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Best Poems Written by Kai Toth

Below are the all-time best Kai Toth poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Drip, drop Drip, drop The rain pours down Soaking your clothes Drowning out any sound Drip, drop Drip, drop Tears slide off your cheeks and to the ground Masked by the rain sliding down your face as well The corners of your mouth turn upwards Because you know your secret will never be found Drip, drop Drip, drop

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2018

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The Song of Storms

Whistle, rumble, tap, tap, tap
The song of storms is like no other
The wind whistles a quiet tune,
Caresses your eardrums
And you're sure if you left the house
It'd caress your face as well
The thunder rumbles around you
Its gentle rumbles resonating through your being
The cloud's purr is below, above, and all around you
It's like a mother's soft hum, lulling you to sleep
The sky's tears tap on your window
They try to coax you out of your protective barrier
If you listen and step outside
The falling droplets would cover you in their gentle, wet kisses
Whistle, rumble, tap, tap, tap
The song of storms is like no other

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2018

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A Woman

A woman is strong.
She is loving and wise.

She endures,
She moves hearts,
She laughs and she cries.

She nurtures,
She commends,
She supports and she mends.

All for the sake of her children and friends.

A woman does all this,
And yet,
She suffers the dreaded menstruation.

In modern countries,
She can go to the store and buy things like tampons,
Tampons and pads.
Then she'll be on her way.

She'll be on with her life,
Being a mother, a worker, and a friend.

But in developing countries,
What does she get?

She must stay at home,
Struggling with the bloodstained fabrics and floors,
That look like an accident that had happened during her chores.

She must keep bringing water, to and fro,
She must push on, but even still,
She is struggling.

She can't enter the places of worship,
She is seen as dirty and unclean,
For a natural process that she can't control.

She is sent out into huts,
Small and windowless.
She is sent there with her children,
Because of the blood that shows she is fertile.

A woman is strong and powerful.
She endures hardships greater than some.

She endures sexism and racist remarks,
She endures life and corrupt society,
She endures every day with heavy anxiety.

Every woman deserves to be treated like a queen,
For her endurance,
For her compassion,
For her loving beam.

A woman is strong,
In ways that cannot be seen,
But must be heard, felt, and remembered.

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2019

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I Love You, I Think

Last night, I had a dream.
A dream of you and I.
You were gorgeous and shy,
While I was loving and kind.

We watched a play and had dinner,
Laughter rang through the air.
We slept in the same bed,
We hugged and kissed as much as we dared.

You were here.
With me.

Then, I woke up.
I looked around for you,
Before remembering that you weren't there.

I stopped in my tracks,
Wondering what the dream could mean.
Did I love you like that?
Did I want you to be with me?

The answer was yes.
I did.
I do.

I want to hold your hand,
And cuddle with you throughout the night.
I want to kiss away your sorrows and tears,
Until morning light.

I love you.
I love your smile and your laugh.
I love your eyes and your hair.
I love it when you flirt.
I love it when you care.
I hate it when you're sad,
When people do you wrong.
I hate it when you cry,
And you feel like you don't belong.

Those thoughts did I think,
Smiling so wide, my cheeks hurt.

But then,
I stopped,
I frowned,
I looked down.

People tell me you're bad for me,
That I need to stop talking to you.
That you're toxic and too depressed,
That you're bringing me down with you.

I won't let them.
I won't let them tell me how to live my life.
You're so good inside,
You just need to let yourself fly.

I will be your light in the dark,
The star at night,
The water in the desert,
The plane that will take you high.

You're perfectly imperfect.
I can see it in you.
I will be your helping hand.
I will be true.

I will dive into the dark waters,
That try so hard to take you away from me.
I will pull you out,
And set you free.

I will do it again,
And again,
Until you stop going back to those waters.
Until they tempt you no more.

You live miles away,
You haven't had a good home life,
You struggle every day,
To wake up and let yourself shine.

But I love you.
Oh God, I love you.
So I will stand by your side.
No matter what people say.
I won't let you die.

I know you love someone else.
That's okay.
If you only let me stay,
I can keep my feelings at bay.

You are another world.
One I so admire.
I want to light it up,
So the Earth can see your beauty.
So they can find out why I adore you.

You are perfectly imperfect.
That dream last night, I had,
Made me realize,
I love you.

I love you.
Ich liebe dich.
Te amo.
Ti amo.
Je t'aime.
jag älskar dig.
kocham Cie.
Rwy'n dy garu di.

I love you, I think.

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2018

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Mama's Here

Mama's here, little one.
Even when she's not.
Her arms are wrapped around you,
She loves you a lot.

Mama's always by your side,
Even when she can't talk.
When you're at your best.
And even when you're at your worst.

Kai loves you.
Mama loves you.
Nothing could be more true,
Than the words I speak when I'm with you.

I want to be there for you.
I want to lift you up.
Someday, we'll meet.
Someday, I will.

I'll press butterfly kisses all over your face.
I'll sqwoosh your cheeks and hug you close.
I'll cuddle with you all the time.
I'll never ever leave your side.

One day, we'll meet.
Then, you'll see.
Mama's here. Mama's with you.
She'll never ever leave.

When Tigger can't bounce,
And Pooh hates honey.
When Peter Pan can't fly,
And Mater isn't funny.

That's when I'll stop loving you,
That's when I'll move on.

When Patton can't smile,
And Roman drops his sword and runs.
When Logan can't find a solution,
And doesn't even try.
When Virgil gives up on the others,
And becomes the bad guy.

That's when I'll leave you.
When the world ends.
Only then,
Will I not be your friend.

I may not be good at everything,
Or even good for you.
But I swear on my life,
I could never stop loving you.
Not you. Not Alex. Not Al or Kat. Not Kayden. Not Katie. Not Rory or Batts. Not Megan. Not Joan. Not Cassie or Jen. Not Marie. Not Zoe. Not Olivia or Em. Not Emma. Not Beet. Not Caelum or Kali. Not Cas. Mot Gabby. Not Serena or Bailey. Not Xavier. Not Rihanna. Not Natasha or Mac. Not even Malaya. Not even Sonnae.
Not even if there isn't a person that loves me back.
I could never stop loving, All the people in my life. Past or present, Even if they weren't nice. Mama always loves you. She'll never move on. Mama won't ever stop loving, Even if everyone else is gone. Mama loves you. Your highs and your lows. Kai loves you. They'll protect you from all your foes. Mama's always here, little one. Even when she's not. Her arms are wrapped around you.
She loves you a lot.

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2018

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A lesbian.
A woman who only loves women.
What more is there to know?

Prejudice against lesbians,
Often occurs because of misunderstanding.
People have their own opinions about lesbians,
But opinions are almost never facts.

Are you sure you know,
What someone being a lesbian means?

A lesbian isn't a lesbian because she hates men.
A lesbian isn't a lesbian because she's rebellious.
A lesbian isn't a lesbian because it's "cool".

She loves women.
And only women.

She isn't "going through a phase".
She isn't confused.
She isn't "too young to know for sure".

A lesbian doesn't come out to you because she's in love with you.
She comes out to you, because she trusts you.

A lesbian doesn't fall in love with every woman she sees.
That's like saying you fall in love with everyone you see.
A lesbian has types of women that make her heart flutter,
Just like you have types of people that make your heart skip a beat.

A lesbian doesn't want to be a man.
She dresses the way she does for comfort or fashion,
Not because she's transgender.

A lesbian hasn't not "met the right man yet",
Because she doesn't want to "meet the right man".
She wants to meet the right woman.

A lesbian doesn't know all lesbians.
She might know who Ellen Degeneres is,
But she probably has no idea who your cousin,
Who lives a five hour drive away is.

When a lesbian dates another lesbian,
There is no "man" in the relationship.
There are no makes in their relationship,
Therefore male stereotypes have no place in such a relationship.

A lesbian is a lesbian.
She is herself and she is different from everyone else.
And she will love women no matter what you do,
So just love and accept her so your relationship can bloom.

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2019

Details | Kai Toth Poem


He's tired,
So tired.
But he can't fall asleep.
He's slept too much.


He's so tired.
Everyday is the same as the last, symmetrical, parallel.
He's so sick of it.
It's all so predictable, too predictable.
Even for someone who is opposed to change.


He's exhausted.
Utterly exhausted.
The intense workload, limited contact with friends.
The same pants, the same shirt, the same.
The same.


He's utterly exhausted.
Insane. It's driving him insane.
It's like the next day never comes,
He's just repeating the same day over and over again.
Yet the date keeps changing.
Too much. The same. Exactly the same.
Is he the same too? He doesn't know anymore...


He's numb.
When will it end? Will it ever end?
He isn't opposed to change anymore. He needs it. He needs it.
But it won't come. The change won't come.
Can... can he make it come?
He can't find the tears to cry,
But he can hear himself choking on gentle, hushed sobs.


He's tired.
So tired.
Maybe... no one would mind,
If he rested his eyes,
Just for a moment,
Way up high in this tree.

He's so tired......

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2019

Details | Kai Toth Poem

What Are You Doing Here

What are you doing here?
How did you get here?
How did you find your way into my gloomy world?
How did you open up a door,

I thought I'd bolted closed?
Al, When you stepped in, And walked over to me, I didn't think much of it. When you sat down next to me, I assumed that you'd leave soon enough, Or we'd grow distant, As per usual, with my online friends.
But, you haven't.
... Crunch, crunch. I can hear the leaves crunching underneath our feet. I can hear us laugh and chatter, Walking arm in arm. ... I don't know what the future holds, But I want you to be in mine. ...
Thank you.

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2018

Details | Kai Toth Poem

The Beach

I am the water,
I am the sand,
I am the ocean,
I am the land.

I am the waves on which you surf and sail,
I am ground on which you walk and run and build,
I am the shells that escape the sea's grasp and wait for someone to pick me up,
I am the strong winds that blow away any heat the sun attempts to cause.

I am the other world of creatures,
Some that come and go,
Others reside in me,
And refuse to show.

I am the water.

I am the sand.

I am the ocean.

I am the land.

I am the beach.

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2018

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Two Hundred More Years

Is equality truly our highest priority?
The equality of all white males, yes.

We have been on the maps for over two hundred years,
Promising the same things,
But never delivering.

A woman who works the same job as a man will still receive lower pay.
Why is that?
A man of African-American decent gets shot,
The government doesn't even blink.
Why is that?

Is it because these people are less than others?

No they are not.

At the end of the day,
These random people are still human,
Just like you and I.

The color of their skin,
Their gender,
Their sexuality,
None of that makes them any less human.
Any less than those who have more political power.

These women working to death every day,
Only to be mocked or cast aside because they are women,
They are more important now, than ever.

Equality is expected of America.
Yet who here agrees that we are treating each person with the same amount of respect?

No one.
No one except those unwilling to change.
Those unwilling to hear out people that look different from themselves.

That is not equality.
That is pathetic.
That is cowardly and disgusting.

Take a long look at your government.
Are these the people you want your children to look up to?
Are these the people you want your children to be?

I hope not.
Or equality may be something we are still fighting for in two hundred more years.

Copyright © Kai Toth | Year Posted 2018


Book: Shattered Sighs