Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Four Mile Creek
Four mile creek, don't really know if you were four miles long or not, one time Danny and I tried to find out, we walked a little ways, then gave up. You were where we came to swim when we had no money for the pool, cut foot many times in your dirty water, wonder I never got lock jaw. Could always find junk in your water and even junk cars were thrown in there from time to time. In winter we used you for a skating rink and hoping we would not fall through. Spring and summer many times water over flowed your banks and came up to our back door, wiping out our garden many times. Left home in 1964 so you became a stranger to me, but sure miss those days of my youth when I use to come down and see you many a day. Written 8-8-11
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things