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When Hatred Killed The Light - Lyrics by Dismember

A dark age has befallen manpower nations gear up for warwelcome to a time of deaththe eradication has beguneyes melt into their holesas they gaze at the brilliant lightscreaming in pain as life burns awayengulfed in a fiery hell
Strategic bombers, Missiles and Subsunleash their deadly loadchemicals and bio-agentsform lethal poison clouds
The final conflictjudgement timethe day when hatred killed the light
Winds of firerage across earthand mankindcease to exist
Feel the skinpeel from your bonesas the heatwaveblows you awayall that remainsof all the victimsis the shadowsthat's burnt into the walls
A fire ridden wastelandis all thet's leftwhere life once thrivednothing but ash remain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things