Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Layout: - Create a card from your words, quote, or poetry
Hello? Are you there today? Have I scared you away? Spent my whole teenage life, Preparing for this day of strife To say my goodbye's To your love-me-not lies Oh well, oh well I'm not saying farewell Where do you dwell? In Earth's heaven-hell, Going pellmell in your shell? Aloha...see you later,alligator a lover, not a hater Goodbye got hellod Hello got goodbyed Wretched water dripping on wood...good in the hood... The mistress's Misery left Misunderstood...grew up in a ghetto neighborhood You're out of my life Without a, I'm roaming this lonely, radiantless route You let out your victory, relief-struck Shout...and I pout about until you are Xed out of the to-do list You have broken our daily Vows With your someday's and somehow's Fans surround me as I am on the stage with bravery out of its cage - that's the image I get in my will be missed...I will wear you on my wrist Tattoo your love on my heart Leave your prints in my mind The moment I start to break apart, You are a treasure that leaves me blind... I don't mind Being left behind As long as you're mine Our love, sublime and serpentine Aloha...see you later,alligator a lover, not a hater Goodbye got hellod Hello got goodbyed Wretched water dripping on wood...good in the hood... The mistress's Misery left Misunderstood...grew up in a ghetto neighborhood You're out of my life Without a, I'm roaming this lonely, radiantless route You let out your victory, relief-struck Shout...and I pout about until you are Xed out of the to-do list You have broken our daily Vows With your someday's and somehow's Fans surround me as I am on the stage with bravery out of its cage - that's the image I get in my will be missed...I will wear you on my wrist Cool it I know you're pissed off like a hornet out of his nest I admit - You were running the race with disgraced grace and I was being an arrogant pest I was just trying my best to pass the test... Confidence went too high, now I bumped into my awful, below-humility low With open arms, with remorse that soars in me like a negative dove-crow Aloha...see you later,alligator a lover, not a hater Goodbye got hellod Hello got goodbyed Wretched water dripping on wood...good in the hood... The mistress's Misery left Misunderstood...grew up in a ghetto neighborhood You're out of my life Without a, I'm roaming this lonely, radiantless route You let out your victory, relief-struck Shout...and I pout about until you are Xed out of the to-do list You have broken our daily Vows With your someday's and somehow's Fans surround me as I am on the stage with bravery out of its cage - that's the image I get in my will be missed...I will wear you on my wrist We were on each other's team a while back Until you ruined my self-esteem in a gleam of a flashlight Now, we are fighting against each other...we are train that got off track Until God put us back together again, making our night a daylight We did go through a mighty flight We were roaming far from home, a chaotic mirth After mere plight, we saw the light We were in the universe until we landed on Earth You are behind me like the rest...keep your head up above the surface and you'll soon pass life's somewhat difficult test Keep pace with my heart beats...I must confess that I tried my best and it felt as if my heart was thumping against my chest Aloha...see you later,alligator a lover, not a hater Goodbye got hellod Hello got goodbyed Wretched water dripping on wood...good in the hood... The mistress's Misery left Misunderstood...grew up in a ghetto neighborhood You're out of my life Without a, I'm roaming this lonely, radiantless route You let out your victory, relief-struck Shout...and I pout about until you are Xed out of the to-do list You have broken our daily Vows With your someday's and somehow's Fans surround me as I am on the stage with bravery out of its cage - that's the image I get in my will be missed...I will wear you on my wrist Long time, no see, you bittersweet mourner You left me in the abstract abyss to burn and freeze in the back never considered me like those untouched library books Why don't you make it up to her? Why so unsure? You are a worthless dot to my memory the instant you deserted act like you're in a coma when we exchanged looks Aloha...see you later,alligator a lover, not a hater Goodbye got hellod Hello got goodbyed Wretched water dripping on wood...good in the hood... The mistress's Misery left Misunderstood...grew up in a ghetto neighborhood You're out of my life Without a, I'm roaming this lonely, radiantless route You let out your victory, relief-struck Shout...and I pout about until you are Xed out of the to-do list You have broken our daily Vows With your someday's and somehow's Fans surround me as I am on the stage with bravery out of its cage - that's the image I get in my will be missed...I will wear you on my wrist You gave me a goodbye so rude I don't deserve such maltreatment Let's have the attitude of gratitude Unpredictable, weather-like sentiments is what I feel, but it's no big deal...It doesn't matter anymore the moment you expressed your resentment A victim to your hatred You are an unforgivable dread You are gonna be forgotten In my memory, you are rotten
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Book: Shattered Sighs