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furry mice

Furry mice

Many years ago, I was in Houston (Texas) to victualize 
a new cargo ship, back then a ship carried a large crew 
for all the functions needed.
The ship chandler was keen to show me his enormous 
freezer, beef, mutton, pork, and chicken, he also sold 
horse meat, but not to the Nordic or the British for 
who eating horseflesh was akin to eating your
However, the Frenc, the Belgians, and the Dutch had 
no such hangups, as did ships with flags from eastern
countries bothered by such sentiment.
 He told me they had come over furry mice alive and
well and breeding, I asked to see one of these creatures
they had killed them- after all, it- is- about vermin
I had a mental picture of them looking like aggressive 
but tiny polar bears biting my finger when I try to 
catch one of them, or look like black bears as long as
they didn't look like rats.
Shipping in Norway was big business, employed 
about 50 to 60 thousand people, but when the flag 
was internationalized, seafaring history ended 
In our time, modern ships are nearly fully automatic 
 only a handful of computer readers are needed 
and for food, a drone delivers hamburgers with hot 
fries and soft drinks.
This is the ultimate goal of all industries to function 
without staff, selling goods to the unemployed? 


Details | Political Verse |

Hearing Healthier Scripts

I know,
in both head
and anemic heart,
other climate healers
right here and now,
compassion theaters
across Earth's internationalized space 
and throughout tribal time

Breathe integrity's potential
feeling out and in there and here
somewhere close
and somewhere far
across Earth's polluted oceans,

Yet my own everyday
immediate family relationships
neither speak nor hear
anything of this cooperative win/win integrity.

What am I?
What are we
listening to instead?

Internal climates of despair
about outside long-weathered detachment,

Win/Lose competitive commodification of life,
evolution of ego-expansion,
anthro-history hubris of detachment,
now rabidly fragmenting
into organic ecosystemic empires
of self-isolated would-be communicators
for and against our future experiential lose/lose outcomes,
or maybe win/lose, though highly unlikely,
in a ZeroSum,
winner takes all, capitalized Wealth economy,
or maybe win/win personal and public
economic and ecological
political and empowering prospects
of secular/sacred integrity scripts

Regenerative transcriptions
still powering with
not not degenerative inscriptions

To Lose exterior nature, is to Lose interior spirit;
To Lose secular faith, is to Lose sacred hope;
To Lose integral health, is to Lose integrity wealth;

To Lose RightWing Win/Lose zealous zero-zone dominance,
is to Lose LeftWing ego-liberated,
not interdependently ecocentric,
climate health EarthTribe prominence.

To Win/Win
breathes in and out transubstantiation,
just this here and now
appositional cooperative,
secular/sacred compassion.

such lack of re-attaching courage
to give voice to feeling needy
for shared compassion
with each other,
within our families, extended and nuclear,
within ourselves, eco-big and ego-small,
as with Earth's exterior healthier climate 
prospects for future familial regenerators
of all species,
and parties,
and local communities,
and global universities
of ecological/theological inter-relationships.

Book: Shattered Sighs