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Funny Personification Poems

These Funny Personification poems are examples of Personification poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Personification Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member The Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling

“Woe there sister, where do you think you're going?
 Turn around, go back, stop, cease, desist!
 Nothing for you above my see-through barrier....

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Categories: culture, funny, gender, hyperbole,

Premium Member Mountain erring is human - Kafkaesque personification of a mountain
Mountainous - there's a joke in there somewhere
Funny how I just appeared one day
Or at least that's how it feels
I've observed others rise and fall

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Categories: surreal,

Premium Member A Fruitful Fruit
The smell of cantaloupe is enticing
Yearning to feel it’s smoothly texture
It beckons me to it with an unworldly call
The slippery flesh is on my earthly...

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Categories: appreciation, candy, desire, food,

Premium Member Voices Staring at Me
Up here Inside there at the Center
My Voices quickly Come slap again
They Point it out and Run it down harsh
It Smarts

Voices Voices I got it...

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© Alex Corns  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: personification, confidence, cool, encouraging, imagery,

Premium Member What Name Would You Give Me
This may seem lame. 
Let’s make it a game.
I’ll give you a clue.
You try to guess who.

Proceeding my entrance by just a short while,
Is often...

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: cute, emotions, fun, funny,

Premium Member Why No Video---Revised
I grow so tired of berries, ants, and nuts.
I dream of chowing down on something new.
Since where I live, the prospects are quite slim,
from time...

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Categories: animal, people,

Premium Member Interview With a Dying Tree
"Nope, nope, nope! I already know why you're here. Don't you dare fell me with that chainsaw!," exclaims the dying tree.

"Well, I need firewood. It's...

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Categories: tree,

Premium Member Cat Texting
Okay, so Mom got me my own smart-phone,
now I can have fun when I’m home alone.
I can see the addiction to this thing,
I can finally...

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Categories: animal, fun, funny, nature,

Premium Member A Skunk's 'Tale'
,A Skunk’s ‘Tale’,

Twas a puzzling mid-summer’s eve
When I became acquainted with Steve
Bear with if you can
For Steve’s not a man
He’s an odd little skunk who...

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Categories: personification, animal, car, conflict, fantasy,

Premium Member If My Doggy Could
What if my doggy could learn how to read?
Would the library have all the books he might need?
Would he stay up all night reading, "How...

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Categories: best friend, dog, friend,

Jenky Donkey
My donkey is Jenky 

I knew from the start. 

I tried not to love him 

but he stole my heart. 

Every morning he smile, 

Gently kiss my forehead. 

Coming rite...

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© April Lee  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: funny love,

Five Red Pencils
Five red pencils,
Fighing in the class.
First one said,
I am bigger than you are.
The second one said,
I am the strongest.
The third one screamed,
I write so well.

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Categories: fun, funny, humor, humorous,

Premium Member Depression
She lingers waiting for me to make a mistake.
I feel her, sneering at me, ready to pounce.
Unsure how she originated, but I keep her masked.


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Categories: depression,

Premium Member Said Every Cat
I don’t remember you ever saying counters were off limits ~

AP: Honorable Mention 2021

Originally posted on February 20, 2021...

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Categories: personification, cat, character, funny, games,

I Got You
I remember how you told me our love affair had to end
We couldn’t be lovers we could only be friends
I was so afraid...

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© Marty West  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: relationship,

Book: Shattered Sighs