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Political Quotations

Political quotations. Find, read, and share Political quotations. These are the best examples of Political quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left That the whole free people of any nation ought to be exercised to arms, not only the example of our ancestors, as appears by the acts of parliament made in both kingdoms to that purpose, and that of the wisest governments among the ancients; but the advantage of choosing out of great numbers, seems clearly to demonstrate. For in countries where husbandry, trade, manufactures, and other mechanical arts are carried on, even in time of war, the impediments of men are so many and so various, that unless the whole people be exercised, no considerable numbers of men can be drawn out, without disturbing those employments, which are the vitals of the political body. Besides, that upon great defeats, and under extreme calamities, from which no government was ever exempted, every nation stands in need of all the people, as the ancients sometimes did of their slaves. And I cannot see why arms should be denied to any man who is not a slave, since they are the only true badges of liberty; and ought never, but in times of utmost necessity, to be put into the hands of mercenaries or slaves: neither can I understand why any man that has arms should not be taught the use of them. Quote Right
Quote Left If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society. Its art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world. It neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, nor creates heroes or inspires genius on the other. Works indeed of genius fall under no art; heroic minds come under no rule; a University is not a birthplace of poets or of immortal authors, of founders of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of nations. It does not promise a generation of Aristotles or Newtons, of Napoleons or Washingtons, of Raphaels or Shakespeares, though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts. Nor is it content on the other hand with forming the critic or the experimentalist, the economist or the engineer, though such too it includes within its scope. But a University training is the great ordinary means to an great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste, at supplying true principles to popular enthusiasm and fixed aims to popular aspiration, at giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideas of the age, at facilitating the exercise of political power, and refining the intercourse of private life. It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. Quote Right
Quote Left I did not believe political directives could be successfully applied to creative writing . . . not to poetry or fiction, which to be valid had to express as truthfully as possible the individual emotions and reactions of the writer. Quote Right
Quote Left Before you kill something make sure you have something better to replace it with; something better than political opportunist slamming hate horse shit in the public park. Quote Right
Quote Left The right to discuss freely and openly, by speech, by the pen, by the press, all political questions, and to examine and animadvert (speak out) upon all political institutions, is a right so clear and certain, so interwoven with our other liberties, so necessary, in fact to their existence, that without it we must fall at once into depression or anarchy. To say that he who holds unpopular opinions must hold them at the peril of his life, and that, if he expresses them in public, he has only himself to blame if they who disagree with him should rise and put him to death, is to strike at all rights, all liberties, all protection of the laws, and to justify and extenuate all crimes. Quote Right
Quote Left As industrial technology advances and enlarges, and in the process assumes greater social, economic, and political force, it carries people away from where they belong by history, culture, deeds, association and affection. Quote Right
Quote Left The ordinary reverence, the reverence defined and explained by the dictionary, costs nothing. Reverence for one's own sacred things--parents, religion, flag, laws and respect for one's own beliefs--these are feelings which we cannot even help. They come natural to us; they are involuntary, like breathing. There is no personal merit in breathing. But the reverence which is difficult, and which has personal merit in it, is the respect which you pay, without compulsion, to the political or religious attitude of a man whose beliefs are not yours. You can't revere his gods or his politics, and no one expects you to do that, but you could respect his belief in them if you tried hard enough; and you could respect him, too, if you tried hard enough. But it is very, very difficult; it is next to impossible, and so we hardly ever try. If the man doesn't believe as we do, we say he is a crank, and that settles it. I mean it does nowadays, because we can't burn him. Quote Right
Quote Left So if I asked you about art you could give me the skinny on every art book ever written...Michelangelo? You know a lot about him I bet. Life's work, criticisms, political aspirations. But you couldn't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You've never stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling. And if I asked you about women I'm sure you could give me a syllabus of your personal favorites, and maybe you've been laid a few times too. But you couldn't tell me how it feels to wake up next to a woman and be truly happy. If I asked you about war you could refer me to a bevy of fictional and non-fictional material, but you've never been in one. You've never held your best friend's head in your lap and watched him draw his last breath, looking to you for help. And if I asked you about love I'd get a sonnet, but you've never looked at a woman and been truly vulnerable. Known that someone could kill you with a look. That someone could rescue you from grief. That God had put an angel on Earth just for you. And you wouldn't know how it felt to be her angel. To have the love be there for her forever. Through anything, through cancer. You wouldn't know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital room for two months holding her hand and not leaving because the doctors could see in your eyes that the term 'visiting hours' didn't apply to you. And you wouldn't know about real loss, because that only occurs when you lose something you love more than yourself, and you've never dared to love anything that much. I look at you and I don't see an intelligent confident man, I don't see a peer, and I don't see my equal. I see a boy. Nobody could possibly understand you, right Will? Yet you presume to know so much about me because of a painting you saw. You must know everything about me. You're an orphan, right? Do you think I would presume to know the first thing about who you are because I read 'Oliver Twist?' And I don't buy the argument that you don't want to be here, because I think you like all the attention you're getting. Personally, I don't care. There's nothing you can tell me that I can't read somewhere else. Unless we talk about your life. But you won't do that. Maybe you're afraid of what you might say. Quote Right
Quote Left Language is political. That's why you and me, my Brother and Sister, that's why we supposed to choke our natural self into the weird, lying, barbarous, unreal, white speech and writing habits that the schools lay down like holy law. Because, in other words, the powerful don't play; they mean to keep that power, and those who are the powerless (you and me) better shape up --mimic/ape/suck --in the very image of the powerful, or the powerful will destroy you --you and our children. Quote Right
Quote Left Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills? Quote Right
Quote Left In a land which is fully settled, most men must accept their local environment or try to change it by political means; only the exceptionally gifted or adventurous can leave to seek his fortune elsewhere. In America, on the other hand, to move on and make a fresh start somewhere else is still the normal reaction to dissatisfaction and failure. Quote Right
Quote Left Political life in our country has plowed in muddy channels, and needs the infusion of clearer and cleaner waters. I am not sure that women are... Quote Right
Quote Left We assume that politicians are without honor. We read their statements trying to crack the code. The scandals of their politics: not so much that men in high places lie, only that they do so with such indifference, so endlessly, still expecting to be believed. We are accustomed to the contempt inherent in the political lie. Quote Right
Quote Left The truth, I am convinced, is that there is no longer a poetical audience among the higher class of minds, that moral, political, and physical science have entirely withdrawn from poetry the attention of all whose attention is worth having; and that the poetical reading public being composed of the mere dregs of the intellectual community, the most sufficing passport to their favour must rest on the mixture of a little easily-intelligible portion of mawkish sentiment with an absolute negation of reason and knowledge. Quote Right
Quote Left President Reagan was a formidable political campaigner, who provided an inspirational voice to America when our people were searching for a clear message of hope and confidence, Quote Right
Quote Left ...Women's Studies can amount simply to compensatory history; too often they fail to challenge the intellectual and political structures that ... Quote Right
Quote Left Honesty has a beautiful and refreshing simplicity about it. No ulterior motives. No hidden meanings. An absence of hypocrisy, duplicity, political games, and verbal superficiality. As honesty and real integrity characterize our lives, there will be no need to manipulate others. Quote Right
Quote Left The presence of our political leadership, of our security forces in Kabul shouldn't be interpreted as a move to block the political settlement, ... it would, rather, help that political settlement. Quote Right
Quote Left Cant is always rather nauseating; but before we condemn political hypocrisy, let us remember that it is the tribute paid by men of leather to men of God, and that the acting of the part of someone better than oneself may actually commit one to a course of behavior perceptibly less evil than what would be normal and natural in an avowed cynic. Quote Right
Quote Left I have a cat named Trash. In the current political climate it would seem that if I were trying to sell him (at least to a Computer Scientist), I would not stress that he is gentle to humans and is self-sufficient, living mostly on field mice. Rather, I would argue that he is object-oriented. Quote Right
Quote Left When we were told that by freedom we understood free enterprise, we did very little to dispel this monstrous falsehood. Wealth and economic well-being, we have asserted, are the fruits of freedom, while we should have been the first to know that this kind of ''happiness'' has been an unmixed blessing only in this country, and it is a minor blessing compared with the truly political freedoms, such as freedom of speech and thought, of assembly and association, even under the best conditions. Quote Right
Quote Left The cities of America are inexpressibly tedious. The Bostonians take their learning too sadly; culture with them is an accomplishment rather than an atmosphere; their Hub, as they call it, is the paradise of prigs. Chicago is a sort of monster-shop, full of bustles and bores. Political life at Washington is like political life in a suburban vestry. Baltimore is amusing for a week, but Philadelphia is dreadfully provincial; and though one can dine in New York one could not dwell there. Quote Right
Quote Left At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religous or political ideas. Quote Right
Quote Left Idealism is the noble toga that political gentlemen drape over their will to power. Quote Right
Quote Left Catholicism is a wide tent in terms of political and legal positions. We could have nine Catholics on the Supreme Court and a great deal of diversity toward the law. Quote Right
Quote Left Once you touch the biographies of human beings, the notion that political beliefs are logically determined collapses like a pricked balloon. Quote Right
Quote Left Cant is always rather nauseating; but before we condemn political hypocrisy, let us remember that it is the tribute paid by men of leather to ... Quote Right
Quote Left If any of us hopes to survive, s/he must meet the extremity of the American female condition with immediate and political response. The thoroughly destructive and indefensible subjugation of the majority of Americans cannot continue except at the peril of the entire body politic. Quote Right
Quote Left What is going on in the political process is a transition from war to peace. After 22 years of war, we have won the war, virtually, and we have to win the peace. Quote Right
Quote Left In order to master the unruly torrent of life the learned man meditates, the poet quivers, and the political hero erects the fortress of his will. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Political

Quote Left Ahh... what a great nation, with the rule of law, its statutes and torts. Yet between the political and judicial, much of the truth can be hidden by false narratives, where greed and power, look to disrobe the voice of the courts. Quote Right
Quote Left Africa needs Father's more than Political; Tribal; Racist; Traditional and Religious Leaders. Quote Right
Quote Left If mankind is to survive and flourish, it must rid itself of petty hatreds, whether racial, ethnic, cultural, or political, and realize that through the multitude of diversity and difference, a reservoir of commonality is far greater than all the conflicts we endure. Quote Right
Quote Left I am not a smuggler I am social Political Person.. Quote Right
Quote Left Islam is the best solution, it doesn't care about political correctness or peoples wishwashy feelings, it aims straight at the truth. Quote Right
Quote Left The death of the moral compass is the rising of political correctness. Quote Right
Quote Left For those people who deny color in the name of political correctness, I say to them, you are fools who only believe in self opinionated, self indulgent, self gratifying creed. You have no real morals. Your morals are like the trends of pathetic celebrities, popular for a month, than out into the trash bin. Quote Right
Quote Left The fires of war, are stoked by industrial, political, and social difference, against an enemy that reflects an anxious, similar view. Quote Right
Quote Left An ideology should not be a political platform. Quote Right
Quote Left Without political bipartisanship all that is left is a choice between the lesser of two evils. Quote Right
Quote Left The problem with money and success is, it is never enough. Then comes political power over others...and it is never enough. Quote Right
Quote Left Most the mistakes that we make is that weather is a political phenomenon for common life like common sense. Quote Right
Quote Left Political battles are won with peaceful intentions, not inciting riots, destruction and bloodshed. The motto, " Make America great again. " has failed terribly. Quote Right
Quote Left Political Finger Pointing Quote for August 19, 2020 From: Tom Politicians always seem to place emphasis on detraction which leaves scant time for weightier things. Quote Right
Quote Left Should political correctness dictate poetics, I should stay home! Quote Right
Quote Left "Creating the kind of connections between people that lead to collective civic action, political expression, community dialogue, shared cultural experiences". Quoted in "Connected by a Thread: Arts Territory Exchange Residency in Sustainable Practice" by Gudrun Filipska, CSPA Quarterly periodical (January 25, 2019). Quote Right
Quote Left A man who is apolitical is the biggest liar. Quote Right
Quote Left Political correctness is an overrated virtue Quote Right
Quote Left If I ran for president when i grew older, which won't come to be, i feel I'd have the best campaign policy. This is of course silence...once my world history teacher, Brett Morton, said we elect presidents to make decisions for us. Why must that be... why not run and stay silent and do as the people ask of you than what fits your corrupt political standards. Quote Right
Quote Left Multicultural dialects speak through diverse rhetorical climates, reflecting ecopolitically shared gestalts. Quote Right
Quote Left Sophia: virgin Earth wisdom, as in PhiloSophia, philosophy, especially of Earth's ecological wisdom, both politically Left and economic Rights of Earth and all of Sophia's evolving children. Quote Right
Quote Left It is the ultimate political incorrectness when the "me" society replaces the "we" society. Quote Right
Quote Left Trust, rather than terror, usually beginning with some combination of the two, is an empathic political choice to evolve toward healthier mutual regard, rooted in open and honest full-disclosure of ego- and eco-centric agendas. Quote Right
Quote Left Political corruption is when you Google the Wall and the Donald arrives ahead of pink floyd. Quote Right
Quote Left you cannot claim the democratic way, when you play with the lobby. That is the way of corruption. paid political interests Quote Right
Quote Left As anger of rats these days people spell words towards unfaithful political leaders but in leader's presence they hide heads as rats enter to hibernate. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs