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Neslepaks - Lyrics by Isengard

Paa den ottende dagen slukte han alt vannog paa den niende dagen fordervet han all matog paa den tiende dagen brant han jordenog paa den ellevte dagen slo han folk og dyr ihjelog paa den tolvte dagen kvalte han himmeriketog paa den trettende dagen skygget han for solensaa var der ingen dager mertorneherren speiles i ødelagt liv menssorgengler regner fraoven til kosmos endel
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Neslepaks - (
The creation [as in biblical history] spelled backwards, asyou probably know, according to the bible the world was created in 7days, the lyrics describe the next 6 days:)on the 8th day he devoured all waterand on the 9th day he destroyed all foodand on the 1
0th day he burned the earthand on the 11th day he beat people and animals to deathand on the 12th day he strangled heavenand on the 13th day he blocked the sun
Then there where no more days
The Thorn
Master is mirrored in ruined lives,while angels of sorrow rains from above
To the endless time of cosmos,we give the last death

Book: Shattered Sighs