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Best Poems Written by Gabriel T. Saah

Below are the all-time best Gabriel T. Saah poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Love Story Cut Short

Wandering upon the Sandy shores of the ocean,
Deeply in thoughts and anticipating a bright horizon,
I think of my love.
She molds my heart with peace,
She adorns my face with smiles,
That I can only glide,
The waves tossed and turn,
On my skin the sun burns,
But all I feel is her love.
Her love is a magic carpet,
Whose ride takes me beyond the moon,
Gently as she holds my hand,
My heart throbs beneath my ribs like an antelope
 that's running to a Brook for a drink,
My Endocrine system becomes more active, releasing oxytocin,
Our hearts are locked in the dawn of real love,
Tender and kinder,
Purer and brighter.
The sand can't write our stories,
The moon can't capture our moment,
No camera man can either,
For our love goes deeper in the inner most part of our bones,
From the enamel in our mouths,
To the villi in our intestines,
To the marrows in our bones,
Our love goes down.
Forever and ever and always.
A Love story cut short.
© Gabriel T. Saah (The Marvelous Inker)

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

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A Day To Come

A Day To Come

One day your children you dearly love will wail, but you will not be able to comfort them.

One day the trees will provide oxygen in abundance, but your lungs will not be able to take their fill.

One day your love ones will say their goodbye, but your mouth will be too shy to say yours.

One day you will be given a bath and it will be your final bath, but you will not feel it.

One day the meal of your heart will be served before your nose,
But your name will not be mentioned.

One day you will wear your clothes but you will not be able to get them off.

One day the things you are fighting for will not be of any importance to you.

One day you will leave your home and never return, but others will now claim that.

One day you will live in a house you never built in your lifetime, and you will never come out to greet your neighbors.

One day your name will be given a title you shall carry forever,  and it shall be called the “Late”.

One day the closet of your home will be invaded and you will say nothing.

One day the shoes you loved dearly will be worn by others and not yourself.

One day you and your partner shall share your bed and you will not be able to see who lies next to him/her.

One day you will stand in the presence of a great Judge but you will not be able to heir a lawyer to plead your case. 
You will do that alone.

And One day you will wish to be around your friends,
But you will lie somewhere alone in your dark room never to come out.

If you are to live, live right and now,
If you wish to love, love right and now.
For the day is sure but unknown.
Peace ???????????????
© Gabriel T. Saah ( Marvelous Inker).

-Gabriel T. Saah

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

Details | Gabriel T. Saah Poem

Ma Jebeh's Children

Ma Jebeh's Children

They sit to Redlight, Waterside and Omega,
Selling fufu, cornflakes and meat pie,
Sometimes even crayfish and chicken thighs,
In muddy waters and messy trousers.

They have a great dream,
But their eyes are being shut from every little gleams,
They have told that putting Bible in your pocket,
Is that what you were sent for.

When one gets a chance to the Mansion,
Well he's told that the others are not his blood,
But Ma Jebeh's Children will soon break loose,
From the oppressor.

The ones who seem discerned minded,
These the oppressor kills with pleasure,
Take their wealth and make it his treasure.

-Gabriel T. Saah (Marvelous Inker).

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

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As the Night Tarry On

As the night tarry on,
I sit by my table with pen in my hand
and my shoes on,
Stitching and sewing with needle of don't give up and thread of you can make it,
I just thought about the world that's going Helter skelter,
If only we hold hands together,
We could make it better.
Kids dying of starvation,
Mommies becoming childless because of abortions,
What a world, we always speak of corruption,
But to leave them is not even our intention,
We speak words that set Hell chaos loose,
We run no competition, 
But we pray for others to lose,
It's 3:00 AM,
But the rooster has not crow yet,
Running our mouths like a raucous jet,
Helping others can't be on our agenda,
Making money is our key agenda,
What a world,
Eloquent speeches but different deeds,
In the assembly we sow not a seed,
In public places we stand with pride and recite the apostles Creed,
As the night tarry on,
© Gabriel T. Saah

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

Details | Gabriel T. Saah Poem

A Beacon In the Dark

A Beacon in the Dark
© Marvelous Inker
On a stormy dark ominous night,
When sorrows prevailed and darkness shunned out light,
Imagination in her marvelous flight,
Alighted my soul with a beacon of hope,
There stood upon the very top of the bleeding mountain,
A bud that flicker like the fire of the candle wick.
Weary, scared and blurry,
The road which led to her grandiose peak looked,
In my path stood the famous Mr. Hardship adorned
With the scanty rags of doubt and fear,
With pieces of clothe from the daunting Cloak of Aunt Misery,
But time in his shocking fleet, left them behind.

A beacon in the dark,
A bud of courage and strength,
And a spark of optimism got the days going,
One day a light will shine.
Come on now all who are weary, whose life has become 
a living hell,
God will make Way.

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

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© Gabriel T. Saah
Holding onto a belief,
Standing onto a promise,
Though you don’t see it in reality,
But hoping it will come to pass.

Faith is like a baby thrown into the air,
He does feel afraid,
But he believes he will not fall,
And the person throwing him,
Is bigger than his fall.

Faith is riding over fire,
But know that it won’t cause you harm,
Faith is going to bed in knowing you be awaken by the alarm.

Faith is to leaping high for the stars,
Though you see it not,
But you know you will reach far,
It is stretching out you arms wide,
And embracing success you don’t see.

But it comes with work,
Not flamboyant talks,
So get up, have faith and do work.
And the results, it will be worth.
Remember, having faith is being successful,
It’s a tool used to attain success.

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

Details | Gabriel T. Saah Poem

The Wind Mocked My Brother

The Wind Mocked My Brother

Serene it appeared to on the surface,
Its scarred face brother could not locate,
Her lips spoke as a false prophet,
But helpless brother did not inspect,
He was blown like the morning glory,
Brother was stabbed in the chest by the hands of cocaine and marijuana.

He thought it was praises he was given when loaded his footprint with people who followed him in his doom,
He tried to fit in, he never even knew which room,
Brother was abused.

The spirit that incites with the feeling which rises the serotonin levels,
Led a massive struggle,
Only because he wanted brother bedraggled,
He provided false oxytocin and fooled the boy to set narcissism lead him to the grave,
The grave where one is buried while perambulating the corridors of his dreams with no hope.

Brother was mocked,
Brother was mocked,
Don't say he used to be a star,
Where has he gone?
Beneath the blanket of the cloud of despair as he seeked to be repaired,
Addiction kills.

-Gabriel T. Saah

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

Details | Gabriel T. Saah Poem

Breaking Free

I was addicted,
I almost suffocated,
But I am breaking Free,
The thought makes me glee.

The most sinister things I have done,
They are not coming back but are long gone,
I am breaking Free,
To have inner peace.

Seek not my trail,
Is worst than darkness can prevail,
I am breaking Free,
I don't want anything to destroy my seeds.

Like a caged bird let loose,
I am flapping my wings over Devil's morose,
I am breaking Free,
From Hell and Sin.

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

Details | Gabriel T. Saah Poem

Adorned In Purple

Splinter bruised skin shimmering
 with blood of the whip,
Crown that bled blood of calamity,
A pierced side that bled anguish and pain,
Adorned in purple for a whole world sake.

Beaten with club,
Led to the slaughter house,
Clambered to  Calvary hills,
In bleeding garments of torment,
Adorned in purple for the believers struggle.

A palm that was nailed to the cross,
He was not punished for his own suffering,
He came to wash away a curse of old,
Adorned in purple he bore the shame silent and bold.

Lying tongues bestowed praises that were turned to mockery,
Hail hail hail was turned to kill kill kill.
Came as a King and Councilor,
Died as a criminal,
But kept on to the promise
Adorned in purple.
© Gabriel T. Saah.

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

Details | Gabriel T. Saah Poem

I Love Lucinda

Lucinda my lady of favor,
She's emerald green arborvitae,
An angel in disguise, her love is not a mistake,
I love Lucinda,
Woman of pride and integrity.
Her love takes me to imaginary eternity,
Genuine leather jacket booths is her wear,
Iron steel pen is her writing tool,
She's all too cool to call my own,
Don't fight for her,
You will not have her,
Don't imitate me for her love sake,
You will be making great mistake,
For Lucinda blood is as green as green plants pigment,
She's ink that spills color blue,
With fervent love she has my mind glued.
I love Lucinda my woman of pride.
She gives me marvelous strides,
Pen and paper can't live without each other,
I will wed you soon my Lucinda,
Lily of the garden of marvelous pen pushers,
In my fantasy world,
All I see is Lucinda.
The lady who keeps my inks bleeding,
Oh how did I ever find writing?
© Gabriel T. Saah

Copyright © Gabriel T. Saah | Year Posted 2022

Book: Reflection on the Important Things