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1/6/2017 11:10:16 PM

Gregory Richard Barden
Posts: 23
I posted a poem yesterday with a very nice photo - today it had a different picture - not pornographic but not nice, and drug related, (and NO ONE has read it since yesterday, even though it's my newest). I have deleted both poem and picture. WHO has the ability to do this to my poems?!? I have changed my password, but I'm 99% sure that's not the issue. This is very disturbing. Thank you for your assistance.
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1/7/2017 12:16:26 AM

Doug Vinson
Posts: 102
Greg, I have not heard of that happening, but haven't even been on this website two months yet. I agree that it's probably not somebody with your password. The site administrators would have the ability to change things, I assume, but no reason I can think of why any of them would do it, in this case.

Also don't know if they will respond to a question about it, but you can try - there is a link at the bottom of the webpage that says "Contact Us."

If you deleted the post, then I don't see how you can check the internet address of the new picture (the URL) but that might have given clues to what was going on. Just a longshot here - is there any way the internet address of your original picture could have been altered or deleted, as with deletion of the picture itself from whatever server it was on?
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1/7/2017 4:36:24 AM

Gregory Richard Barden
Posts: 23
Thanks so much, Doug, and you're right about deleting it, (which hit me about two minutes later, lol - as usual). I'm going to check my other posts, too, but so far I haven't noticed other changes. I will send a note to the contact address. Thanks again, my friend!
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