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Best Son Poems

Below are the all-time best Son poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of son poems written by PoetrySoup members

Best Son Poems

Premium Member My Son My Friend
Mourn not my Son... your Father's dead
And there's nothing to be done.
Do not mount the battlements in my defense
As the race was fairly won.

The kitchen...

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Categories: son, appreciation, death, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member As Flowers Crumble Collaboration With Silent One
Lullabies through tear filled eyes
It's truly, love at first sight
The bond is forged and galvanized
To hold forever tight

Each time you needed a hand
She always had...

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Categories: love, mother son,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Shepherd Who Forgot His Flock
It's raining again, grey neon skies,
washing away suppressed surfaces,
to reveal unhealed wounds,
to scars the eyes cannot see

sometimes they bleed.

Some say words heal,
but I resist to...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: childhood, emotions, father son,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Garden of Mum
Mum sat in her aromatic garden,
admiring its charm and grace.
It was a cold morning,
but mum never seemed to feel it any more.

Her eyes were tired,...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: mother, mother son,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member -unlatched-

So young, I was, and so naive
There was no doubt, I did believe
this babe who's latched inside my womb
with ties we had,... would always be


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Categories: childhood, family, mother, son,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Petals and Poetry
In a world full of unwelcome nightmares,
I recite dreams of poetry to the one who cares.

I'm pondering a perfect metaphor,
trying to portray my mum's devotion.

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation, child, mother son,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member dancing with mom -
when I was just a wee one
        my mom taught me to dance

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Categories: son, analogy, dance, joy, life,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Walk Tall
I was born and raised in a little town by the name of Calder
That was just twenty miles south of the Canadian border
As a boy I...

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Categories: son, america, death, drink, drug,
Form: Narrative
More Worse When I Cry
(note:  picture is essential to the poem)

Teacher said my decisions needed consequences.
I have to write a million gazillion sorry sentences.
Billy was stupid to tease...

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Categories: son, abuse, childhood, emotions, father,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Between the Words of My Father
I tried my best 
To live between your cruel words
Yet there was no room
I felt less
Smaller than small
So why didn't I fit?

I wonder
Now that you...

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Categories: farewell, father son,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Midsummer Breeze
Midsummer Breeze 

How may I extol a midsummer breeze?
As soft as rose petals in cooling wind
That flutters leaves upon the verdant trees,
And endeavors to make...

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Categories: flower, heartbreak, son, summer,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member If Ever I Don't Know
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and 
can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words"

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© John Watt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: son, age, daughter, father daughter,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On My Mother Passing

i wanted to keep my mother physically with me
but it would be like trying to hold the sun
like in life she still...

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Categories: son, cheer up, mother, mother
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Submerged In Shallow Streams
Shimmering silhouettes haunt.

Shadow stands still, 
observing his soul drift towards 
the tree of melancholy.

Its morbid image stands silent,
but screams inside the mind.

I could write a...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: angst, death, father son,
Form: Free verse
The Game, Playing the Game
'I want you to use all your powers and your skills
I don’t want his mother to see him like this
Look, look how they massacred my...

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Categories: loss, son,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things