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You searched All Keyword(s): particular thank in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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I'M Sorry

I'm sorry I'm so shallow
so petty and so narrow
so vain and so particular
so judging and peculiar

I'm sorry I don't like you
and truly wish I could
but pretending that I do
and don't, will never end up good

So, forgive me for my lack of taste, 
but thank me for my tact
I'm sorry I'm so shallow,
but I have to state the facts

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Thank You For the Comment

Thank you for the comment
thanks for your interpretation
it was nice of you 
to stop-on by 
its been great 
and if you liked it 
there was no mistake 
but if you didn't 
Well! Just give me 
your best particular opinion 
I am a big girl and believe
you can't get to a higher level 
without a little assimilation     

and if you want me to 
give you a Reply
just let me know   
and I will give it 
my best amateurs' try

now, you may ask why
should i have to ask
because I am a little 
bit comment shy
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The Search

To search your whole life	
For what in particular
But did I search
My whole life I have searched 
For I wanted so much
For all I did was search

I searched for a soul mate
I searched for a comforter
I searched for companionship
I needed compassion
Did I succeed

To date I am still searching
Tho have realized
To search
To want
To need
To love
To no avail

For much emotions wasted
After all to realize
All I searched for was no one
Coz the only person I found 
Was the one to give me all
To love and care for me
To cherish and be there for me

Thank God at last
For no one can care for me
More than me.
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No Birthday Wishes

It’s a day I was born
The 29th of August.
Don’t get me wrong I’m thankful
Its also a day that I forgotten. A little older, I’m still smiling.
No reason in particular I just would like to be thankful. God bless me once again to see this day.
Its ok I don’t need a birthday cake or ice cream with smiley faces.
No surprise party, 
I was already reminded of the day and celebrating
I’m healthy, standing, walking with pride.
No need to make wishes for dreams of my life
I am Alive
No need to scream Happy Birthday I heard you the first time with whispers and politely,  I thank you.
So no birthday wishes for me I’m just thankful.
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The Temptress

I try hard to compete with younger glamour gals
When all the men I meet say "let's all just be pals"
Yet I have that certain something that just can't be defined
It transcends all those sexy chicks that they have wined and dined

My doorbell keeps on ringing I get flowers by the score
From men who come by every night knocking on my door
They never get enough of my particular brand of love
My talents are legendary (Thank the Lord above)

Sometimes I take on four or five (There's never only one)
And you should see their eyes light up when I tell them
"The lasagna's almost done!"

Copyright© 2004 Beatrice Boyle
(All rights reserved

For Brian's form or free contest

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Easter In Ontario

No little grandchildren, no grown sons or daughters, no family or friends.
We are in provincial lock down, thanks to Covid !

So this is the first Easter I have no excuse to "not have time" to put my 
"Higher Power" first.

Covid, you think you really got us! Guess what you eveil thing?
You have just made it so that many of us, in particular me, seek my God.
Boy are you in for it!
I ask for forgiveness, for the safety of my family and friends, and for the strength to beat this Covid. I thank my Higher Power for keeping me safe during this stressful time.
Just as Jesus was risen from the cave so will he bring us out of this Covid.

Happy Easter, May your Higher Power be with you.
May you be able to see that the bunny left goodies for your little ones.
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A Near Death Experience

We were driving along a backroad
It was 4 am on January 22, 2014
Where snow had been drifting down
Without any attempt at playing,
I felt my tires tease me with a challenge
A slide toward the right side of the road
That slide was the good slide that was mirrored by
The second slide toward the left side of the road
Where the car was defenseless against a cliff
Where we road over and over and over
Flipping again and again, Totaling every part of the Subaru so that
We would never ride in this particular car again.
And, yes, this was  a near death experience and when 
I got out of the car and stood on the trampled snow
I raised my head to the sky and said Thank You God
In His Mercy, we were provided safety and security
In His Mercy, we were blessed with another day
In His Mercy, We discovered even more blessings!!
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Dormant Desert Dunes

Such is love like dormant desert dunes amidst their decubitus decline, Bewitching barmecidal brides beckon my last drops of desire… Overwhelming obelus and ototoxic behavior in loves' great divide, For the howling desert winds evaporate my love through eviternityFloccinaucinihilipilification flutters thru my mind upon dusty dunes. Decubitus...The posture adopted by a person who is lying down. Barmecidal...Illusory or imaginary and therefore disappointing. Obelus...Serving as the sign indicating a division. Eviternity...Eternal existence. Floccinaucinihilipilification...The action or habit of estimating something as worthless. I used these particular show how sometimes love can be dormant & dusty lol Feb.02.2020 Exalted Words Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke Placed 1'st...Thank You
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Thank You For Your Recent Submission-W

To decide not to include it in our issue next.

The editors are also writers and they too
Receive WORTHY REJECTED poems of their own

We will have to pass on your poems
UNWILLINGLY WISH you success elsewhere.

The poem is PRETTY UNFIT to our needs for publishing

To consider our magazine as an outlet

(Oxymoron and Alliteration)
Seventh place winner in
Contest: FREE FOR ALL DO AS YOU PLEASE  In honor of Charles Henderson
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Ever refreshing to my being
As the dew that fell on Hermon

Bringing new life to the seared psyche
of this particular earthly vermin

Designed to be made in your image
I regularly miss the mark

Treating this momentous opportunity
as little more than a lark

What is your favorite color? It seems it might be green.

All encompassing springing to life
In scene after scene after scene

I have wasted what you graciously offered
I see this clearly now with aged eyes

To know you and to love you an unfolding
Eternal surprise

Caught up in the minutia of being
I allowed myself to lose sight

With the time that remains me take these scales
From my eyes relieve me please of this plight

Evergreen life giving you have always
been and always you will be

Bring life anew to these dried bones
to rejoice for all seeing to see

Thank you for allowing this audience with you
YOU who made all things

Strike each day my hearts chord
 undampered by me fully ring
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Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

Sometimes it is very easy to get down
And not give too much thought to just why
The sadness I feel just seems to come
And produces a mournful sigh

It can be because I am lonely
Or that my children don’t come or call
There can be a thousand reasons I guess
I have never really stopped to count them all

Sometimes I just sit down and mope
And then I am feeling sorry for me
That is not the best thing to do I have found
If I asked I am sure you would agree

I’ve been told I should count my blessings
And I am sure that would be one thing to do
I do have some if I just looked around
Quite a few and more then just one or two

There is a particular one to begin
Let me see, you just said it today
The best blessing I’ve heard in a while
Oh yes, it was this morning…..
                           "I opened my eyes today”

I thank you with all of my heart
What a gentle reminder from you
God gave me so much in this life
And I have so much left I can do

Connie Moore
December 25, 2015
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Welcome To Kansas Sofa Mart

“Welcome to Kansas Sofa Mart. How are you today? Looking for anything in particular?”
They look like an odd couple. He is old and ugly; she is young and cute. Too cute.

Husband glares. Wife runs toward salesman, jumps on my lap, strokes my beard.
“You remind me of my daddy,” wife says. Husband looks damned mad.

I jump out the sofa, dumping wife onto the floor. This seems to please him.
(He may have the checkbook after all).

“Sofas,” she says. “We want a sofa”  (Easy, peasy. They sell themselves).
“We have such a fine selection of sofas,” I tell them, giving them my winning smile.

I lead them to the sofa section. We have at least two hundred sofas.
She tries out all of them; he stands around, shaking his head, acting mad.

She loves color; he does not. She loves paisleys, plaids, polka dots, stripes.
He makes it clear it is black leather or nothing. Two hours later they choose nothing.

“Thank you for coming in,” I say. Trying to gulp up a bit of a smile.
(And wasting six hours of my day by not buying anything).
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Ode To Audrey

Glamorous, fun and full of life
Always an interesting and loyal wife
Around the village she is known
For living life in her own particular tone

For her family she does prepare
Many a feast beyond compare
For the animals so oft alone
She has given much love, shelter and even her home

Come Christmas time the house is all a glitter
As Audrey runs around doing the annual jitter
Smiling from within is this special being
Generous, giving and all seeing
Her energy would seem to overflow
Never one to leave others low
This is my grandmother The Great Grandy
Whose life runs circles around those less than 80!

To my life you have brought
Something which can never be taught
You gave yourself, you made me smile
As I saw you go the extra mile
Within my thoughts I hold you dear
And in that way you are always near
I close my eyes and picture your face
And know that time cannot displace
The essence of the inner you
That in my life now follows through

Thank you for always being such a dear
Your effect on my life is more than clear
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The Elements of Everchange 2


the soil of my soul is so open to growth right now
i welcome the knowledge and the strength that it all inspires
once upon a time i was writing disciplinary sentances a thousand times or more
now i am being quoted for the purpose of the betterment of others a million times or more
if that is not Reason enough to give Him Thanks and Praise, then my People, narcolepsy is a habitual and a pathological liar that blockades


there is no particular reason
there does not have to be a spot in any season
i just Thank Him and Procede....
much obliged....that is all the space i need


what is waking up if i am not thankful
whether with volume or in quietude,
it is He that Ables Me to Be....
therefore I AM....Thankful
some may say that too simply i pray
do i have to have five dollars and be abstract
i shake my head to myself and with ease i tell Him....THANK YOU....
there is no feeling like That Particular Aftermath....
it inspires me to lay me down to sleep Happily and Carelessly Monotonous....
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Thanks For Being There

Why am I here in this place and what purpose to I serve?
In the end, everyone just wants to know what it all meant.
I’m no different than those around me that I observe.
I love my family and the time with them that I’ve spent.

We all have our place somewhere in society.
It took me years to figure out where I belong.
My life sometimes feels like a distant memory,
But I won’t give up, and I will try to stay strong.

I’m glad to be surrounded by people who love me
And I want them all to know that I feel the same way.
I want to thank, in particular, Charlie.
You put your life on hold to come up here and spend the day.

That one day turned into weeks, then months, and now a year,
And you’re working so much more than one should expect.
I may not say it, but I’m glad to have you near.
I’m very proud of you and you have my utmost respect.

To answer the question at the beginning of this thought,
I now know why I’m here and the purpose I serve.
It took me awhile to find the answer that I sought.
I’m here to teach you what I can, and then just observe.
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Thank You For Your Recent Submission-W

Thank you for your recent submission
We have reviewed it and decided not
To include it our next issue.
Wish you luck in your future pursuits.

Thank you for your recent submission
The editors are also writers and have
Received numerous rejection notices
And don’t like sending them out.

Thank you for your recent submission
We will have to pass on your poems
Though you have impressive credentials
Wish you success in placing theme elsewhere.

Thank you for your recent submission
They do not meet our publishing needs
You harbor a very great love for writing
We appreciate the opportunity to review it.

Thank you for your recent submission
To consider our magazine as an outlet
For your creative work, but regret
To use this particular submission.

Thank you for your recent submission
Without your hard work the journal would
Be impossible. It’s not an easy task.
Thanks for sharing your writing with us.


**Based on the real experiences in 1997-98

September 8, 2014
Form: Free verse
First Place Win
Contest: Rejection by Regina Riddle
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Dem Four Eyed Girls

I've always had a problem with Dem four eyed girls
      Glasses wearing ones in particular
          It's not like I choose the scenario
     Or the girl who I will ultimately have a problem with
         It just picks me 
      and it's starting to seem like I will be destined
          To have this plague against me
           Since elementary it's been me 
           and Dem four eyed girls 
             Messing with me 
           and what I want 
              Now i'm not discriminating on all girls with glasses
                 Cause my best friend just happens to be a four eyed girl
                     and so are some of my other friends
                    It's just that in my life 
                      I've had lots of strife 
                      With dem girl's with glasses
                       They brought tears
                      Caused me stess
                       and extreme anxiety 
                    But ultimately they made me stronger
                   So I guess I must say thank you
                        to Dem four eyed girls
                       I don't know where i'd be without them
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The Heart of the Brave (For Eric Edward)

Eric Edward, what an inspiration
Fighting for a cause in a dangerous location

Browns, greens and dark colours match
Loading shells and weapons in a particular batch

The glint in his eye of that brave young soul
Heart beating pure, being home safe is his goal

Orders given to a job he may not understand
Passionate for his country on this foreign land

Heat blazing down on his fragile body
Brotherhood so strong, never shoddy

Maybe he is used as a pawn in a political battle
Unlike weak politicians, he’ll never throw in his rattle

Leading by example in a courageous way 
In a world that looses patriotic views every day.

I remember the individuals who risk their lives 
They also have Sons, mothers, brothers and wives

Lets not forget ‘Sweetheart’ who worries every night 
Mother to her child who worries, hoping he’ll be alright 

Never judge on what is right and what is wrong
The world is a long way from singing a harmonic song

Thank you for the efforts of the brave
Hopefully one day its your life I will be able to save  

Come home safe to your worried mother
The day will be soon to embrace one another.

God bless.
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'raising a Glass To You'

Here is to those who tiptoed out of my life Without explaining what I did wrong In order for me to do it better next time Here is to those who thought they knew me Who judged; without getting to know me Here is to those who lied their way into my life Assuming that my eyes would never see the truth Here is to those I loved and lost Who taught me unconditional love In spite of the challenges it brings Here is to those I treasure That took the time to see the cracks That looked beyond the mistakes, beyond the flaws Who still said 'you are worth it' In our lives we grow with people or we grow apart It doesn't mean that you failed in a relationship It means that you needed that person in that particular space On this journey you meet people and you let go of people Then you get those that give you reasons to want to hold on Treasure the experiences Remember the lessons Never allow it to steal the memories you can create today So I am lifting a glass to those I had to let go And to those that gave me reasons to hold on Thank you for the inspiration Thank you for dwelling in my space
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You Set Me Free

you set me free
a very hard thing to do
i guess you crave a challenge
i guess i crave your style

you set me free
a mighty project to embellish on
i guess you were game for it
i guess i was game for what you were wearing while gaming 

you set me free
not the easiest blueprint to tackle
i guess you had me set on your sight
i guess i admired the fact that you welcomed me in your sight

you set me free
the type of dive with a very high degree of difficulty
i guess you were feeling athletic and sure of yourself
i guess i was privy to be your number one fan after viewing your technique

you set me free
something made only for the most open minded at heart
i guess your mind had a particular appreciation for the rare and the unique
i guess my mind needed a natural detour sign that would tag me directly in the head if i even hinted at going even slightly off the grid

you set me free
an action that can only be accomplished by pulling many a highly graded string
you never stopped with the cutting
i never stopped grabbing your cutting apparatus
we always ended up in a compromising position
we permanently compromising....
i love you....thank you for setting me free....
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My Men of Bethel

God raises His men for the hour
even after earthly life has ended
their writings God uses for good
to make us as the Lord intended

One of particular benefit to myself
Charles Hodges 'systematic theology' masterful!
pointing to God's ever living truths
showing the majesty of God's sovereign rule

Another great influence Jonathan Edwards
a man of great insight and mind
his 'religious affections' opens up one's heart
warming it with God's fire that shined

A fellow Scot with devotional humility
such a benefit is Samuel Rutherford 'letters'
one for each day of the year
for such uplifting counsel we are all debters

God's salvation always points to the cross
where my saviour died in my place
John Owen's 'death of death' goes to the core
revealing depth of Jesus love and grace

(Thank God for my men of bethel that grounded me in His holy truth shows His presence promise provision and power for one before eternity God mercifully chooseth At my various points in my early Christian life God used these men's writings to keep me grounded in the faith pointing me to Jesus for the need of my hour and keep walking tall holding on to the faith once delivered to the saints, I'll always be grateful to God's mercy at these precious times.)
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Universal Soldiers Vs Knights of the Round Table Today

Dear Ken Rone,
Thanks for your contribution to the title, and the inspiration of this poem
Your words “Universal Soldier” explode in my mind like a bomb

As you said, “We, Universal Soldiers, always must begin with the shape of peace table,
I wonder how many of us, to do something like that, will be able

Today the words of the so-called Knights of the Round Table seem to be in favor of peace
In fact, they sound like a cacophony of caprice

As you know, the Knights of the Round Table today are in power 
Great majority of ordinary people get the news from a magazine cover

As you see, they aren’t like fully grown, ripe fruits sold at a greengrocer’s
How would we expect that great majority like that should be Universal Soldiers?

On the other hand, you said, “I hope you are old enough …”
Yes, I am, but at the bottom of a trouser leg 
or at the end of shirt sleeves is my age a cuff

Old age is not a big problem for me
because I always set -as you do, in words- my spirit free

I would like to thank you for the inspiration with all my heart, 
I believe shaping the peace table would never be so hard

My last words are: 
“Even if I get older and older to a particular age
It is hard for me to reach the level of the mind of a sage”
And So Many Thanks ??
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Thanking a Hero

I was raised on stories of heroes…in Fairy Tales, in books, at the movies and on TV
Heroes slayed the dragons, fought the enemies and helped to keep us safe, happy and free.

Heroes had a special power…drawn from visceral source 
They often came dressed in a suit of armor…on the back of a big white horse.

Heroes were tall, dark, handsome and beautiful…not one under six feet three
The heroes from my Fairy Tales didn’t look at all like me!

But when I left the Fairy Tales behind…I realized not all heroes had to wear capes…
That, in fact, I’m surrounded by heroes…and they come in all sizes and shapes.

Yesterday I had a chance to thank a hero…applauding her as she headed for home
and today I get to thank her a second time…In the lines of this little poem.

Let me thank you, and all the other heroes who are slaying this dragon, this invisible enemy
Thank you for all that you do every day…to help keep the rest of us safe, happy and free.

This particular nurse I thanked was not very tall…I’m sure she was under six three
She wore a blue uniform and her face was behind a mask…but she certainly looked beautiful to me.

I applauded her special power…drawn from her visceral source…
and had to smile as she waved driving off toward the sunset
behind the wheel of her Ford Bronco…of course.
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Rainbow Colored Camouflage

Being a storm chaser I look out for all kinds of weather,
with one particular severe thunderstorm hitting a town
about 2 hours drive away from where I live…By the time 
I was half way there the weather station called me to inform
me to brace myself when I get to the town because of 
the devastation and that I'd be driving in remnants of
the storm. They were right because the sky just opened
up with rain, hail and straight line winds hitting my van 
from all directions…the tornado threat was just a watch
and not a warning anymore so I did continue to be on
the lookout. By the time I got to the town alls I could see
in the sky was a beautiful rainbow from one side of the 
small town to the other. Driving closer and getting into
the interior of the town was a different story as I could
see the destruction of what was left of the small town
from the tornado. It was leveled. Thank God everyone
in town went to the tornado shelter and survived I'm
happy to say. After spending several hours there helping
out as much as I could with the Red Cross I got in my
vehicle to drive to the next town and get a room for the
night so I could go back in the morning to help some
more. That night in the hotel room I couldn't get the
beautiful rainbow out of mind and how it camouflaged
the violent storm that had just been there moments

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Humbling Lessons and Resulting Charity

i give because i can
it makes me smile more than i know
i inspire another to do the same
hopefully the gift of charity will grow

when i was lugging a plastic junk bag and a worn backpack,
i thought i was worst off than others
i thought only of myself and cursed my sisters and my brothers
i used profane language to whine, complain, and moan
wishing that i could win the lottery or even be approved for any type of loan
however when i would walk into a library or store,
i would repeatedly witness one that was struggling more
signs upon signs were waved wildly in my face
yet i chose defiance and sung 'me me me' all over the place

one day i saw a man one cold day after a particular plasma donation
he asked me if i could get him something to eat or just a cup of water
my head told me to tell this man to go somewhere
but God told me a story through this man and disciplined my heart
i go inside and ordered my food like i would normally do
i went back to the man and gave him a cup of chili and the cup of water he asked for
he immediately began to cry and thank me passionately for what i did for him
it was then that i was humbled with a lesson like never before
ever since then i have taken many a look at myself and my life
i realize through similar happenings that i did not have it so darn bad after all
i hope what i continue to give will save a like or inspire a long as i am breathing....and all the while....

Book: Shattered Sighs