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Cook With Me - Chapter 2 (Spices, Spices, Spices) - Malabika Ray Choudhury's Blog

About Malabika Ray Choudhury
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Reading and Creative Writing are my passions from a very young age. After spending many years of teaching as my profession, finally I am devoting myself to my passions - Poetry, Singing, and Art. I also write short stories, long stories, memoirs, cooking diary...and work on translations of poems from my home-language, Bengali, a regional language in India. 

 My early years were spent in India, and some later years in the Middle East - finally settled in Toronto, Canada. Writing comes first, but I also learn, practise and enjoy music and art. I am an avid reader from my early childhood - read both classic and modern writers - from Iliad, Odyssey and Shakespeare to P.G. Wodehouse, to Elena Ferrante and Kazuo Ishiguro. The book which is always on my desk is Gitanjali, the collection of spiritual songs by Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel-laureate Poet of India.

Poetry is an expression of thoughts, feelings and reflections. Some of my unique life-experiences get expressed in my poems and short stories. I attempt to express my reflections and thoughts with creativity and depth - poetic flow and elegance are my goals. At present I am working on a memoir which covers my family's history and my life in three different countries with rich and varied cultures. 

I write equally in two languages -  in English, and in Bengali, which is a regional language in the eastern part of India. I have translated a few famous Bengali poems, mainly by Rabindranath Tagore and Jibanananda Das, in English. My book of translation is available on amazon, being published in August, 2023. In the beginning of 2023, I also wrote a short novel in Bengali, called "Pahar Amay Dake" - it would be "Mountains are calling me" in English. This book has been published in Kolkata, India, by Karukatha Publishers, on my birthday in 2023.  

I create videos with my own poems and poems by famous writers, and also create audio-books from English and Bengali literature... created my own channel on You Tube, and uploaded a few songs, rendered by myself. 

Channel URL for You Tube

I work on a few forms of rare art - eggshell decorations, copper-tooling and batik are some of them. 

Here are the links to my translations of Rabindranath Tagore's Poems: (Finally Saved - Part 1) (Fianlly Saved - Part 2) (Fianally Saved - Part 3) (Freed From My Shacles) (Deception - Part 1) (Deception - Part 2)

(Banalata Sen)
(Invention Of Shoes - Part 1)
(Invention Of Shoes - Part 2)
(Sleeping Beauty)
(An Ordinary Girl)
Below is a link to my YOU TUBE Channel. You may subscribe to this channel, where I post recitation of my poems, poems from Rabindranath Tagore, and also songs (rendered by myself) composed by Tagore. Please click on my picture at the bottom of the video - you will find my channel. Channel URL is at the bottom of this post. 


Channel URL for You Tube


handle: @raymalabika

 This link will take you to my channel on YOU TUBE



Cook With Me - Chapter 2 (Spices, Spices, Spices)

Blog Posted:4/1/2024 3:09:00 PM

Link To Chapter 1: Cook With Me - Mala's Kitchen (Chapter 1) -




Today let's talk about the five most important spices - to be used in indian recipes - in detail. In my next blog, I will touch upon the variety of flavours and usuallwhat kind of recipes they are used for. We will also talk about, what we believe as the healing power of Spices.
Turmeric powder or Haldi powder is the first and foremost among spices in Bengali cooking. It is added to anything and everything, starting from lentils and vegetables all the way to fish and meat. It enhances the flavour and colour of the food, and it is known for its antiseptic quality, which is why fish and meat are meant to be coated with turmeric paste or powder before being cooked. 
                           Turmeric Roots
Interestingly, Turmeric paste is extremely good for skin-care, and can be applied as a mask. Believe it or not, I, as a teenager, used it, when the market was not overflowing with numerous commercial beauty-products. In India, I have always seen dried Turmeric roots in the market, which are hard to grind. In Chinese stores in North America, I see fresh and soft Turmeric roots, which I have tried in my cooking; pureed them in my blender, and kept them in the deep freezer in ice-cube trays. Whenever you need, get a cube or two. How convenient!
Turmeric Roots
Next spice needed for Indian dishes is Chilli Powder or Lanka. Hot dried up peppers are ground to make red chilli powder. Fresh green chillies are also added to some dishes to bring out a distinct flavour. Chillies are indispensable in Indian cooking (or may be not), although you can always balance the level of heat you would like to have in your curry. Of course every household has their own tolerance level.
Large_CayenneRED CHILLI
                              CUMIN SEEDS
Cumin or Jeera seeds could be used as a whole or powdered. The seeds have a warm earthly flavour. It can be ground raw, or after being roasted on a skillet for a short period. If I am not running out of time, I prefer to roast them before grinding. This brings a whole new level of aroma. I use cumin powder mostly for my vegetarian dishes.
In the same way as cumin, coriander or dhania seeds are ground fresh, or ground after being roasted on a skillet till they turn darker. These seeds are supposed to have a nutty flavour, and are often used together with cumin seeds.
Coriander SEEDS
             Cumin Seeds               
                           Coriander Seeds
 Cumin Seeds
Mustard Seeds
Quite a few kinds of Mustard seeds are available on the market. The most common are - Black, White and Yellow. Different people have their own preferences, but black mustard seeds, which might have the strongest pungent flavour, are used the most. My mom used to say that you have to always grind mustard seeds with green chillies so as not to have a bitter taste. Apparently the angrier you are, the sharper the flavour is! Isn't that funny?! But grinding fresh green chillies would not be possible with a coffee-grinder, so I dry-grind the mustard seeds separately,  and then mix them together with a little bit of water.
These spices look so colourful that at one point, I, with my students, created a collage-painting using a variety of spices - whole (e.g. Fennel, Mustard), and powdered ( e.g. Turmeric, Chilli). The picture looked stunning, and my students had an awesome experience.
I spend a ridiculous amount of time watching shows by famous chefs on TV. They mostly present italian, mexican, chinese or simply north american dishes. That's understandable in north america, but I have my favourites, and I never get tired of watching the masters of the trade. This year I had the opportunity to watch Gordon Ramsay, a celebrity chef from England, trying his hand in Indian dishes (e.g. Chutney, Achar or Pickle) while also talking about the variety of spices used in the exotic cuisine. He did not forget to mention that he recently spent some time in India to learn more about the techniques and ingredients from real housewives!!! I have to admit, he was quite successful tackling the dishes, and I even found myself trying  his recipe for chutney which definitely is not the traditional way. In India, chutneys are usually made of tomatoes, or tamarind...he has added fruits like apples, pears, and apricots.

Indian cooking is all about spices - knowing the variety of spices grown in the Indian subcontinent, and learning how to use them to turn ordinary ingredients into something heavenly! There are a few major spices which are used in almost every recipe, and there are a lot more which are used to enhance the flavour and take day-to-day meals to a whole new level. A lot of these spices have medicinal properties too. Almost everybody now is aware of the properties of ginger which can help fight common cold and flu.

In my grandmother's days, cooking was a chore, not a fun. Still they created prized delicacies every single day. We can make cooking fun! Last summer, in my really creative days, I was painting on a piece of fabric laying it on my dining table, while humming and practising to the tunes of my favourite songs and a pot of irresistibly flavourful stew with chicken and colourful veggies was bubbling away on the stove. All of you are experts in multi-tasking; you can make cooking a creative, artistic, imaginative, inspiring, and of course mouth-watering activity. Your family is never going to order take-outs, or run to the restaurants at every little opportunity. 
Spices, Spices, Spices! That is the core of Indian cooking. When it comes to Bengal, it is the same! Fresh vegetables, fresh fish, fresh meat - everything is tied up in an exquisite way with the magical spices. Now we know about the five most basic spices - Turmeric, Chilli, Cumin, Coriander and Mustard.
Let's explore a few more - how they look like, what flavour they bring in, and which recipes they are used for. So, get ready to stock your pantry with a few more essential spices in Bengali kitchen. To many people, spicy means hot. Indian dishes are not always supposed to be fiery hot in order to be tasty. 
By adding the spices the ordinary ingredients become flavourful and aromatic! Can you believe, it is spice-trade which brought Persians and Arabs, Portuguese, and French, and even English, to India? A couple of brave men sailed for months facing adversities and risked their lives to find this mystical land of the East, to look for these precious objects! That is how Columbus found America instead of India, and ultimately Vasco-da-de-gama reached the coveted destination. 
Garam Masala, literally means " Hot Spices" in Hindi. It is actually three kinds of spices put together - Cinnamon, Cardamom, and Cloves. Depending on the recipes, these spices can be used whole, or ground together.
 Thecinnamonsticks or quills are the dried bark of a tree.  Cinnamon (and mostly the Ceylonese variety) can be found in stick/quill as well as powdered, and is used extensively in Indian cooking, and is generally for savory dishes. Often times a few bits of broken sticks are added as the oil heats up; this way the oil is flavored and the food is cooked in this fragrant oil. Sometimes it is dry roasted in a skillet before cooking, which intensifies the aroma.
Clovesare the second ingredient in Garam Masala. They are dried up flower buds. The fully-grown, unopened buds, are picked green and dried in the sun until they become dark brown and  are ready to be used for cooking. Clove is extensively used in Indian cooking. The flavor it brings to food is strong and warm. Clove is sometimes used to flavor spicy food where the whole clove is cooked in oil or ghee. clovesCardamomis the dried, ripe fruit from the cardamom plant, and it has a smoky, pungent aroma. It is often called "The Queen of Spices" because of its fragrance. Cardamom is a must in all kinds of flavourful dishes, such as, Pulao or Flavoured Rice, Biriyani,  Chicken and Meat dishes, and even aromatic vegetarian dishes as Aloo-Gobi (potato and cauliflower) or Chhanar Dalna (cottage cheese). Cardamom is grown in the evergreen forests of western ghats in South India. It can be used both whole or ground. Very interestingly, cardamom is used so much in Bengali dishes, including desserts, like Payasa (rice pudding) - the most important one for celebrations, although cardamom does not grow in Bengal. 
My cooking mostly leans towards North Indian cooking, and I use cardamom in everything! I am so curious to know why the fruit which grows mostly in South India, is used more in North and East Indian cooking. Isn't that fascinating?!
 Cardamom  Mustard seeds are tiny, black, pale yellow, brown or white balls, which release flavour when roasted. You will hear them pop when heated in oil. In South India, whole mustard seeds, along with Tur Dal and Curry leaves, are heated in oil to enhance flavour of their dishes - a technique called "Tadka". In Bengal, my experience with mustard seeds is, grinding them with green chillies, and using as a paste. The most popular dish with this paste is "Sarshe-Ilish" (Hilsha fish in mustard sauce), but this paste is  used with other fishes too, even with shrimps.
5,200+ Mustard Seed Plant Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty ...
Tej Pata
In Sanskrit the name of these leaves is " Tamalpatra", which is not exactly the bay leaves we find in western world. It is a three-veined leaf used to flavour curries. When slightly heated in oil, the aromatic leaves release fragrant flavour, and increase aroma of the dish. Starting from biriyani, Tej pata is used in both meat dishes, like chicken or mutton curry, and also vegetarian dishes, as alu gobi (potato-cauliflower), or alu dum (Potato Curry).

To be continued ....


Dear Soupers, 

I really apologize for the formatting of this blog. I can not control so many things - even the font-size, capitalized words, bold letters and paragraphs!!!! This area needs a bit of upgrading! 

Thanks for your attention and feedback. Warm wishes ~ 



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Date: 4/19/2024 10:36:00 AM
This is very exciting, I bought a book "The Spice Book" it shows the image and tells a little bit of its history, like your beautiful blog, Mala. I love to cook and want to expand on using these spices you have posted. I have a heavy hand, and need to start measuring, I put pepper in everything haha. Oh I haven't figured out the formatting either, use the heading 4 mostly! Healing Spices, I truly believe in it, Thank you, Mala!
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Date: 4/12/2024 3:26:00 AM
I love this episode! Most Indian spices have similarities to what we used to have in our kitchen when grandma was still alive and until now we use most of them. Thank you dear Mala for transportating us into your culinary experience. More to come.
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Ray Choudhury Avatar
Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/12/2024 6:23:00 AM
Thank you so much, Dear JCB. Glad to know you use the same kind of spices in your cooking! Of course, our grandmas were the best cooks in the world! I have quite a few more chapters to post - vegetarian and non-vegetarian recipes. Hope some of you will be with me - give me your feedback. Love to share my stories along with my culinary experiences in India, in Qatar, in Canada and USA. So much joy in cooking for family and friends! Love ~
Date: 4/5/2024 7:32:00 AM
So glad to see this second post in your series Mala. I adore Indian spices and my cabinet is always stuffed with them, as well as my cooking, as you know. You are a dear to continue with this informative and fun series! PS: these spices are generally good for inflammation as well as colds and flu.
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/8/2024 3:47:00 PM
Thank you so much, Linda, for reading these blogs, and writing beautiful comments. You and my other friends truly boost my confidence in doing something close to my heart. I love cooking, and sounds like so do you. I actually started writing after thirty years of staying focused on raising children, with cooking blogs. I will post one or two more blogs on healing power of spices - then I will move on to real recipes - vegetarian and non-vegetarian. My cooking is no longer totally Indian…being abroad for many years, it’s part Indian, part Mediterranean, part Canadian. I got influenced by Chinese and Thai cooking too. Linda, I am really over the moon with your comment that you find these series “informative and fun”. So appreciate your kindness - Love and Hugs, Dearest Linda.
Date: 4/3/2024 3:47:00 PM
Dear sweet Mala, another delightful, entertaining and very informative read from you. Thank you so much for generously given your time to share all your fascinating experiences with us. I’m trying to use turmeric a little more after reading about its benefits. I’m glad that you have said that it doesn’t all have to be fiery and hot. My tolerance levels are very low which is frustrating being a vegan as what I should be eating to get protein etc, has to be in moderation or I’ll suffer afterwards! Like Craig, I like peanut butter and I love tomato purée - I use lots of it ! Looking forward to the next blog. Hugs to you dear friend xx
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/8/2024 3:38:00 PM
So delighted to share these blogs with you, and my dearest friends. Love and Hugs ~
Ray Choudhury Avatar
Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/8/2024 3:34:00 PM
Thank you so much, My Dear Christina. It is my pleasure that I am able to share some of my experiences and thoughts about cooking and food. I grew up in India, so I was very much used to Indian way of cooking, and using spices. But I am living abroad (Middle East and Canada ) for more than thirty-five years now. My cooking style has changed, but still I am in love with my grandmother’s and mother’s cooking. Good to know you are a vegan - I will post one or two more blogs about the benefits and healing power of spices, then I will move on to real recipes. Indian cooking doesn’t have to be fiery hot - if you want, you may not use chili powder at all. I love peanut butter and tomato purée - my daughter does use a lot. We will talk about ingredients which can be substituted for fish and meat, so we don’t suffer from protein-deficiency.
Date: 4/2/2024 1:50:00 PM
Thank you Mala, I'll cheat sometimes and use Garam Masala and make the Curry (turmeric) mix separately. Love slipping a little coconut milk in as well and peanut butter (more Asian edge) -- all great fun!
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/2/2024 2:15:00 PM
Thank you, Craig! You are a great chef…you are free to create your own recipes, with your own ideas, and we will love it! A word of caution - Don’t put too much of turmeric in anything! Coconut milk is really yummy whatever way you use…one of our favourite dish is Coconut Rice! It goes very well with fish, especially shrimp. I don’t really use peanut butter in my cooking, but I love peanut butter - it is very much Asian (especially Thai)! You are very welcome to share your recipe here, Dear Craig! Go as innovative as you can, with Indian spices!
Date: 4/1/2024 7:50:00 PM
I think India's food is so delicious and healthful. I read an article about a city in northern India where the percentage of people who got Alzheimer's is only 1 percent. I found that very impressive and the article mentioned the diet and spices such as turmeric is the reason for their health
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Malabika Ray Choudhury
Date: 4/1/2024 8:12:00 PM
Thank you so much, Dear Andrea, for reading my blog. The spices are supposed to have healing powers - especially turmeric, ginger, garlic, fenugreek, etc. I will try to give a list of spices, and some of their benefits. I will post some recipes - vegetarian and non-vegetarian - there are some very simple recipes, like lentils - really inexpensive, but full of protein and nutrients. I even wrote a recipe-book for my son, when he moved to US. Now my daughter wants me to write one for her - easy to cook, and with ingredients available in North America. Love and warm wishes, Andrea! The past year wasn’t easy for you. You and your daughter are really brave!

My Past Blog Posts

Cook With Me (Chapter 4) - Healing Spices
Date Posted: 5/17/2024 4:07:00 PM
Cook With Me (Chapter 3) - Rice, The Staple For Many
Date Posted: 4/16/2024 1:43:00 PM
Cook With Me - Chapter 2 (Spices, Spices, Spices)
Date Posted: 4/1/2024 3:09:00 PM
Cook With Me - Mala's Kitchen (Chapter 1)
Date Posted: 3/20/2024 1:05:00 PM
Fine Poetry Video-Series
Date Posted: 11/28/2023 9:42:00 AM
Delighted To Share - Published A Collection
Date Posted: 9/7/2023 10:21:00 AM
Finally The Book Is Here!
Date Posted: 5/20/2023 5:29:00 AM
A Memorable Visit To India
Date Posted: 2/23/2023 4:56:00 PM
Love To Share
Date Posted: 9/3/2022 6:03:00 PM
Few Days Of My Destination March Break
Date Posted: 4/1/2022 6:19:00 AM
"Inspired By A Translation" Poetry Contest - Results Finalized
Date Posted: 12/12/2021 5:01:00 PM
Gentle Reminders about "Inspired By A Translation" Poetry Contest
Date Posted: 12/6/2021 5:16:00 PM
A Few Words About My Contest - Inspired By A Translation
Date Posted: 11/9/2021 6:22:00 AM
Translations - Empowering Women In Nineteenth Century India
Date Posted: 10/14/2021 3:32:00 PM
"MERSE - Beauty Of Fall" Contest Results Finalized
Date Posted: 9/24/2021 5:00:00 PM
MERSE Poetry Contest
Date Posted: 8/31/2021 4:07:00 PM
Results Finalized For Contest - A Tender Moment From Childhood
Date Posted: 7/1/2021 4:31:00 PM
My "Sunflower" Poetry Contest - A Few Words
Date Posted: 5/21/2021 9:34:00 AM
Translations From Nobel-Laureate Poet Of India
Date Posted: 4/12/2021 4:20:00 PM
How To Attach Pictures To Your Poems (some helpful instructions)
Date Posted: 3/27/2021 3:49:00 PM
My Contest - Moments Of Reflection (Haibun)
Date Posted: 3/26/2021 7:36:00 PM
My Contest - I Remember
Date Posted: 3/8/2021 4:02:00 PM
An Experience Of Faberge-inspired Rare Eggshell Art (Video)
Date Posted: 2/7/2021 6:08:00 PM
Deception - Translation from Rabindranath Tagore
Date Posted: 7/26/2020 5:45:00 AM
Books, Art, Food - My Dream Vacation
Date Posted: 7/12/2020 5:36:00 PM

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5/14/2024 If Only You Knew Romanticismloneliness,love,
5/14/2024 When Silence Speaks To Me Free versesilence,
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5/2/2024 Dreams Soar Rhymedream,
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4/14/2024 Whisper Romanticismrain,
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3/24/2024 Ordeal Has Begun Limerickanti bullying,fun,
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3/18/2024 Woven Worlds Otherworld,youth,
3/17/2024 Spring Sonata Free versemusic,spring,
1/22/2024 Spreading Wings Limericklove,valentines day,
1/7/2024 Not A Perpetual Dream Free verseinspirational,life,
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11/27/2023 If It Wasn't For Poetry Free verseinspiration,poetry,
11/21/2023 Butterflies Dance To Moon Free versebutterfly,moon,
11/17/2023 Beauty Irresistible Tankaautumn,tree,
11/11/2023 Mother - POTD Free versededication,devotion,mothe
11/10/2023 Spooky Night Limerickoctober,
10/30/2023 Knotty Dodoitsulove,
10/26/2023 Autumn Glory Monokuautumn,tree,uplifting,
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10/17/2023 Hopeful Versehope,how i feel,
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9/19/2023 Fall Splendour Rhymeautumn,
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8/1/2023 Quest Tankalife,
7/30/2023 Poetry Free versepoetry,
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7/14/2023 Love Is Blind Personificationlove,rain,
7/13/2023 Meandering Stream Haikulost love,
7/7/2023 Dreamscape Ethereebeauty,july,seasons,
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7/1/2023 Essence of Dusk Haikuocean,sky,
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Fav Poems

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Raindrops Kissing Imagismgarden,imagery,spiritual,
O April Free verseappreciation,april,beauty
falling like leaves again - Acrosticautumn,memory,romance,sou
The Symphony I Cherish Free versejoy,music,wind,
Ode To Mother Ganga Odemother,river,
Oh, Autumn Quintain (Sicilian)autumn,
It Still Hurts Free versebreak up,love,love hurts,
The Universe of Creativity, the Poet, and the Poem Free versepoems,
Seasons Serene Rhymeseasons,
It Came Upon a Prophecy Lyricchristian,christmas,jesus
A Zigzag In Autumn Free verseautumn,nature,
My Forest of Dreams Rhymeblessing,devotion,
Night Light Free verseblue,light,loss,moon,nigh
Along Comes a Flood Coupletanalogy,desire,imagery,lo
To My Knees Lyricfaith,god,prayer,
That Tiny Spark of Hope Rhyme10th grade,11th grade,12t
My Visit To Nirmal Hriday Rhymecaregiving,dedication,hap
Distinct Ballet Coupletbutterfly,poetry,upliftin
Dreamy Night Dizainmom,
To My Future Self Rhymefuture,
Everybody's Going Home Lyricloneliness,lonely,longing
Showdown At Soup Creek Rhymeamerica,humor,sun,
Flipped Hourglass Rhymelife,lost,time,
Dappled Rainbow Hues Upon the Floor Dizainfamily,
Ordinary Free verselove,magic,mystery,
Women In My Family Acrosticblessing,children,faith,f
Oh, Hello September Free verseseptember,
Fantasy Is the Luster of Opalescence Free verseappreciation,art,fantasy,
The Hint of Autumn Quaternaugust,autumn,color,roman
Whose Muse Elusive Dew Rhymedestiny,life,lost love,mo
Dream Party At Number 10 Free verseabuse,america,anger,anxie
Boyhood Free verseaddiction,boy,children,co
Silence of a Poet Free versepoetry,
Niskriti Translated As Finally Saved Rhymegender,life,women,
Sand, Sun-Kissed and Sandals Rhymelonging,romance,seasons,s
Forgiveness Free verseforgiveness,
That Starry Night Ekphrasisart,depression,night,pass
Phew Nursery Rhyme Limerickfun,
Cobwebs Senryuheart,
When Dewdrops Run Dry Tankaflower,love,
Spring Flowers Free versebeautiful,bird,birth,flow
Let Us Leave Shadows and Live Ghazallife,
Scent of Solitude Tankaseasons,solitude,
Most Beautiful Christmas Poem Rhymebeautiful,christmas,faith
A Poets Abode Sonnetart,beauty,passion,poetry
Colors In the Sky Rhymeanalogy,appreciation,bird
Take Me To Nirvana Rhymeheaven,
Summer Lace Rhymebeauty,day,love,morning,n
Letter To My Mother Rhymemother son,
Be Quiet As Water Coupletappreciation,silence,soli
Finding My Muse Free versefantasy,imagery,inspirati
First Dance Footle Footlecrush,fantasy,teacher,
A Moment In Time Quatrainbetrayal,heartbreak,
Vase Rhymeflower,inspirational,natu
Wings of Change Free verseappreciation,birth,celebr
Writing Is My Prayer Roundelpoetry,writing,
SWEET MAJESTY - POTD Rhymebeauty,feelings,love,natu
Eagle Haikuappreciation,bird,sea,
Consciousness Fulcrum Free verseheart,life,work,
Quest Rhymeangst,anxiety,nostalgia,
Ekphrasis On Snow At Argenteuil Ekphrasisappreciation,art,love,
Spring Whimsy Haikuspring,
- Bottomless Sorrow - Free verseangst,cry,emotions,sad,
Autumn - Constanza Rhymeautumn,death,spiritual,
Cancer - a Demon of Our Making Free versedeath,fate,stress,
Coming of Age Free verseage,health,
Seaside Serenade Rhymebeach,sea,summer,water,

Fav Poets

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Connie Marcum Wong United States Flag United States Read
Debjani Mitra India Flag India Read
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Susan Lawrence United States Flag United States Read
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Panagiota Romios United States Flag United States Read
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Book: Shattered Sighs