Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required I hate the city, Because I can't stand the pity Of those who are killed and hurt, So that's why I live in a small town with roads made up of dirt. It's far more peaceful over here than there. And I don't care, About how "boring" it can be here compared to there In the city, because around here We can ride on the back of trucks freely, I can go through trails And hear the train going along the rails, I can even find pretty rocks & shells. But still, I agree that buying stuff in the city, Can be great, somehow though... My hometown is my favourite place... Born here and everytime I leave And go there, to the city, I start to feel unhappy after staying Away from my home for so long And just want to go back, Probably because my little town is where I belong. The seasonal funs I have are always the ones, That turn my frowns upside down, Plus, also, the city has one thing missing and That is my family, so I am happy I live in this town. The city just isn't for me, This town is where I belong. And it is where I can always hear birds sing their songs And this is the place I feel strong in, Nothing can tear my bond with this place...
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