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Post here if you're new to receiving a critique and you want "gentle" feedback on your poem. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
9/24/2018 5:34:52 PM

Jorge Oyola
Posts: 1
What is unveiled
in these scriptures detailed
is belief in a man who was once assailed,
beaten, then impaled.
Wearing a thorned crown
to a wooden cross he was nailed.
On that third day he rose
and to the heavens he had prevailed.

Moral of the story,

they will throw dirt on our mound,
they may try to bring us down
and drag us out of town.
we may get tossed around
and left with a frown.
But no matter the hardship,
know our souls will be retrieved
for this was His final plea,
and as long as we believe,
Forever we
will be
with He.
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11/2/2018 6:30:07 AM

BONNIE Hollywood-Cutts
Posts: 6
I like the message but the way it is presented with the two lines out of rhyme breaks the flow. but the poem has a good message to it
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