she will be reunited with her Love. She walks down to the dock,waiting for her lover to return. Sweet desires burn deep within her heart.piter pater thump thump thump. Her heart beats,rapidly. Today is the day,she will be reunited with her love. She waits patiently. Suddenly he appears, a smile on his face. To see his love again. She runs in his arms, as he picks her up kissing her hungrily. A promise he made, to his love of his life,his soulmate. Bound by Love, that will now be everlasting.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018

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Love Blooms, Tonight

Sweet incarnation's, of love, will bloom tonight. As two lovers, walk, under the Moonlight. Hand in hand, they wander about, then he pulls her close to him. The smell of her skin, intoxicates, him, while he breathes it in., Her sweet smell, arouses him.  He nibbles on her ear, then he steals a kiss, from her sensual lips. A sweet kiss, a nectar of eternal bliss. Love blooms, tonight.

To her, dismay, her heart flutters away, underneath the moonlight. Sweet sensations, burns within. As her heart beats, rapidly. She loves him, blissfully. Desire overtakes, her soul, leaving her craving for more, as the kiss, deepens. Her true love, leaves her, Breathless. Her heart explodes, like a volcano. Love blooms tonight.

Now the two lovers, who once walked about, under the moonlight, are together at last. Together, in each other's arms. Loving each other, eternally, while they make love. Their soul takes flight, as their bodies, collide, as one. Love blooms tonight.

Copyright © Maria Feliciano | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things