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Best Poems Written by Bobby Jarrard

Below are the all-time best Bobby Jarrard poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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About Clouds

If you look into the sky
                      You may see castles drifting by
                      And dragons chased by knights of old
                      On quests of chivalry brave and bold

                      You may see ships with billowing sails
                      Chasing after fluffy whales
                      Or fleeing from some mighty storm
                      Seeking shelter from it’s harm

                      You could see a wizard, old and wise
                      Fire burning in his mystic eyes
                      Casting forth a magic spell  
                      To conjure a spirit from the well

                      There’s a fire truck chugging along 
                      Filled with firemen, brave and strong
                      Racing by to save the day
                      Wave them on their hero’s way

                      These are the things I see in the sky
                      You can to if you really try
                      Just lie on the slope of a grassy hill
                      And let your mind make them real

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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The Poet

He has a way of turning a phrase
Of making words rhyme and sing
They spin and dance across the page
Telling of knights and kings.

He speaks of adventure in faraway lands
Tales of mystery and woe
He writes of love, found and lost
Of hearts broken and whole.

He can make our hearts fill with gladness
Our spirits rise and soar 
Or weigh our souls with sorrow and sadness
Until we can take no more.

He has a special gift you see
You might say a touch of magic 
He can bring us into a fairytale 
Be it passionate or be it tragic.

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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Final Dance

Down the stairwell the spirits drift
      Forever down they must.
      Down into the dungeon below
      To the darkness, the dampness and musk.
      Listen to their moans and laments
      Their sorrow is their due.
      As they pass you should feel the cold
      For their cries are meant for you.

      See the blessed rise from their rest
      And ascend into the sky.
      Hear the forsaken, their fear and shame
      As they ask the master why.
      Joy for the risen and misery for the dammed
      For each of us reap our reward.
      But whichever final path we take
      You can bet we won't be bored!

          Bobby G. Jarrard

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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God's Art

I see the mist from the water rise
As the fire falls from the sky
The mountains stand so wise and proud
Reaching forever into the clouds.

I love the feel of the morning breeze
As it blows so crisply through the trees
The sound of the brook on it’s twisting path
Brings joy to my heart and makes it laugh.

I watch the squirrels run and play
In their joyful, happy way
High in the trees they cavort and dance
Ever taking a lofty chance.

I sit by the brook and look away
To a nearby hill where children play
Their laughter fills the morning air
As they run and jump without a care

It's the greatest work of art you see
And it always sets my spirit free
As I see god's canvas spread this way
I think what a wonderful, beautiful day.

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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I see the love dance in your eyes
I hear the passion in your sighs
As our souls entwine. 
If our love binds together our hearts
Then our lives will never part
And you’ll always be mine.
Babe I love you.

As we hold hands and walk the shore
God could never give me more
Than your love for me.
There’s nothing like your precious kiss
To wrap my heart in passions bliss
Your sweet loves the key.
Babe I love you.
As the sands of time drift by
I promise that I’ll always try 
To be there for you.
Loves the treasure I hold dear
Losing yours my only fear
I’ve no hope without you.
Babe I love you.

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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The Wonder of It

Sitting here staring at the starry sky
I can’t help but wonder, who am I
To be blessed with the love of a goddess like you
I can’t help but wonder, what did I do.
It must have been something wonderful or grand
For you to pick me to take your hand
And place on your finger this golden ring
With your love beside me I feel like a king.
I don’t understand what brought you to me
But I know that your love has set me free.
When we’re apart I feel I will die 
I just want to hang my head and cry.
But when we’re together my joy abounds
I really don’t deserve this treasure I’ve found.
And now you ask what love means to me?
Why, holding your hand as we walk by the sea.

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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Love Is

What is love, could it be a myth
Just a fleeting dream, a broken gift
Or is it what you always miss
When you see two lovers embrace and kiss
Where is love when someone’s heart breaks
And fades away from the awful ache
Could it be nearby in some sweet smile
You can only find out if you look for awhile
When is love a tangible thing
Will you only find it in some dream
Or will it find you some special day
Maybe if you stop running away
Who carries the love that you so need
For without it your soul just cannot feed
Hopelessness will tell you to sit down and die
But please don’t listen to its lie
For loves all around us it’s easy to see
And how you look for it is the key
Time and patience is what it will take
To find that one special, loving soul mate

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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About Dreams

Dreams of love
Dreams of lust
Dreams of things that crumble to dust.
Dreams of peace
Dreams of hate
Dreams of what we give and take.
Dreams of war
Dreams of goodwill
Dreams of things we often feel.
Dreams of luxury
Dreams of success
Dreams of things you love the best.
Dreams of fear
Dreams of pain
Dreams of all you hope to gain.
Dreams of sorrow
Dreams of dark hues
Dreams of those you fear to lose.
Dreams of heaven
Dreams of hell
Dreams of things you dare not tell.
Shattered dreams they make us cry
From time we are born to time we die.
What is the sum of all these things?
There is truth and lies in all our dreams.

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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Final Dance (Revised)

Down the stairwell the spirits drift
Forever down they must.
Down into the dungeon below
To the darkness, the dampness and musk.
Listen to their moans and laments
Their sorrow is their due.
As they pass you should feel the cold
For their cries are meant for you.

See the blessed rise from their rest
And ascend into the sky.
Hear the forsaken, their fear and shame
As they ask the master why.
Joy for the risen, misery for the damned
For each of us reap our reward.
And which of the final paths we take
Depends on who we call lord.

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

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Sorrow's Song

For love lost and shattered hope,
First a broken heart, now a length of rope.
How much pain can one heart take
When day after day it continues to break.
Happiness evades me, peace cannot be found,
Sometimes in my sorrow I feel I will drown.
If only I could turn back time
I would find a way to keep love mine.
That this would happen I could not see
Sometimes love stays, sometimes it flies free.
Tears fell for a while but now they run dry,
No matter how sad I cannot cry.
So long have I kelp my emotions tied
That now a part of my soul has died.
From songs of despair to songs of love
From sorrow below to hope above,
I fear that happiness I'll not find again
Before I meet my final end.
Thou I hate this pain that ebbs with each breath
Which do I fear most, is it life, is it death.
My dreams may remind me of happier times
But then I awake and always find -
My sorrow.

Copyright © Bobby Jarrard | Year Posted 2005

Book: Reflection on the Important Things