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Best Poems Written by Keely Cohen-Breen

Below are the all-time best Keely Cohen-Breen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Have No Friends In College

Long story short,
I have no friends in college. 
I watch and react hoping for a spark.
I listen and await the judgement.
I construct scenarios in my head.
I look aimlessly for a fun fact or conversation starter.
I, have no friends in college. 
We learn, imagine, solve but never repeat the process.
I have no friends in college. 
Party hard, sleep later.
Or sleep hard, party later?
After I get friends I’ll go out.
Introductions lead nowhere 
Only given a name and a face,
Ugh I’ll just forget. 
I have no friends in college. 
If at first you don’t succeed,
Try again, later?
I think I’m good
On my own though.
Survival of the least needy,
Starts today; 
Or tomorrow.  
I am okay with it-
You know,
No friends in college. 
Welcome to adulthood!
I guess this is where it starts;
Do I owe you a thank you?

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2017

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

The Next Tomorrow

The television never stops murmuring atop hallowing cries.
Futuristic screens never seem to dim their luminescent glow. 
Hands grow accustomed to our own personalized key into society,
Intertwining its glossy curves around our skeletal touchscreen activators. 
Watching and gazing into the empty darkness that fills our brain with questionable pleasure, 
We become but almost nothing that we set out to be once. 
Rotting in the ruins of war-torn bean bag chairs with midnight shaded sunken eyes,
There we remain- supposedly living. 
Life has become repetitive and unsuspecting,
Consumed by the cyber world that fails to be found in present-day reality. 
Alarm bells cannot echo loud enough to snap us back to square one. 
Pathways to the next tomorrow set ablaze the past of the next today. 
Welcome to the future!
You can leave your ambitions at the door.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2017

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem


We live amongst electricity.
Everything is just a series of vibrations penetrating through our own awareness. 
We miss the shocks that awaken us. 
Aimlessly searching and waiting for something to hit us with ultimate realization. 
We are blind to the obvious.
Shock waves seem too miniscule to dictate the life course travelers remain on. 
We never stop to observe. 
Panting from the strenuous long distance race still insinuating since birth. 
We live amongst electricity
Failure to feel guides the blind into greater darkness in accordance to individual importance.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2017

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

When You Close Your Eyes

Clasps of crusty sand paper eyes unlocks a world of darkness. 
The black infinity allows for painter fairies to tiptoe out of solitude,
Swirling and dancing until their freedom seemingly runs scarce. 
Taps of a jewel-encrusted wand flood the gateway opening, 
And a vision of the unknown imagination takes shape. 
The spectrum of color expands into the unforeseen,
And vibrant specks glimmer through pin pricked holes.
Lo & behold does connecting the dots reveal an image of truth, 
Deep seeded ambitions lie intertwined with a painter fairies’ mind. 
So, allow for your weary eyes to rest,
And let the secrets hidden beneath erupt beyond the darkness.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2017

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

Witness To Destruction

If the world was ripping apart at the seams;
and the sky fell off it’s high seated pedestal 
and everyplace sparked from faulty wiring and lit up in fiery glitter
and the oceans raised a fist and left every corner drenched in salty sweet necessity
and the trees uprooted, hiked up their skirts and ran away
and the animals crafted their own transportation device to float back to their birthplace 
and the winds, out of boredom, spiraled out of control
Would we notice? 
Would we raise our head five inches upwards witness the beginning of the end?
Could we notice? 
Could we peel our eyes away from the personal news device gripped to death in sweaty palms?
Should we notice?
Should we bother to even take action in the face of catastrophe?
Good thing the world is not ripping apart at the seams
Or else who knows what we would do.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2017

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

Looking Through: Mirrors

We stare just to stare;
Attempting to memorize and familiarize 
Saving an image of the face looking back at us into the empty bank within our brain 
Imperfection after imperfection
Peering to discover meaning behind it all 
The smeared peachy lip gloss and blushed tear-stained cheeks
Remember this moment and do not look away just yet
Bubbles of wonderment burst unexpectedly 
What does the future cradle in its prospects that the present failed to bring to life?
Look within to resurrect that suppressed bolt of energy and charisma buried deep inside
Mirrors hold the answers in the disguise of perfect smiling faces
Break through.
Stare just to stare

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2017

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

The Scent of Lust

In a bathtub filled with dirty love,
We scrubbed away the perfume of perfection.
Good riddance to the anxious inhales of aromatic fury 
And the blanket of peace that shielded my mind from the truth.
We tore away the seal of approval from those who matter 
In favor of a twistier path towards enlightenment. 
The scent of lust spiraled downward into the deep abyss 
And we were reborn with new hope and a new scent of lust
Unfamiliar to those not entangled in the web of hopeful yet destructive love.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2018

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

It Was Only Once

No more I love yous danced across my luminescent screen 
Red hearts weren’t plastered all over the open chat room that only included me & you
I miss you did not echo in my head as I silently read out loud 
Nothing reassured me of the unmatched love we once held
Punching XOXO was a not-so-distant habit I attempted to break
Silence took up too much space and sent a sleepless dance party to bed. 

No more I love yous danced across your luminescent screen
If there was matching tension perhaps we would recognize our faults 
Foolish thoughts closed the curtain on the last nuances of young love
Like a million bees swarming the last flower on Earth,
I unintentionally destroyed it all. 

No more I love yous danced through the spaces in your smile
The floor held my attention as the tiles locked eye contact like you once had 
Pronunciation of an I missed you was muddled 
Resembling something like a fainted curse destined to come to fruition.

No more I love yous glued us together 
Portraits of faceted smiles and squashed faces debunked the breaking news 
They were tenderly ripped until the remains were unrecognizable.

No more I love yous rang in my ears 
Everything was lost.

No more I love yous was the unforeseen result of one faulty judgement call.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2018

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

Stomping Around

Heavy footprints conduct sound,
Inducing anxious looks left and right.
Attempts to pinpoint the birthplace, 
Only encourage lingering discouragement.
Tormenting the still untroubled air,
The stomps only leave a temporary sand footprint. 
Never to be deciphered,
Only appearing to disappear. 
Echoing closer as hearts thump,
Nerves fail to reach a breathable paradise. 
The stomps cease to fade,
As your mind fails to realize the menace stomping around is within.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2017

Details | Keely Cohen-Breen Poem

Sorry, I Only Caught the End of Our Conversation

Fist clenched,
fingernails dig their curves into my skin.
Heavy footprints grow silent.
I unravel my fist slowly;
like an armadillo when it knows it’s safe, 
extending my fingers out towards the stale air.
I watch as it sits there, 
in the center of my palm, 
near my zig-zag scar 
Times new roman 12 point black; 
Staring back at its new rightful owner.

Copyright © Keely Breen | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things