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Best Poems Written by Michael Dom

Below are the all-time best Michael Dom poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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1 Cherry Blossom Haiku

Sakura breathing...
along an old stone footpath
children are laughing

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2013

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A Cinquain For Mothers Day

I must collect
In a jar on my desk
For all the tears my mum shed through
My storms

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2013

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I, a Red Skin Dog, As Some May Delight To Call Me,

I, a Red Skin dog, as some may delight to call me,
I have heard the tales of horror, from my dark skinned foes.
I have heard the tales of terror, from others who became my friends.
And I have walked with a dark skinned woman of their tribe.
We walked in the beauty of her courage, together. Tearless. 
Tearless we both were as she spoke, for tears, only gods could cry for her.
I am a Red Skin dog.
And yet we walked together and we talked – together, fearless,
I and this swaying ebony sapling, sprung from the roots of my foes tribe.
We talked of the pitiless reality of that life she left behind, of that time
That she has left, far, far behind, like a useless scar
That has toughened over. And made her stronger. 
I learned from this daughter of my foes
That true courage is never fearless, but always stronger. Victorious,
Stronger she was by far, to this Red Skin dog
Than the thousand sons who died, in her honor. So they say. Ridiculous,
But I have heard the balance of their sins.
And for all the tales I have heard from those angry young men, and their vengeful fathers
Her horror was a thousand times more sinister. A thousand times more callous.
Horror took up residence in her home but never in her heart.
But for others, I cannot speak.
“…splinters and bursting fragments…in my mind
Ai! Tearing! Memory of tearing flesh, swallowing tears and mucus, blood and bile
…bruising and ripping garments…off my body
…filthy, familiar hands tearing at my dress…
…my legs split and broken like a wild pig slaughter, my screams smashed from my lips,
With the butt of a rifle, just used to kill a Red Skin dog…
Aieee! Clean this floor mama, mop up this spew!
It cannot be mine!
This child is not mine!
It is not mine! It is the devils own creation born in hell fire!
Born in my death! 	
Aieee! I am dead, I cannot be alive. 
I am dead and the Red Skin dogs have eaten my corpse.
Those spirits in their wingless chariot flew over the land and sea, to rescue me?
Rescue me from that black devil who said he was like Jesus to me.
I thought you were my uncle-brother…
Who else could have found us here?
Hidden away from the Red Skins and their Wingless Angels.
Only you my uncle-brother
Only you could have found us
Only you could have killed us.
And now the progeny of your evil deed suckles at my breasts
As I lie dead in the home of those Red Skin dogs you fought.”

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2013

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Sometimes In Relationships

Sometimes in relationships our love defeats our lust, but sometimes not;
Sometimes in relationships our peace is kept by trust, but sometimes not.

Sometimes in relationships we, each to each, are hurt and held and healed;
Sometimes in relationships we share our heart and mind, but sometimes not.

Sometimes we are lost lovers, our lives blaze with brighter bursts of passion;
Sometimes we are best friends, we balance with compassion, but sometimes not.

Sometimes we are up-in-arms night and day, our battles are fought and won;
Sometimes we are at-loose-ends and struggle to be one, but sometimes not.

Sometimes we are with others, together we entertain family;
Sometimes we are you and me; two is good company, but sometimes not.

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2013

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Temple of Life

You are my obsidian dream and I will quarry your love In the Temples of Oblivion, reveal your secrets to me! Let us strike a mortal bargain to smite the dull frame of night.
Michael Dom Sijo in a temple created 12/12/13 - resurrected 08/05/14

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2014

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A 'C' Change

If you should search for knowledge 
To answer the riddle of your self

All the books found on every library shelf
Might not relieve your puzzle a smidge

Because ‘h’ is the difference of self from shelf
Search within and you’ll see without eyes.

Things happen in a test tube
That we can easily observe and explain

But anywhere outside of it
It’s not quite the same

That’s because it’s out in the open
Where there’s less control and closure.

Some advise taking only two steps 
Once into and once out of water 

Supposedly while you’re watching 
Perpendicular to a flowing stream

So firstly you get your feet wet
And then you get them dry.

Or you take the opposite length
Over the adjacent length

Then every measured distance
Makes each tangent different 

But if trigonometry was used at Pisa
That’s not why the place is famous.

So if a princess was in a tower
And let’s assume she was a prisoner 

At least she should have a window
Because horizons offer a fine view

Then the next time the witch calls her
Rupunzel throws down her chair.

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2013

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O Raintree of Steel

O Raintree of Steel
Your glass tower mirrors
Dry grass on bare hills
Do your roots reach into earth
To bring water for my thirst?

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2014

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She Is the Liquid Night

She is the liquid night The fluid obsidian chalice She engulfs me Her breath is frangipani It is the air I breathe She permeates me In her starlit vision In her saltiness She inspires me She is in lahara The gifts she bares She subdues me Her laughter is gold It is the sunlit day She uncovers me In her swaying presence In her sand strewn hair She desires me She is the fallow earth The orgasmic humus bed She gestates me Her touch is dewpoint It wets my thirst She precipitates me In her silken sweat In her pounding pulse She receives me Contest: Limerence theme

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2016

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even soft footsteps 
leave an imprint behind
this door, 		ajar
                  with a shadow I once knew
                  caught in its draft

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2015

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A Stone

.hand your.…....................;stone a………...;r…i…p…p…l…e...A



…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Everything has

Michael Dom
"JUST TEN WORDS" sponsored by nette onclaud
9 April, 2014

Copyright © Michael Dom | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs