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Read Poems by Tom Cunningham

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Below are poems written by poet Tom Cunningham. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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During a bad storm one night I turned on my television
Grey and black flickering lines appeared, obscuring my vision
I went outside and saw the aerial had bent over but it would have to wait
Tomorrow I'd get up on the roof and try and put it straight.

Next day the storm had passed, and I put my ladders against the wall
And as I started to climb my wife said " Take care and don't fall"
"No worries darling " I said , "I've done this many times before"
When I was on the roof my pliers fell from my hand and I quietly swore.

I moved slowly toward the ladders and leant my leg across
And then felt my leg go as I slipped on some wet moss
Suddenly, it went black and quiet and there wasn't a sound
In a second, I'd fallen ten feet and landed on my back on the ground.

Next thing I knew I was walking down a street that I didn't know
Then caught sight of my reflection in a tailor's shop window
I noticed I was wearing a flat cap, a waistcoat, and boots on my feet
And could hear the sounds of coaches and horses up and down the street.

Strangers passing me on the street said "A very good day to you sir"
A few people seemed to recognise me and addressed me as doctor
I thought where is this strange place? , I've never been here before
As I got to the end of the street I stopped at a house with a red door.

Something within me told me look in my pocket for my house key
And as I inserted the key and opened it a woman stood before me
Then two little girls in long dresses ran towards me shouting "Papa"
For some strange unknown reason, I knew I was in the Victorian era.

We all went into what was a large dining room and we sat down
Then a maid appeared with a joint of beef from the market in town
The lady who it seemed was my wife then asked me how was my day?
I looked at her very strangely; and I just didn't know what to say.

Then I said "Yes, it was busy, I had cases of scabies and gout
Poor living standards are the cause, there's a lot of it about"
Also, lots of men with missing limbs are returning from Crimea
It angers me to see that people don't care and have no idea".

"Oh dear" said my wife "People believe what they read in the newspaper
I read that many men thought they were going on an adventure"
We finished our meal and my young daughters wanted to play
One said "Papa, can we go on the swing" I said "Okay, lead the way".

The next day I retraced my steps, and headed for my surgery
But I was getting flash backs of another time, was I losing my sanity?
I noticed the calendar in my surgery said May, eighteen fifty-six
Maybe I was working too hard, and my mind was playing tricks.

Days became weeks and then months and soon a year had gone by
But I was still getting flashbacks and I couldn't understand why
Every evening, I returned home, my wife and daughters would greet me
And when my daughters went to bed, I'd read them a bedtime story.

One Friday I'd been working late and outside it was now a dark night
A dense fog hung low that was illuminated yellow, by the glow of gaslight
I made for home down the long-deserted street, but I had a feeling of dread
It was eerily quiet then someone hit me, on the back of my head.

There was a bright flash, then it went dark and I opened my eyes
And then what happened next took me completely by surprise
Two men in green paramedic's uniforms asked me if I was feeling all right
It was a bright sunny day and no longer was it a dark foggy night.

Then my wife leaned over me and I could see she'd been crying
She said she'd feared the worst and thought that I was dying
"How long was I unconscious for" ? I asked her, I just had to know
She held my hand and answered, "About half an hour or so".

They lifted me carefully onto a stretcher and placed me in the ambulance
Then for a short time I lay motionless and went into a deep trance
I was drifting from my present surroundings back to my Victorian life
And for a moment I saw my two young daughters and my other wife.

We arrived at the hospital and my injuries were quite severe
The doctor told me I'd need to rest my back for about a year
I got thinking about my experience of that time long ago
Had I entered a parallel world? or was it a coma?, I don't think I'll ever know.

Copyright © Tom Cunningham | Year Posted 2024


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Date: 6/2/2024 10:41:00 AM

Hello tom, I enjoyed this poem. it sounds like you went back into time. Then c ame back again. Where are you going on your trip? Enjoy your day my cfriend. /Darlene/
Date: 5/31/2024 5:35:00 AM

Oh lovely, lovely one Tom, you took me through the journey, it was very engaging. So many thoughts and questions in here, I was thinking for you too. Where could he have gone? Probably your other life in a dream? Because Dreams become too real sometimes and I always think it's us in another realm. In all, I think you preferred the other wife and enjoyed reading bedtime Stories to your girls. Cheers.
Date: 5/25/2024 8:15:00 AM

I really enjoyed this intriguing story, Tom, it begs for a sequel. Nicely done. Hope all is well with you and yours. John
Date: 5/24/2024 6:29:00 AM

I gave this another read. You are truly a talented story teller. It was well worth reading again.
Date: 5/19/2024 9:41:00 AM

Great story, Tom, nice imagination.. If only one could live twice.. Great job, congratulations:)
Date: 5/16/2024 3:05:00 PM

In a short amount of time you traveled through the centuries and then back to the present, A story well told Tom
Date: 5/16/2024 2:06:00 PM

Quite imaginative storytelling, Tom. Really captivating. Havea restful and pleasant evening. All the best. ~
Date: 5/14/2024 11:59:00 AM

Tom, your story of poetry is quite remarkable. My friend, your poetry does a wonderful job of describing your exciting journey. The narrative was fascinating, and your usual riveting style shone through. Hope you have an amazing day, and thanks for your comment on my page!
Date: 5/14/2024 12:45:00 AM

Well I must say I am impressed Tom what a Great ceeation..I doff my cap.!! Specially the Paragraph about the Crimean war..! You have Real depth of character is my summation.' You should write Florence Nightingale into another one..Hey being a doctor fits that just Write.!! May you be blessed.)
Date: 5/9/2024 8:15:00 AM

I read your comment to Sam. Must have been the episode where Picard lives a life with a different family. Unless your ribbing us and it really happened to you. Your storytelling is impeccable and sublime!
Date: 5/8/2024 8:38:00 PM

Spectacular story telling. A true pleasure to read.
Date: 5/7/2024 3:25:00 PM

What a wonderful read Tom! You kept me right at the edge of my seat! I love it!!!
Date: 5/7/2024 1:57:00 PM

Tom, AGAIN you've proven that you are a master storyteller! This is an excellent narrative in every respect. Janice
Date: 5/3/2024 3:11:00 PM

Wonderful Narrative poetry, Tom. Thanks for sharing your exciting experience with us through your poetry, my friend. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and as always with your writing, very engaging. Have a great day! Cheers, Bill
Date: 5/2/2024 11:12:00 AM

Tom, I just love your stories and this one is excellent with its mystical, other worldly, plot! So creative. This one would make a great movie as you time travel. Makes me wonder what happened to the doctor and his family. Hope you are well! Over Fork Over. Blessings!
Date: 5/2/2024 4:33:00 AM

Master storytelling Tom! I thoroughly enjoyed every word! You really are terrific at this! Happy Thursday!!
Date: 5/1/2024 10:52:00 AM

Ha, ha. You are the 'hit man,' Tom. Just a whack on the head and off you go on another adventure. Thoroughly enjoyable, Mr. 1856. Thanks, Gershon
Date: 4/30/2024 5:43:00 AM

My Goodness. Hello Tom. Is there no end to your writing ability. I feel privileged to have turned to your page and entry this morning. You have the ability to draw us in from the beginning to its entirety. With your vividness and coherence we are all in the scene looking on. And yes, with the ending you leave us reader to pause. You and your writing are extraordinary. Truly. May this day find you well. Peace and Blessings now and always. (smile)
Date: 4/29/2024 1:11:00 PM

Dear Tom, inspiring poet, your gift for rhymes and story-telling can't help but captivate one's intellect and imagination. I completely enjoyed this intriguing poem and adore your last line.. I say you entered a parallel world.. Such a splendid surreal piece! Congratulations for your win in Tom's contest. Warmest wishes my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 4/29/2024 9:04:00 AM

You are the master storyteller. Seems so real. Always a great ending. I wish you would write more. "Please" Have a fun day writing away.....................
Date: 4/28/2024 6:12:00 PM

Wow when it comes to a great story,I'm all ears. I was gripped by the intrigue from beginning to end Tom. Masterfully written, though do tell, when you came to was it a sense of relief you felt, or a slight regret? I do believe that we all live different lives in parallel dimensions. ...Hugs
Date: 4/28/2024 12:58:00 PM

I really didn't think this was yours though the writing style certainly was a clue, only because I didn't think you would ever enter one of my contests. That having been said, yours was the best story of the lot (which is your special talent) and would have placed high in the twilight zone contest. Even still, though light on surrealistic imagery the hint of a parallel world made it way worthy. Nice job Tom
Date: 4/28/2024 12:34:00 PM

Tom, your description of falling off a ladder is insightful. It can happen so fast. I love what you came up with during the unconscious state. Not so many of us get the chance to live an alternate life. The grace of that imaginary life is a reflection of a sweet person. Good to see and think about something like this.
Date: 4/28/2024 11:58:00 AM

A lovely, imaginative poem. I'd like to see the Victorian era if I were rich, but not poor. Your poem has a novel abutting of contrasts between two time periods.
Date: 4/28/2024 11:47:00 AM

Tom, a captivating poem, I enjoyed your time travel journey.
Date: 4/28/2024 6:14:00 AM

Fine story well told Tom, with good imagery and expression. Hope you're enjoying your travels, blessings, Gordon
Date: 4/27/2024 12:19:00 PM

Cool time travel , Tom. With my luck I would go back to being a serf or something. Is this for surreal contest.
Date: 4/23/2024 9:12:00 AM

Such great fantasy my friend Tom, if it entails having to rest my back for a year, don't think I would climb up to fix an aerial, however, who knows where my sub-consciousness would take me if I was un-conscious due to a fall, perhaps it would lead me back to the Crucifixion of Christ, I would return to this century and take the British army back with me to safe HIM, but then again, I can't change history or the beginning of Christianity. Hugs and blessings, Jennifer.
Date: 4/21/2024 3:54:00 AM

Great story telling in this poem!
Date: 4/19/2024 12:07:00 PM

Such a great story, Tom! I enjoyed every minute of it…
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Book: Shattered Sighs