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Poems by John Michaels

John Michaels - LIFETIME Premium Member John Michaels - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet John Michaels. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of John Michaels.

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Best John Michaels Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/24/2023 Reflections on What's Next 236 Haiku
11/24/2023 Reflections on Death 169 Haiku
11/24/2023 Reflections on Heartbreak 248 Haiku
11/24/2023 Reflections on a Life Lived 166 Haiku
11/19/2018 Middle-Age Spread 789 Kimo
11/15/2018 Family Jewels 802 Limerick
11/15/2018 Abandoned 325 Lanterne
11/10/2018 Soulmate 728 Shape
11/08/2018 For the Fallen In Flanders Field 1020 Alliteration
11/07/2018 For the Fallen In Flanders Field - Original 1120 Alliteration
11/05/2018 If You Could Bottle It, It Would Sell - Bawdy Limerick 1263 Limerick
10/30/2018 You Are Unique 427 Free verse
12/03/2017 Polar Bears 606 Free verse
12/02/2017 Apocalypse Arrived 802 Alliteration
11/25/2017 Objectification of Opposite Sex 951 Footle
11/25/2017 Model Behaviour 972 Footle
11/14/2017 Humanity 801 Acrostic
11/12/2017 You and I Were Meant To Be 792 Rhyme
11/11/2017 Fabric - Leather Jacket 704 Verse
11/11/2017 Fabric - Lace 666 Verse
11/06/2017 Upon the Morn' - Extended Cut 501 Rhyme
11/06/2017 Upon the Morn' 609 Rhyme
11/05/2017 And So It Ends 739 Rhyme
11/03/2017 Trixie At the Peppermint Panda 720 Footle
11/01/2017 Catty On the Catwalk 427 Footle
11/01/2017 Through a Child's Eyes 523 Nonet
11/01/2017 Shoreline Tableau 734 Verse
10/30/2017 Under the Thumb 527 Footle
10/22/2017 Mania 438 Lanterne
10/22/2017 Potus 470 Senryu
10/14/2017 Apocalypse Almost Arrived 1000 Alliteration
10/14/2017 Halloween Senryu 534 Senryu
10/08/2017 Nil By Mouth 655 Free verse
09/16/2017 Sole Survivor 747 Personification
09/15/2017 Suicide Prevention 1683 Free verse
09/15/2017 Donald Trump 804 Limerick
09/11/2017 Hurricanes 798 Couplet
09/08/2017 Moonlight Delight 579 Sedoka
09/01/2017 Monument To the Old Me 675 Personification
08/31/2017 First Poem - Whirlpool 714 Nonet
08/27/2017 Puppy Love 550 Lanterne
08/27/2017 Dementia 460 Lanterne
08/18/2017 Fallen Angel 770 Rhyme
07/28/2017 Sandcastles 932 Rhyme
07/27/2017 Lighthouse 1174 Free verse
07/10/2017 The Early Bird 731 Haiku
07/09/2017 My World Turned Upside Down 754 Pantoum
06/03/2017 Deep and Dark 784 Free verse
06/03/2017 Reminisce 437 Lanterne
06/02/2017 Pathways In the Sky 744 Kimo
05/20/2017 Heroes 1111 Nonet
05/20/2017 Seduced By Poseidon's Daughter 872 Free verse
05/19/2017 Origami 630 Kimo
05/13/2017 Some Romeo - Bawdy 1221 Limerick
05/12/2017 Sympathy 942 Lanterne
05/12/2017 Mountaintop Lake 635 Rhyme
05/06/2017 Passion 782 Lanterne
05/06/2017 Sorrow 472 Lanterne
05/01/2017 Grief 591 Lanterne
04/30/2017 Nostalgia 584 Verse
04/29/2017 Harusame - Spring Rain 914 Haiku
04/28/2017 The Nameless One 671 Nonet
04/28/2017 Limerick Contest - Bawdy 1074 Limerick
04/26/2017 Alien Tm 676 Senryu
04/25/2017 Dragon 2086 Free verse
04/23/2017 St George - Updated 694 Senryu
04/22/2017 Songbird's Gift 621 Haiku
04/22/2017 Cheating 1008 Limerick
04/22/2017 Election Misdirection 1069 Kimo
04/21/2017 Muse - Pleiades M 664 Pleiades
04/16/2017 Beaker the Muppet 823 Limerick
04/16/2017 Easter Paradigms 550 Senryu
04/16/2017 Amber - B 494 Kimo
04/16/2017 Amber - A 489 Kimo
04/15/2017 Lizard - Pleiades L 760 Pleiades
04/14/2017 Mother In Memoriam 759 Monorhyme
04/14/2017 Lush Lashes Lure 403 Lanterne
04/09/2017 Lost Love's Labyrinth 546 Lanterne
04/08/2017 Be Free, My Brothers 4027 Monorhyme
04/02/2017 Frightful Footles 439 Footle
04/01/2017 Keepsake Held Close 586 Kimo
03/26/2017 Buried Treasure 649 Senryu
03/25/2017 Heirloom - B 625 Senryu
03/25/2017 Heirloom - A 568 Senryu
03/20/2017 Fabulous Fun Footles - Nuptials 787 Footle
03/19/2017 Dust To Dust 655 Nonet
03/12/2017 Kiss - Pleiades K 648 Pleiades
03/05/2017 Winter's Final Gasp 1283 Rhyme
03/05/2017 Mirror 891 Haiku
02/26/2017 Frog 623 Haiku
02/25/2017 Spring 735 Haiku
02/18/2017 Magpie 928 Haiku
02/18/2017 Cuckoo - B 704 Haiku
02/18/2017 Cuckoo - A 787 Haiku
02/13/2017 Chimera World 908 Rhyme
02/11/2017 Luscious Lilies 673 Haiku
01/29/2017 Carousel 1109 Haiku
01/29/2017 Gravestone 947 Haiku
01/29/2017 Full Moon 967 Haiku
01/29/2017 Resting Place 872 Nonet


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