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When We Were Young

When we were young life was good
We would lay in the field and play in the wood.

We would make bows and arrow's with a bag for a quiver.
And go skinny dipping in our local river.

Our apple scrumping that always seemed right 
To return back home by the clock street light. 

You would say please and thank you 
And do what your told. 

Or get a clip round the ear you were never to old.

Details | Dramatic Verse |

Thank You

Thank you,
To all who showed restraint,
And refrained from Vandalising signs,
Put up by those hoping to be elected,
To serve on local bodies.

I know more might have been tempted,
So give yourselves a pat on the back,
For letting democracy run its course, 
And leaving it up to your vote to give vent to your feelings.

Despite all its vagaries, 
Seeming to most as changeable as the weather, 
Democracy cuts less lives short,
Which other alternatives bear witness to.
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The Secret To Buying Right Size of Shoe

Before you go and buy that new pair of shoes,
There is something you should do,
That will save a return trip for you,
Or maybe even one less cost if you do this before you go.

If buying for your children,
To save a hullabaloo,
Before you leave the house,
This is what you should help them do,
Cut their toenails.

You may have another trip, not to do,
And earn a thank you from your local GP,
As yet another ingrown toenail,
Will not be on their bucket list of things they want to do.
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Now all our crops are in and larders full,  
so we’re ready for wicked winter’s worst
when we face those freezing Arctic attacks.
We have in our store: dried fruits, roots and nuts
along with several sacks of grain to grind,
to make the flour to bake our daily bread.
We offer prayer to God and to Nature, 
for fertile seed and soil and sun and rain.
The local farmers we thank for their work,
tilling the soil and tending to the fields.
Our harvest festival we can begin.
Now all our crops are in and larders full.  
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A Performance of a Brahms Piano Concerto

It is bitter cold crossing the Thames
to the Festival Hall,
now we are as warm as if in a local pub.

Hush now you people – who I shall never know,
or meet again anywhere,
Hush the endless calculations
of your tieless brains.
Brahms is adjusting his piano stool.

A fine performance.
Old, fat, cigar smoking Brahms
in the guise of a lovely female takes a bow.

Thank you for these moments,
this hour that came together among us,
take the moments home now
disappear into a somewhere.

Outside it’s raining,
a cold drizzle
that runs down the necks of us all.
It's okay.

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Just Looking

Stopped at a mall on our way to the shore
Standing in an aisle in the men’s department
A woman approached, and asked
May I help you, sir
I replied, no thank you, just looking
When we arrived at the shore I could feel it
The longing for those times long past
A sailor, a pirate, A dreamer, a rogue
To sail again beyond the horizon
The sand of foreign shores between my toes
Harbor lights and a local pub, rowdy crowd
Scent of a dark-eyed woman, soft lips
Key Largo playing in the background
Outside the surf paying its own song
Standing there along the shore
With eyes closed tightly, I was just looking.
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Why I Am Thankful

For life, and health, and strength 
I give thanks this Thanksgiving Day
For the ability to think clearly --
At my age a tremendous blessing,
I am so grateful, for I have friends
To whom age has not been kind,
I think of folks who are homeless
Especially children who are hungry,
And I say a word of thanks for plenty
As I donate to my local food bank.
I am thankful that I live in America
Where life has been so good to me,
And, of course, I thank the Father
For my salvation given so freely.

written November 10, 2021
for "Thanksgiving Blessings" poetry contest
sponsored by Regina McIntosh
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The Fruit and Veggie Man

I haven’t been inside a store
For 3 long weeks, or maybe 4,
Yet we are pretty set for food
From staples we’ve before accrued.

Yet fruits and veggies we still need
And though it isn’t guaranteed
That virus germs won’t somehow land,
We buy them from the local stand.

The man in charge stays in his car,
The windows or the door ajar,
Until he sees and comes to greet
A customer across the street.

We say hello and grab a bag
Then what looks good we quickly snag.
We hand him cash – our hands don’t touch
And need no change – just “thank you much!”

The fruit and veggie man’s become
A lifeline, for with every plum
Or cantaloupe or broccoli,
He brings some normalcy to me.
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Jesus, Did You See

Jesus were you watching
When he pulled down my pants
When he kissed my pink parts
When I was his kiddie romance

Jesus did you notice
That he devoured me each night
When he told me he loved me
When I was too small to fight

Jesus could you see
When he bought me gifts and toys
I was naive to know that later
He would steal my trust and joy

Jesus are you aware now
He manipulated the whole show
Taking what he thought he could
For eight years in a row

Jesus I know you were there when
I spoke up and said "stop!"
You gave me the courage to 
Involve the local cops

Jesus thank you, you saved me
From the dark world of men
As I was eaten alive as a child
Thank you God, amen
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Chickenpox Romance

A guy , mid 30s and widowed
takes chickenpox real bad
calamine lotion profits are up
the itch is driving him mad

Eventually it all eases up
so decides to take holiday break
to recuperate after being ill
goes to lakes to eat local mint cake

Before leaving home receives get well card
from girl he had only occasionally met
so gets away to the lakes
has restful time recovering no fret

One day there reads the card
which says 'hope you get better'
he thinks that's nice of her
so he writes a thank you letter

As they say rest is history
they dated, engaged and got wed
now next year is silver anniversary
so beware next time you've itch on head!

AUTHOR NOTES: A little secret : the guy is me!
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English Language

O! English Language
How many forms you transformed
How many tongues you twisted
How many people are terrified
Of your complexity
How many people enjoyed
Of your proximity
Began your career as local
Spread out across global
You are crown to the Speakers
Unknown to the fearers
You are treated as Royal
to be loyal
Your dominance existed for a long time
Who dared to beat your expansion
You entered our land long ago
Became part & parcel with ego
Gave us life
to teach you & make others triumph
Thank you !
Ever grateful to you.
Quote: Love & Fear can't
 Stay together.
If you love English ,it will dance on your tongue.

Composed by
Arun Kumar swarna
PGT English
Details | Cowboy Poetry |

Teach Me

Teach Me

He got up his courage and knocked on the door
Of the local school marm who lived 'bove the store

He'd seen her aplenty when he was in town
And got weak in the knees when she was around

Then she opened the door and said not a word
He stammered "I'm Jim and I cain't count the herd!

If you'd teach me numbers I'd be well ahead
And ranchin' that's hard would be easy instead."

She said, "let us eat before we talk cattle
Then we can get past this meaningless prattle

And talk about things that we both think about
There is more on your mind than cows I don't doubt."

He thought she might rope him before he knew it
Then he thought, "Well, thank God. Just let 'er do it!"

August 21, 2016
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The most beautiful birthplace? Why, Donegal of course.
Having travelled the world, I have no remorse,
at returning home.

Summer sunshine? I go and explore.
Sea with a sheen of blue. Forty shades of green.
Forest, mountain, stream.

All alone I meander, leaving footprints in the sand.
As if I am Eve, in a magical mystical land.
Searching for Adam.

Back roads with hedgerows, brushing against my car.
Like I had gone too far. Sheep obstructing my way.
Black one in the middle.

Old local on his fiddle, at end of day, in random pub.
Lost in his repertoire. Still I am not far
from my own hearth.

I wish the peace it gives me to all in cityscapes.
Thank God I escaped, back to Ireland and
my kith and kin.

Finding love within.
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She Sings

She sings softly, her songs of love
She sings loudly, songs of joy
She sings lullabies to sleepy eyes
Being rubbed by her little boy

She sings from the heart about her mother 
Who died when she was young
She sings perfectly in harmony
With the guitar her mom once strung

She sings alone in the shower
She sings lead in a local band
She sings to a few in the front church pew
And in crowded bars where they have to stand

She sings every chance that she gets
She sings like others wish they could
But, most of all, as long as I recall
What she does is sing really good

Now, she ends her set with this song
The anthem that I wrote for her
And to my surprise, with teary eyes
She ends with a sweetly sung whisper …
Thank you, Daddy
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Thank You For Your Service

I felt that I should volunteer
for two short years to do my part,
and so I asked the local draft board,
“Make me next, I want to serve.”

The letter came from Uncle Sam.
It told me to do and when.
They gave me a green uniform,
as orders flew from all directions.

The food was good, the hours long,
as training turned us into men.
Our hair was short, our pay was low,
just sixty-three dollars a month.

I went to war my second year
and lived behind a wire fence.
A prison term is what it seemed.
It felt like incarceration.

When it was over, I came home
with ribbons on my uniform.
“Distinguished Service” was awarded,
by the officer in charge.

Fifty years have come and gone,
but still I hear that special phrase,
from some who say to veterans,
“Thank you for your service.”
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A True Valentine's Day Story


When I was just a young chap
of 16 years or so,
I had a gorgeous girlfriend
The kind you'd love to know.

I didn't have much money then
but I'd take her to a show
just at the local movie house
and then for a soda we'd go.

Then came the famous Valentine's Day 
And I thought of things to say.
I wasn't much on words at that time
So I presumed a gift to be just fine.
I searched the corner drugstore
 to find a gift divine.

But the only thing that I could buy,
no matter how hard I would try
was a blue bottle of cologne 
they had there on display.
So, I put up all my money to pay
for some "Evening in Paris" cologne spray.

My girlfriend was so surprised 
that she was prone to say,
"Thank you, my dear Lenny,
you've made my Valentine's Day."
And I just beamed and smiled away.
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Agony Aunt

Dear depressed girlfriend 
Thank you for your note 
He's obviously the boyfriend of the year
So he's going to get my vote . 

Your boyfriend is in prison 
After he robbed the local shopping mall
but he'd love you to visit San Quentin 
and do a strip dance on top of the wall .

His sister is only jealous 
because she's been so long on the game 
Ten cents a trick Tess from Tulsa 
I'm sure you've heard the name .

He's got a mate named Oliver
He knows the artful dodger too 
and I'm sure the honourable Mr Fagin 
Would look after your kids for you .

I know mister Cowell's sister
Has been sending you advice 
but I know she has played twister 
with your boyfriend once or twice .

So listen to your agony uncle
To your boyfriend please be true 
When he gets out in ten years time
He'll be coming back to you.
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Greatest News Ever

Just landed in my ears
just dazzled my mind 
my local political head 
I was talking to him today
Lord you send such a beautiful messages to me
the past couple of days 
I suggested a gift from God
that his great light shone over me
In reverence to Our Most Holy Spirit
telling him my great news 
Now he has said 
that he will do everything in his power
To get me published wow stunned 
I was hearing hearing his pride in me
Its like coming out of a cave 
alone as a hermit in the mountains
Now I have found peace
In love everything shines so bright
Thank you Lord and master 
for showing me and helping me see 
to draw in your light
I even mentioned getting my lonely prayer
for Christmas donated to the church of granite 
In the shape of a crucifix 
whom my grandfather help build
A cross pointing to Heaven
Golden guilded to the house off God
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Twin Builders


Took a break  from  years of research
And worked  in a  small town building a new church.
Local priest there resembled  me, so they said.
Old ladies in the post office would stop dead
And tell me about their addict-son in court.
Folks out of hospital would thank me for my support.
So I went to the old church one day to see this guy:
Once seen, I could understand the reason why:
Holy Mackerel, he had same hair, eyes, height -
Everything,  including my coat and jeans  too tight.
First thing he said  (after  “My son” ) was
How tired he was of people asking him the cause
Of their leaky roof  or how to extend a room.
I said anybody can  help fix buildings;  but only some 
Can help fix souls.   How strange that we  two
Were both busy building up the church anew.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Entered   in  Matt  Caliri’s  Contest    “Doppelganger”
Details | I do not know? |

What Would I Miss

On the local radio today 11-2-17 they are asking what inanimate object would you miss.  If someone called at your door to say they would take it away.  That set me thinking!

What would I miss?
By Stanley Russell Harris
The new mad author
& A Poetry Soup honourably mentioned poet

Of course they would not be allowed.
To remove anything of mine!
As I’m married, and all belongs.
To that wife of mine.

So sorry, there is nothing you can take.
As nothing is really mine!
Apart from this paper and pen!
And taking that will be fine.

As all in the world might thank you.
If no more I do write my prose.
So take this pen and paper.
And the curse that with it goes!

As now, you might be the person.
That the writing bug does on impose.
And you will be writing day and night.
And me, well perhaps I will sleep alright.
Not in the day, but every blinking night.
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A Christmas Prayer

Dear Lord this year to save time being lost
remind me- Turkey, Christmas Eve- defrost.
And when it's in the oven, leave no doubt
that I forgot to take the giblets out.
Five loaves, two fishes you fed five thousand,
may I feed six with far less food to hand
since each year bags of food we buy a few
the wheelie bin eats better than we do.
You love little children, what joy they bring,
for me, as tranquilizer, Sherry's king.
I pray , Lord, as I open my gift box
I look pleased with my snowman themed bed socks.
Please let me use only the choicest words
when queueing for pork pies at dawn, at 'Birds' *.
We thank you for the gift of Brussels sprouts
and hinged windows to let the odours out.
Peace keeper may I be as it gets late
and nobody offers to wash the plates.
Above all, Lord, may I remember who
this season is about, and it is you.

* Birds is our local bakery
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What can I say the pot plants in the yard are fed tiny rain drops 
saintly tears of a girl rejected by the abbess to join the order 
because she detect a wild sensual abandonment behind eyes that,
 at first glance, are mirrors of chastity.
The abbess knows the young girl is not seeking god rather she seeks 
shelter from the raving craving of her body, the relentless dreams 
so alive she  feels the weight of her fantasy lover´s alabaster body, 
a young priest at the local church.

 Sacrifices, in god´s name is always demanded by religious orders, 
and mother superior has a quota to fill, but she is not looking for 
troubles She needs compliant novices, Indian girls from the slum
who will forever thank god for escaping Calcutta´s poverty. They 
will be slaves of Jesus and married to him, clean his underwear
endure ignominy for three square meals and a bunk bed to sleep in.
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Barbara Graham

It is the third of June at San Quentin in 1955. A death row inmate will soon no longer be alive. She has been dubbed “Bloody Babs” by the local press. Barbara Graham is a convicted murderess. For killing widow Mabel Monohan, she will pay. Barbara is sentenced to die in the gas chamber today. Barbara’s young life experienced many a convolution. She had been in and out of jails for petty crimes and prostitution. Never experiencing a proper upbringing in a peaceable home; between California and Nevada, Barbara would aimlessly roam. With two other men, into Mrs. Monohan’s house she would go. Reportedly, the victim’s skull was cracked as she was smothered with a pillow. Graham was executed after a second stay. “Good people are always so sure they’re right” was the last thing she would say. Inspired by the 1958 film “I Want to Live” I thank online encyclopedia for information I obtained to write this poem.
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We Are Not Your Parents' Library Anymore

Plug in, talk loud, have an espresso
We are not your parents’ library anymore

And now, for a nominal fee with coupon
You can even get married at your local library 

The library has the perfect spot for you 
We guarantee it or your money back  

Just ask your local library wedding coordinator
Our wedding staff will zero in on just the right stack for both of you

For sports fans -
Get married next to LeBron or the Williams sisters

If you are connoisseurs of literature -
Maybe a wedding picture with Hemingway or Fitzgerald 

Perhaps you are anglophiles?
Feel free to put your arm around the Queen

Having a honeymoon abroad?
Share a kiss in our international travel section

Our poets are also available-Harjo, Giovanni, Rios, Cummings, Dove, Dickinson
Select a perfect poet match for an April wedding

Come in for a visit- browse around - hold hands 
Just fill out a short wedding interest survey

The Library has the perfect wedding stack for you!
Our books thank you for your consideration
Details | Light Verse |

Gift Receipt

Christmas is the time to kindly say gift receipt me please, Just in case the gift you give me don’t fully decorate my trees. When you shop there’ll be no need for you to put in a lot of thought, As long as there’s a gift receipt for whatever it is you’ve bought. Then I’ll be sure that I can get the right color and in my size, There really is no down side except for the lack of any real surprise. But after all we’re not kids and we know that magic is not fact, And a gift receipt can save hurt feelings with a modicum of tact. Then bake some Christmas cookies and mark them with my name, And I will also make a batch and with yours do the same. This way we are assured of getting all the ones that we love, I would like to thank you right now for going over and above. Today I saw a Christmas card at one of the local stores, I took a picture of it with my phone and sent it to you and yours. Share the spirit of Christmas with family, friends and everyone in between, And be sure to shop the after Christmas sales ‘cause it’s almost Halloween.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things